CFP: Let’s Get to Work: Bringing Labor History and the History of Science Together

Deadline: September 30, 2021

From the labor in laboratory to the science in scientific management, the histories of labor and science are marked by intimate connections—many of which still await reflection and historical analysis. To provide a forum for productive conversation between labor historians and historians of science and to help address the pressing scholarly and political questions they share, the Science History Institute’s 2022 Gordon Cain Conference will explore the entanglements of science and labor as they have emerged around the globe between the 16th century and today.

Download the full call for papers as a PDF here:…/labor_and_science_call…

Plans have been made for post-conference publication of selected papers. Some financial support is available for travel and accommodation costs. Further (competitive) travel grants are available for those who plan to do research using the Science History Institute collections. Interested applicants should submit an abstract of no more than 300 words and a brief autobiographical sketch (50–100 words) by September 30, 2021.

All questions and application materials should be sent to