Resource: Memoirs of Russian, E European, and Eurasian Women (Slavic Reference Service)

The Slavic Reference Service is pleased to share with you a curated digital collection, Memoirs of Russian, East European, and Eurasian Women ( This is a collection of women’s memoirs from the second half of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century that were included in I.I. Iukina’s phenomenal work, ‘Istoriia zhenshchin Rossii: Zhenskoe dvizhenie i feminizm v 1850-1920-e gody. Materialy k bibliografii’.  Our goal is to amplify reference sources in REEES and help improve the overall research experience of scholars. So far, there are 90 titles in the collection and we continue to add and curate this collection. 

If you have questions or would like to collaborate on this project, please reach out to us at