CFP: Literature and Poetry, NeMLA Convention

Deadline: September 30, 2021

Several Slavic sessions at the upcoming NeMLA convention in Baltimore, Maryland on March 10-13, 2022 may be of interest to you. All abstracts have to be submitted through the official NeMLA portal by September 30, 2021.

1. Dostoevsky and World Literatures. 
This panel examines Dostoevsky’s influence on 19th-century to contemporary authors and studies possible connections and textual echoes between Dostoevsky’s writings and other texts potentially related to his literary legacy. We invite abstracts devoted to the contemporary literary analysis of the chosen texts, as well as broader research on philosophical or theological issues central to Dostoevsky’s worldview and that continue to be discussed and re-examined today.
2. Shakespeare and Russia: Influence, Reception, and Adaptation. 
This seminar looks at Shakespeare’s reception in Russia; translations of Shakespeare into Russia (or into languages, such as French or German, that were then used by Russian writers); Shakespeare’s role in Russian fiction; and important Russian stage productions and films of Shakespeare’s plays.

3. Russian Poetry.A panel on any and all aspects of Russian poetry.

4. Post Colonial Post-Soviet: The USSR influence on Cultural and Literary Production. 
Literary and cultural critics often fail to consider the USSR within the context of postcolonial theory, though the country’s effect on surrounding regions and migration follows many of the same patterns as the imperial powers of Western Europe. This seminar aims to situate Soviet literature and other cultural products within a postcolonial context or to explain how postcolonial theory must be modified when applied in post-Soviet spaces.