Ural Federal University is glad to announce the publication of its handbook “LANGUAGE AND EDUCATION DURING THE COVID-19 – PANDEMIC – AN INTERNATIONAL APPROACH TO NEW PRACTICES AND ADAPTIONS”, which includes papers in English and Russian based on two round tables, which were held online in 2020 and 2021 at the Ural Federal University in Ekaterinburg, Russia.
It is available online here: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46509212
The book presents the results of analyses in different areas of Internet-communication and particularly in social networks with their great variety of functions for communication. Apart from this, materials are presented regarding the education and language during the COVID-19 pandemic with new approaches and adaptions. Based on materials in Russian, English, and German theoretical and practical aspects of linguistics and education are discussed by international scholars. The handbook is aimed at specialists in different areas of knowledge and also for everyone, who might be interested in questions about communication and education in the online environment.