Deadline: March 15, 2022
*Call for literature papers, roundtables, and posters for the U.S. delegation to the 2023 International Congress of Slavists, Paris, August 28–September 1, 2023*
The International Congress of Slavists particularly encourages literature specialists to participate in the upcoming International Congress, which will be held at the Sorbonne.
*Firm submission deadline for U.S. delegation: 15 March, 2022.* Please read the instructions in the link below carefully, as the eligibility criteria and requirements have changed significantly since the last Congress.
In particular:
1. It is no longer required by the American Committee of Slavists that applicants hold regular positions at academic institutions. Instead, an applicant must have a Ph.D. in a relevant discipline in hand by March 15, 2022, and be resident in the U.S., or be affiliated with or hold a Ph.D. from, a U.S. institution.
2. The International Committee of Slavists is no longer requiring publication of papers before the Congress itself, so there will be no U.S. delegation volume, and *no subvention/application fees*. Accepted applicants are expected to publish their 2023 Congress papers independently at any point before the submission deadline for the next Congress after 2023.
3. Four months before the 2023 Congress, by March 15, 2023, accepted applicants must submit either a copy of a published version of their Congress paper OR a 2- to 5-page summary of their paper (a paragraph for posters), which will be posted on the Congress website.
For more information: acs_call_for_papers.2023.final_.pdf (