CFP: Integration and Disintegration Processes in the Modern World

Deadline: December 8, 2021

Call for papers for a virtual conference this December in Ukraine

Topics of Interest and Call for Scientists and Scholar Submissions
The potential participants are invited to prepare a presentation that
covers a wide range of issues related to the integration and disintegration
processes, including the following:

  • Ukraine in the context of bilateral relations with key international
  • Integration processes in the theory of international relations.
  • Essence and causes of disintegration processes.
  • Disintegration processes in EU countries.
  • Brexit and its impact on integration processes in Europe.
  • Integration and disintegration processes in the post-Soviet space.
  • Phenomenon of separatism: theoretical and practical dimension.
  • Essence and manifestations of separatism in the post-Soviet space.
  • Separatism as a real or potential threat to the EU, the US, and other
    influential players.
  • Supporting separatism as a mechanism of destabilizing the situation at
    the local, regional and global levels.
  • Other related topics are welcome.
    Conference language: English