Prof. Dev: Gale Cengage Short Story Criticism Series

We are seeking specialists with academic affiliation to vet entries on Russian writers, short stories, or topics to be published in Short Story Criticism in the Literature Criticism Series published by Gale Cengage and produced by Layman Poupard Publishing.

Short Story Criticism reprints essays, articles and book chapters. Each entry of approximately 60,000 words is preceded by a brief (2000 word) introductory essay, a primary bibliography, and an annotated list of further readings.

Much of the work preparing the entry  is done by LPP editors, but we rely on academic specialists to recommend appropriate criticism to be reprinted and to vet our work for accuracy and appropriate coverage.  

Specifically we  request that vetters:

  • For the annotated list of criticism:

1. Provide an annotated list of some 10-15 published critical essays that represent the best or most representative criticism on the subject. (We use MLA style for citations.) We will seek to reprint these essays in the anthology section; what we cannot license, we will cite in a Further Reading list. Critical essays may include book chapters, journal articles, periodical publications.

2. Identify and provide an annotation for the best published biography and bibliography of the subject.

  • For the Introduction, which we will send for approval:

1. Check the introductory material we provide  for accuracy and sense.

2. Add any relevant new information to Biographical Information and Major Works sections of the introduction.

3. Provide a 1-2 paragraph discussion of critical trends that summarizes the material provided in the annotations.

4. Check the principal works list.

  • We will  include in the entry a primary excerpt from the subject’s (or subject) work . If the primary work is in the Public Domain, we can use up to 4,000 words, but if the work is still in copyright we are limited to 500 words. Please identify an appropriate excerpt and provide a brief (fifty words or so) annotation to introduce it.

Each entry is signed with the vetter’s name and academic affiliation. LPP will pay a $200 honorarium upon submission.

Please direct responses to