CFP: Deportation in East Central Europe in the 20th century – snapshots of invisible incarceration

Deadline: December 20, 2021

The Balkan History Association is preparing a volume dedicated to deportations in the twentieth century with a special emphasis on people deported as a result of totalitarianism. Hiding under the mask of an administrative measure, the authorities found the perfect way to punish civilians. Those persecuted (whether because of their ideas, ethnicity, religion or social standing) had to pay a huge price for not coping with the views of the authorities. Considered to be “dangerous elements”, deportees were forced to leave their homes together with their families, being allowed to take with them only few goods, their houses and possession being confiscated by the State. No matter of gender and age, men, women, children and old people were forced to start a one-way journey, in trains together with animals, towards an uncertain destination. Living under the blue sky for days, the deportees learned to build a new life for themselves. The conditions under which they had to live were harsh, many of those deported dying from starvation or disease. Somehow they found the strength not to give up and lived to tell their memories thus providing a better insight in the depth of this chaos.

Described as way of cleansing, deportations are considered to be a crime against humanity. Considered to be the darkest events of the contemporary history, they destroyed people’s moral values and self-confidence, the feeling of non-acceptance and exclusion being present in the deportees’ hearts years after they finally managed to return back home and reintegrate into the society. Nothing will compensatefor their suffering and loss, the feeling of having suffered injustice being permanent, but their stories should stay alive in the collective memory so that such atrocities never happen again.

In order to shed more light on the nature of this phenomenon and from the desire to contextualize and compare it with many other cases of cleansing all over the south-east Europe and neighboring areas, we invite authors to submit abstracts/papers with special emphasis on: atrocities of the First and the Second World War, ethnic cleansing, challenges facing stigma and discrimination, deportations in the light of International Law, Nazi and Stalinist terror, deportation of Roma, Jews and other persecuted minorities (from micro to macroscale), case studies and social perspectives, government acts, government ordinances and decisions regarding deportation, forms of resistance against state policy. The volume will be published by Peter Lang (Series “South-East European History”).

Submission procedure

Original manuscripts should be prepared according to the latest edition of the Chicago Manual of Style. Manuscripts must not have been published, nor submitted for publication or available on the Internet, elsewhere. Interdisciplinary work is particularly welcome. Please submit your proposal, including the title of your manuscript, an abstract (up to 300 words), and an author biography (up to 100 words) to all editors. The abstracts should include the research questions and purpose, the approach and main ideas, and results. No figures, tables, footnotes, or endnotes should be included in the abstract. Articles should not exceed 8,000 words in length including notes and references.


December 20, 2021: Submission of proposals

December 25, 2021: Notification of accepted proposals

March 15, 2022: Receipt of final chapters for peer-review

April 30, 2022: Revised chapters re-submitted to editors

June 30, 2022: Approved chapters submitted for publishing


Mihaela Martin (Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca),

Ludmila Cojocaru (Moldova State University, Chișinău),

Claudia-Florentina Dobre (“Nicolae Iorga” Institute of History, Bucharest),

Blagovest Njagulov (Institute for Historical Studies, Sofia),

Michael Sagatis (Balkan History Association),

Dallas Michelbacher (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum),