Acad. Job: Assistant Professor in Linguistics (Higher School of Economics, Moscow)

Deadline: January 9, 2022

The School of Linguistics in Moscow of the Higher School of Economics, Russiainvites applications for full-time, tenure-track positions of Assistant
Professor in Linguistics and related fields.
The general requirements for the tenure track positions are the following:
 – Candidates must hold a recent PhD in the field of Linguistics, which was
awarded over the last 5 years or received before starting work at HSE in a
relevant field by an internationally recognized university and has been
assessed by external reviewers as having the potential to pursue research that
is publishable in leading peer-reviewed journals;
 – Teaching experience at leading foreign universities is desirable;
 – Knowledge of Russian is not required as research and teaching are both
conducted in English. Therefore, fluent English is obligatory.
 – Preferred fields of specialization include theoretical linguistics,
language acquisition, computational linguistics, corpus linguistics,
electronic lexicography, typology, field linguistics, sociology, digital
humanities. However, qualified candidates in other subfields of linguistics
are also encouraged to apply. Knowledge of Russian is not required as teaching
and research are both conducted in English.

The successful candidate is expected to conduct high-quality research
publishable in reputable peer-reviewed journals with research support provided
by the University.

Tenure track positions are only available on a full-time, residential basis.

Overall, appointments are usually made for an initial three-year period
(starting September 2022) and, upon successful completion of an interim
review, contracts are normally extended for a further three years until the
tenure review.

HSE University provides excellent opportunities for international faculty. For
instance, we can offer a competitive salary (indexed to inflation annually and
subject to a 13% flat income tax), health insurance, travel support, research
support and other benefits. Since there is a key focus on generating high
quality research, the teaching load of newly hired faculty is low. All
individual terms of employment will be reflected in the offer letter.

Application Process:
Applications must be submitted online via the application link below.

Required Documents:
 – a CV
 – a statement of research interest
 – a recent research paper
 – 2 letters of recommendation

Learn more:

The deadline for the applications is January 9, 2022.

Application Deadline: 09-Jan-2022

Web Address for Applications:
Contact Information
        HSE University