CFP: Intergenerational Trauma in Refuge Communities

Deadline: January 31, 2022

Call for Chapter Proposals
Intergenerational Trauma in Refugee Communities

This book proposes to explore intergenerational/generational trauma, or ways in which trauma experienced by one generation affects the well-being of future generations, among refugee communities displaced throughout the world. The book will focus on legacy of trauma and how historical, cultural, and economic trauma affect survivors’ future generations. While trauma research literature documents single-episode effects of trauma, the long-term and intergenerational effects of traumatic experiences across refugee communities and cultural contexts is still a gap in the literature. This book seeks to include patterns and findings across disciplines, cultural contexts, and methodologies addressing how transmission of trauma occurs in specific refugee communities.


The Intergenerational Trauma in Refugee Communities has the following objectives:

1. To provide a comprehensive and interdisciplinary assessment of the effects and impact of transgenerational trauma in select refugee communities;

2. To discuss the definitions and concepts of intergenerational trauma, and the epistemological commonalities and/or discrepancies between global and locally- culturally sensitive perspectives of trauma across the generations;

3. To explore the main operative methods, representations, and social mechanisms of intergenerational trauma by refugee groups according to the context in which they operate and the related mnemonic structure within their respective communities.

Submission Procedure

Scholars are required to submit i) a circa 250-word proposal of their chapter, ii) a short biography, and iii) a list of 4-6 key words for the editors’ consideration by January 31, 2022. Proposals can be sent via email to and Editors will be in contact with applicants in the month thereafter with news about the outcome of the abstract review process. Eventual submissions will comprise of a no more than 6,000 word chapter (including references and figures). Full chapters are expected to be submitted by June 1, 2022.

Important dates

January 31, 2022: Proposal submission deadline

February 15, 2022: Notification of the outcome of proposal review process

June 1, 2022: First draft full chapter submission

November 1, 2022: Final draft of full chapter due

Please feel free to extend this invitation letter on our behalf to your esteemed and recommended colleague(s) active in this field of research.

For questions or more information, feel free to contact the editors:

Dr. Laura Kromják, Ph.D., Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary

Institute of Political and International Studies; Department of International Relations and European Studies

Phone: +36-1/372-2500/6867


Dr. Ajlina Karamehic-Muratovic, Ph.D.,Saint Louis University, MO, U.S.A.

College of Arts and Sciences; Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Phone: +1/314-977/3691


To learn more about our recently published book, please visit