Deadline: March 19, 2022
Nabokov and Curiosity The International Vladimir Nabokov Society invites paper proposals for the 2023 MLA Convention (San Francisco, January 5-8) for a panel session on the topic “Nabokov and Curiosity.” Proposals should examine some aspect of curiosity as a theme in Nabokov’s works or as an approach to reading them. Possible topics include: interest, attention to detail(s), and inquiry; puzzle solving; novelty, freshness, and wonder; exploring the hidden or unknown; scientific, metaphysical, or sexual curiosity; curiosity as care, compassion, tenderness (including readings of Nabokov via the feminist-originated “ethics of care”); incuriosity as moral blindness in Nabokov’s villains; etc. Please submit 250-word abstracts by March 19 to
“Toilers of the world, disband!”: Work, Freedom, and the Creative Act in Nabokov The International Vladimir Nabokov Society invites paper proposals for the 2023 MLA Convention (San Francisco, January 5-8) for a panel session on the topic of “Work, Freedom, and the Creative Act in Nabokov.” Proposals might examine one or more of the following topics: Nabokov on work, especially creative labor and its prerequisites (memory, imagination, freedom, play, etc.); jobs/joblessness in Nabokov’s fictions; Nabokov in or on academia (academic labor, themes, characters); working conditions of émigré life; issues of class, wealth, and poverty; responses/opposition to Marxism, collectivism, totalitarianism; self-reflexive or metafictional commentary on writing, literature, style, or process; the importance of freedom, play, leisure, or personal vision for homo poeticus and the act of creation. Please submit 250-word abstracts by March 19 to