Deadline: April 29, 2022
As area director in comparative literature and Slavic studies, I invite you to submit session proposals for next year’s Northeast Modern Language Association conference (NeMLA) at Niagara Falls (USA) to be held on March 23-26, 2023. At our last convention in Baltimore we already had several excellent sessions on Russian poetry and prose, and it would be wonderful to continue these conversations and to have a broader representation of the Slavic field at NeMLA. The deadline for Call for Session Proposals is April 29.
Please propose a session for inclusion in the Northeast Modern Language Association’s 54th Annual Convention in Niagara Falls, NY, March 23-26, 2023. Chair guidelines and information about session formats are available on our website.
Click here to propose a session!* The deadline is April 29, 2022.
*Abstract proposals will be accepted between June 15 and September 30.
The Thursday opening address will be given by Tim Dean. The Friday keynote event will be given by Anne Enright.
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