Study Abroad: Partnership for Russian, East European and Eurasian Folklore, Kazakhstan

Program Dates: August 10-23 2022 

Frustrated that you can’t travel to Russia this summer?  Consider Kazakhstan, home to millions of native Russian speakers in both urban and rural settings.

PREEEF is a non-profit that supports folklore expeditions to Eastern Europe and Eurasia.  We do this by  connecting volunteers with local scholars who welcome the extra hands in the field.

This summer PREEEF is collaborating with Dr. Alevtina Tsvetkova (Pavlodar State University) on an expedition to the Katon-Karagai District of East Kazakhstan.   The team will document songs, stories, rituals, oral histories, a honey festival and local lore. Most informants trace their descent from Old Believers who settled here 3 centuries ago.

Team members are welcome to pursue their own research interests. All members of the expedition have equal rights to the storage, processing, research and publication of collected materials.

Volunteers pay their own way plus a share of the expedition expenses.   Meals, transport, housing, translation and a bit of sightseeing are all included.   Volunteers are responsible for their own travel expenses before and after the expedition. 

Dates:  August 10-23 2022 

