Acad. Job: Seeking REE Professor (Wayne State University)

Deadline: Open

Wayne State University seeks to increase faculty who study the African Diaspora and the Department of Classical and Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures specifically looks for a candidate whose research covers Black Central and Eastern Europe. The candidate would teach language classes (Russian and/or Polish or a different Slavic language) and content classes about their research area in both Slavic Studies and Global Studies. The research could involve race and ethnicity in Central/Eastern Europe/Russia, migration to Eastern Europe/Russia, the African diaspora in Central/Eastern Europe and/or Russia, literature by multicultural authors from Central /Eastern Europe/Russia etc. The position is on the tenure-track and located in Detroit, MI.

Acknowledging the lack of diversity within our discipline, we particularly encourage minoritized candidates to apply. Experience working with a diverse student body is a plus. At this point, we will only need a CV. We may invite candidates for virtual talks further into the process.

We would greatly appreciate if you could also forward this inquiry to anyone who may be a good candidate. Please respond to me either, or to the list.