Call for Applications – Russian Global Academy

Deadline: August 31, 2023

The Russia Program at the George Washington University hosts The Global Academy initiative, an initiative launched by a DC-based consortium of three universities (GW, Georgetown, and American University). The Global Academy delivers short-term non-residential fellowships to Russian scholars in emigration, provides support for conference travel, and assists in editing and publishing scholarly work. 
Apply for a Short-Term Fellowship
What: Up to a 6-month fellowship for scholars working on Russian history or contemporary Russia in specialities including political science, sociology, political economy, law, international relations, anthropology, and cultural studies. Awards will total up to $5,000 (USD).
Who may apply: Academics who had a teaching and/or research academic position in Russia, or who had been enrolled in a PhD program in a Russian university until within the past year or so, and have since left the country. Fellows will be expected to produce a deliverable, such as an article or blog for publication or an online seminar.
How to apply: Fill out the online form below. Apply by Thursday, August 31.
Click here to apply for a short-term fellowship
Apply for Conference Support
What: Conference grants might cover fees for membership and registration, travel costs such as airfare or visa fees, and accommodation. For applicants unable to open a bank account in their host country, we can arrange to pay for hotel and plane ticket costs directly.
Who may apply: Academics in exile (those who had a teaching and/or research academic position in Russia, or had been enrolled in a PhD program in a Russian university until within the past year or so and have since left the country) who have been invited to speak at an upcoming conference.
How to apply: Please fill out the online form below. Apply by Thursday, August 31.
Click here to apply for conference support
Apply for Publishing Support
What: Publishing support will cover fees for professional editing once a paper has been provisionally accepted.
Who may apply: Academics in exile (those who had a teaching and/or research academic position in Russia, or had been enrolled in a PhD program in a Russian university until within the past year or so, and have since left the country) who have provisionally accepted journal submissions, pending editing.
How to apply: Please fill out the online form below. Apply by Thursday, August 31.
Click here to apply for publishing support
Applicants can apply to the three different awards simultaneously depending on their needs. An Advisory Board will review applications and grade them rapidly. Please apply by August 31 to hear back by mid-September.
For more information or questions about any of these opportunities, please reach out to You can learn more about The Russian Global Academy here.