CFP: Graduate Student Conference on the Cold War (George Washington University)

Deadline: Friday, February 9, 2024

Graduate Student Conference on the Cold War
May 2-4, 2024
Venue: The George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
The Cold War Group (GWCW) at The George Washington University (GWU), the
Center for Cold War Studies and International History (CCWS) of the University of
California at Santa Barbara (UCSB), and the Department of International History at the
London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) are pleased to announce the
2024 Graduate Student Conference on the Cold War. The conference will take place at
GWU in Washington, D.C. from Thurs. evening May 2 through Sat. evening May 4, 2024.

The conference offers an excellent opportunity for graduate students to present papers
and receive critical feedback from peers and experts in the field. We encourage
submissions by graduate students from around the globe working on any aspect of the
Cold War, broadly defined. Of particular interest are papers that employ newly available
primary sources or nontraditional methodologies as well as papers that explore new
To be considered, each prospective participant should submit a two-page proposal, a
two-page bibliography, and a brief academic CV all as one document in Word or pdf
format, to by Friday, February 9, 2024. Notification of
acceptance will occur by Thursday, March 7. Successful applicants will be expected
to email their papers (not longer than 25 pages) by Friday, April 12. The author of the
strongest paper will have the opportunity to publish it as an article in the journal Cold
War History.
The conference will begin on the evening of Thursday, May 2, and continue until the
early evening of Saturday, May 4. Students should not apply to the conference unless
they are prepared, upon admission, to attend the conference for its full duration. The
chairs and commentators of the conference sessions will be prominent faculty members
from GW, UCSB, LSE, and elsewhere. Accommodation in double rooms at a hotel near
GW’s campus will be covered by the program but travel to DC will not be. Students are
advised to check with their department or school about covering their travel expenses.
For inquiries, contact Prof. Hope M. Harrison,
In 2003, GW and UCSB first joined their separate spring conferences, and two years
later LSE became a co-sponsor. The three cold war centers now hold a jointly
sponsored conference each year, alternating among the three campuses. For more
information on our three programs, please visit our respective websites: