PhD Fellowship, Center for Peace Studies (Arctic University of Norway)

Deadline: September 16, 2020

Apply for this job at this URL:

Announcing A PhD fellow position available at the Centre for Peace Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Social Science and Education for applicants interested in obtaining the degree of Philosophiae Doctor in Critical Peace and Conflict Studies. The fellowship is connected to the THREAT-DEFUSER project in addition to being being affiliated to the UiT research groups PEACE, and War and Peace Dynamics.

This position will:

  • Examine the socio-political contexts in which language is embedded, and how these contexts provide meaning to how “threat” is understood using discourse analysis tools.
  • Apply discourse analyses on the central texts addressing hybrid threats to further identify threat-oriented language.
  • Understand the ways in which perceived threats are spread and manipulated in mass and social/digital media
  • Examine the role of general populations/civilians in the spread of threat perceptions using qualitative methods to gather data on how individuals in the focus countries receive, negotiate, and potentially repurpose or subvert allegedly radicalizing content disseminated in and through digital networks.
  • Against this background, socio-political implications will be identified with further strategies developed to address gaps in knowledge.
  • Write up results in dissertation/articles for scholarly journals.
  • Assist in production of a webpage and podcast series to disseminate results.
  • Assist in organizing conferences and outreach activities.

For further information about the position, please contact professor Gunhild H. Gjørv:
              – E-mail: