Literary Translation Summer School (University of Bristol, online)

Deadline: March 31, 2021 (early)

5–8 July 2021

Aimed at practising translators at any stage of their career and at language enthusiasts who want to explore the world of literary translation, Bristol Translates offers the opportunity to work with leading professional translators to translate texts across the literary genres into English. 


Arabic / Jonathan Wright
Catalan / Peter Bush
Chinese / Nicky Harman
Czech / Gerald Turner
French / Ros Schwartz
German / Ruth Martin 
Italian / Howard Curtis
Japanese / Angus Turvill
Portuguese / Daniel Hahn
Russian / Robert Chandler & Anna Gunin
Spanish / Rosalind Harvey

Due to the ongoing uncertainty around the pandemic, the 2021 course will be entirely online, comprising morning and afternoon workshops using a variety of texts including fiction and non-fiction. 

There will be three full days of translation workshops, and day four will be devoted to professional and networking sessions and includes discussion panels with editors and publishers and a practical talk on how to write a reader’s report. A highlight will be a presentation of Comma Press’s translation book list and business model, together with a translation competition offer. The winning entrant(s) will be offered a publication opportunity with Comma. 

We are delighted that the keynote lecture will be given by renowned poet and translator George Szirtes on ‘The Poet as Translator of Poetry and Fiction: or How to Mind One’s Own and Other People’s Business’, with respondent Amanda Hopkinson.


Since the workshops are all into English, it is essential that all applicants to the course have excellent command of English (mother-tongue level or language of habitual use) and superior proficiency in their source language.

We welcome applications from all members of our community and are particularly encouraging those from diverse groups, such as members of the LGBT+ and BAME communities, to join us.

Groups will be limited to a maximum of 10 students.

Scholarships available.

More Information