Academic Job: University of Alberta Visiting Professorship

Deadline to apply: February 28, 2019

Stuart Ramsay Tompkins Visiting Professorship

Applications are invited for the position of Stuart Ramsay Tompkins Visiting Professor at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. This is a nine-month appointment to be held jointly in the Departments of History and Classics, and Modern Languages and Cultural Studies (MLCS, home department for the appointee). The Visiting Professor will be expected to be in residence from August 26, 2019 to May 29, 2020, and will also be expected to participate in the intellectual life of the sponsoring departments.

The successful candidate will teach two one-term courses during the year in the area of expertise (available to students in either department), and give a minimum of two public lectures throughout the year. It is anticipated that the appointee will hold regular consultations with graduate students in related fields throughout the stay and serve as an ambassador for the program upon returning home.