Lang. Training: Warwick Translates Summer School

Deadline: April 17, 2019

“Warwick Translates Summer School” offers the opportunity to translate texts across the literary genres into English, working with leading professional translators. Groups will be limited to a maximum of 20 students to allow for individual attention. Places will be allocated on a strictly ‘first-come-first-served’ basis.

The course will be taught in an all-day workshop environment using a variety of texts including non-fiction (essays, journalism, academic) and fiction (poetry, fantasy, children’s literature, crime writing). Lunch time events will include discussion panels with publishers and editors. Evening events will include a Translation Slam and a keynote Lecture by Preti Taneja: ‘Translating Shakespeare in conflict and post-conflict zones: the challenge to “universal” human rights’.

More information and registration

Any questions: Please email Holly Langstaff:

Amanda Hopkinson & Ros Schwartz

Arabic – Ruth Ahmedzai Kemp
Catalan – Peter Bush
Chinese – Nicky Harman
French – Ros Schwartz
German – Katy Derbyshire
Italian – Howard Curtis
Russian – Robert Chandler
Spanish – Rosalind Harvey
Theatre (non-language-specific) – Paul Russell-Garrett

When: 6–10 July 2019

Where: University of Warwick

Cost: £495

Eligibility: The only requirement is that applicants are English mother-tongue level.