On the occasion of the thirty years’ anniversary of the fall of
communism, we have broadcast, on the Czech cable TV station
Regionalnitelevize.cz, exclusive interviews with Petr Pithart, the first
Prime Minister of the post-communist Czech Republic and a close
collaborator of Czechoslovak President Václav Havel:
(The interviews are in Czech with English subtitles)
Britské listy Interview 232: Petr Pithart: 1968 was the only time when
I believed that the world might be better
Britské listy Interview 233: Petr Pithart: Why were the Prague Spring
politicians such cowards?
Britské listy Interview 234: Petr Pithart: Post-invasion decades in
Czechoslovkia: An era of timelessness
See also:
Britské listy Interview 220: Petr Pithart about current threats to
democracy: ” I never thought that the past was so powerful”.