Language Training: Russian Studies Workshop (Indiana U.)

Deadline for applications: April 20, 2018

With the generous support of a major grant from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Russian Studies Workshop (RSW) at Indiana University (IU) is offering awards of up to $6500 to cover tuition/mandatory fees (approximately $3000), and living costs to eligible students who enroll in a 6-credit graduate Russian course in the IU Summer Language Workshop (SLW) during the Summer 2018 session.

Eligibility: Students who: 1) are entering a PhD program in a social science discipline at a US university in Fall 2018 or are currently enrolled in their first year of a PhD program in a social science discipline at a US university; and 2) intend to study Russian at any level in SLW from May 29 (1st-Year, 2nd-year)/June 4 (3rd-Year through 6th-Year) to July 27, 2018.

Deadline for submission for all materials: April 20 or until funds are exhausted Continue reading “Language Training: Russian Studies Workshop (Indiana U.)”

CFP: Journal of Romanian Studies (The Society for Romanian Studies)

Deadline for applications: Ongoing

The Society for Romanian Studies is pleased to launch a new biannual peer-reviewed journal in collaboration with Ibidem Press. The new interdisciplinary journal examines critical issues in Romanian Studies broadly conceived, linking work in that field to wider theoretical debates and issues of current relevance, and serving as a forum for junior and senior scholars.


The journal considers manuscripts that draw on various theoretical, conceptual and methodological perspectives as understood in disciplines ranging from history, political science, philosophy, law and justice studies, anthropology, sociology, ethnography, and education to literature, linguistics, economics, business, religious, gender, film and media studies, art history, and music. It considers theoretically informed manuscripts that examine political, socioeconomic and cultural developments in Romania and Moldova, the situation of their ethnic minorities and their relations with the ethnic majority, as well as the position, culture, and history of Romanians and Moldovans living outside the shifting boundaries of those countries. The journal also welcomes articles that connect Romania and Moldova comparatively with other states and their ethnic majorities and minorities, and with other groups by investigating the challenges of migration and globalization, changes and opportunities in international relations, and the impact of the European Union. Both articles with a historical focus and studies dealing with recent events will be considered.

The journal editors will consider the following types of manuscripts:
• original research articles (of up to 10,000 words, including bibliography)
• review articles (of up to 3,000 words, commenting on 2-3 books on a common theme)
• book reviews (of up to 1,000 words)

All submissions are subject to peer review. Special issues that group research articles on a common theme in Romanian Studies are welcomed. Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis. The first issue will be published in 2018. Continue reading “CFP: Journal of Romanian Studies (The Society for Romanian Studies)”

CFP: Conference on Language, Interaction and Culture (U. of California)

Deadline for application: January 15, 2018

The Center for Language, Interaction, and Culture GSA at UCLA and the Language, Interaction, and Social Organization GSA at UC Santa Barbara present the 24th Annual Conference on Language, Interaction, and Culture.

Submissions should address topics at the intersection of language, interaction, and culture. Potential topics and methodological approaches include, but are not limited to: conversation analysis, discourse analysis, ethnography of communication, ethnomethodology, interactional sociolinguistics, language ideologies, language socialization, and linguistic anthropology.

Date: April 5th – 7th, 2018
Location: University of California, Los Angeles
plenary speakers:
Anne Charity Hudley, University of California Santa Barbara, Linguistics
Barbara Fox, University of Colorado, Linguistics
Third speaker TBA

Abstracts for presentations and posters are welcome from all students, both graduate and undergraduate. Presentations that include video and/or audio recordings of naturalisticinteraction are encouraged. Speakers will have 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion. A subset of papers presented at the conference will be published in the conference proceedings, Crossroads of Language, Interaction, and Culture.

Abstracts are due no later than Monday, January 15th,  2018, by electronic submission only. The submission guidelines are provided on the attached Call for Papers as well as on the CLIC-GSA website:

Please email: clicgsa2018@gmail.comwith questions and/or comments.

Funding: Mitchem Dissertation Fellowship (Marquette U.)

Deadline for application: January 8, 2018

In 2002, Marquette established the Arnold L. Mitchem Dissertation Fellowship Program, intended to increase the presence of underrepresented ethnic groups by supporting doctoral candidates in completing their final academic requirement, the dissertation.

The fellowship provides a student from other U.S. universities with one year of financial support, including a stipend, fringe benefits, and research and travel funds. The fellow will be in residence at Marquette for an academic year, during which the recipient will teach one course in his or her area of specialization while completing his or her dissertation. The recipient will also participate in a formal mentoring program.

The fellowship is named in honor of Dr. Arnold L. Mitchem, who earned his doctorate from Marquette in 1981 and is an internationally recognized champion of educational opportunity. Mitchem founded Marquette’s Educational Opportunity Program and served as its director from 1969–86. Previously, he was president of the Council for Educational Opportunity in Washington, D.C.

Past recipients of the Mitchem Dissertation Fellowship

Continue reading “Funding: Mitchem Dissertation Fellowship (Marquette U.)”

Academic Job: Davis Center Visiting Scholar (Harvard)

Deadline for application: January 10, 2018

The application period for 2018–2019 postdoctoral fellowships runs from late October–January 10, 2018. Junior scholars whose research touches on the work of the Davis Center community are welcome to apply to the Fellows Program.

The Center will award Postdoctoral Fellowships within the framework of the 2018–2019 Fellows Program. More senior scholars with outside or sabbatical funding who wish to be in residence at the Davis Center in 2018–2019 should apply using the Visiting Scholar application.

Eligibility and Terms

  • For junior scholars who will have completed the Ph.D. or equivalent by September 2018, but no earlier than September 2013 (less than five years ago).
  • Stipend of up to $40,500 for 9 months or $54,000 for 12 months.
  • Scholars may apply to be in residence for 9 months or 12 months.
  • $5,000 in additional research funding.
  • Eligible for employee benefits (including subsidized health insurance).
  • Shared office space and borrowing privileges at Harvard libraries provided.
  • Citizens of all countries may apply. Continue reading “Academic Job: Davis Center Visiting Scholar (Harvard)”

Academic Job: Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (Stanford)

Deadline for application: January 11, 2018

Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

The Clayman Institute offers a two-year postdoctoral fellowship that focuses on the Institute’s current theme, “Beyond the Stalled Revolution: Reinvigorating Gender Equality in the Twenty-first Century.” Recent Ph.D.’s in all disciplines of the humanities and social sciences whose research centers feminist, women’s or gender studies are eligible. The Institute encourages scholars with a strong interest in interdisciplinary methods to apply. While in residence at the Institute, Postdoctoral Scholars are expected to participate in Clayman Institute activities throughout the academic year in addition to pursuing their own research.  The application will be available to access October 1, 2017 through January 11, 2018.

Clayman Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship Application

Application Deadline – January 11, 2018 midnight PST

For questions about the postdoctoral fellowship application, please see the Application Details.

Continue reading “Academic Job: Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (Stanford)”

Funding: Harry Starr Fellowship in Judaica (Harvard)

Deadline for application: January 17, 2018.

The Harvard University Center for Jewish Studies invites applications each academic year for the Harry Starr Fellowship in Judaica. Applicants may come from any discipline in the humanities or social sciences associated with studies in Judaica; junior faculty are especially encouraged to apply. PhDs are required.

The Harry Starr Fellowships were established by a bequest from the estate of Harry Starr, A.B. 1921, LL.B. 1924, who had a broad vision of academic Jewish studies and of their place in university programs in the humanities and the social sciences.

The Starr Fellowship covers travel expenses and a stipend for a group of scholars from around the world to gather at Harvard to engage in full-time research in a designated subject area in Judaica. By drawing together scholars from a variety of universities and a variety of disciplines within the humanities and social sciences, the Starr Fellows not only share their research with each other, but also with members of the Harvard community.

Residence in the Boston area and participation in the Center community are required during the fellowship appointment. All Starr Fellows must be in residence during the spring semester; full-year fellowships are also available. Fellows are expected to devote full-time study to their projects without undertaking any other major activities and will be asked to present their work-in-progress in a seminar during the spring semester.

Continue reading “Funding: Harry Starr Fellowship in Judaica (Harvard)”

Funding: Nancy Weiss Malkiel Scholars Award (WWNFF)

Deadline for application: December 1, 2017

The Nancy Weiss Malkiel Scholars Award Program is now accepting applications through December 1, 2017. This opportunity is for tenure-track faculty who are committed not only to research and teaching but also to building a more inclusive scholarly community. Applicants must have passed the midpoint tenure review and may not be going up for tenure during the award year (2018–19).

Supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and administered by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, the Malkiel Scholars Award offers a $17,500 stipend—$10,000 to be used for summer research support and $7,500 for research assistance during the academic year. While Malkiel Scholars may be working in any field of the humanities or social sciences, preference will be given to those whose work relates to 20th- and 21st-century American history, politics, culture, and society, with emphases including but not limited to African American issues, women’s issues, and/or higher education.

Please share this opportunity with colleagues who may be interested in and eligible for the Malkiel Scholars Program. Additional information is available online.

To download a brochure click here.

Academic Job: Visiting Professorships in East Central European Studies (Columbia U)

Deadline for application: January 01, 2018

Columbia University invites applications for two István Deák Visiting Professorships in East Central European Studies for one semester each (Fall or Spring) in the academic year 2018-2019. The professorship, commemorating Professor Deák’s legacy of excellence in research and teaching, is open to scholars who have active interest and accomplishments in East and Central European studies. ONE appointment will be at the rank of Visiting Professor. The second will be an open-rank appointment to be filled at any level from Visiting Assistant to Visiting Full Professor.

The visiting professors will be appointed in one of the Humanities or Social Science departments of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. The visitors will teach two courses, one a lecture course of broad interest for undergraduates, the other a seminar for upper-level undergraduates and graduate students. The visitors are expected to give one public lecture and participate in the academic life of the University, whose interests in East and Central European studies are well represented on campus by the East Central European Center, the European Institute, and the Harriman Institute.

Please provide a letter of application, curriculum vitae, the names of three persons who may be asked to provide a letter of reference, and a modest sample (article or book chapter) of scholarship. The letter of application should include a statement of which semester the applicant prefers, a list with the names and descriptions of two courses which the applicant might teach, and a description of the applicant’s current research interests.

All applications must be made through Columbia’s online Recruitment of Academic Personnel System (RAPS).

Review of applications will begin January 1, 2018, and will continue until the positions are filled.

Job: Senior Legal Advisor, OSCE Ukraine Monitoring Mission (DoS)

Deadline for application: November 12, 2017

PAE Government Services, under contract for the U.S. Department of State, is seeking applications from well-qualified U.S. citizens for the following position within the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE):

Senior Legal Adviser
Level: Middle Management
Area of Expertise: Rule of Law
Vacancy Number: VNSMUS00642
Duty Station: Kyiv, Ukraine
Apply by: 12 November for full consideration
View the job description:

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