Deadline: November 15, 2019
Please take a notice of this exciting job opportunity at University of Georgia, Athens:
The Department of History at the University of Georgia invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor in Russian history. The search committee welcomes applicants who study any period of Russian or Soviet History.
The successful candidate is expected to maintain an active research agenda, teach undergraduate and graduate courses (with a 2-2 teaching load), and contribute to departmental governance. We encourage applications from candidates who are proficient in Russian and are capable of teaching the occasional advanced history course in Russian. Applicants must have their PhD in History or related field conferred by July 30, 2020.
Applications should include a cover letter describing the candidate’s teaching and research interests, a current c.v., a chapter-length writing sample, and three letters of recommendation. Applications should be submitted at Applications are due November 15.
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