CFP/Conference: 9th International Conference on Language Documentation & Conservation (University of Hawai’i)

Deadlines: August 31, 2024 (Wkshps + Talk Story Sessions); September 30, 2024 (General Sessions)

The Department of Linguistics and the National Foreign Language Resource Center at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa are pleased to announce the…

9th International Conference on Language Documentation & Conservation:

Navigating new realities in diaspora communities

March 6-8, 2025

Honolulu, Hawai‘i, USA

One notable achievement of the modern language documentation and conservation movement has been the (re)centering of community in language work. Rather than viewing language as an abstract system, documentary practice increasingly begins with the community, is guided by the community, and contributes to ongoing maintenance of language in the community. At the same time the nature of community is changing. Global forces of migration and urbanization have resulted in the displacement of language teachers and learners from their traditional communities, and in many cases these diaspora communities are now larger than the original communities from which they arose. And yet, whether intentionally or not, the practice of language documentation and conservation has largely ignored the diaspora in favor of more traditional undisplaced communities. 

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CFP/Conference: Telling Stories about the Dark Past

Deadline: August 15, 2024

 Södertörns Högskola, Stockholm, 12-13 September, 2024

 Storytelling takes place everywhere: in books, films, songs, magazines, and everyday conversations, as well as in school textbooks, in museums, and in academic research. But some stories are difficult and nearly always incomplete: stories about the past, and especially, about atrocities in the past. This is particularly noticeable in Eastern Europe, where constructions or reconstructions of national historical memory remain controversial, sensitive, and contested. Memories of past events tend to be fundamentally political. Governments establish or close museums of national trauma, promote some interpretations of historical events while rejecting or even legislating against others, erect or dismantle statues of national heroes, and institute new days of national commemoration. This conference will explore different uses of stories of the past, in a number of different contexts (in media productions, educational settings, academia and politics). This two-day conference at Södertörns Högskola in Stockholm seeks to attract established scholars, early career researchers, and PhD students conducting research on the Baltic countries or Central and Eastern Europe (including the Balkans). 

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CFP: Ethics in Aesthetics in Times of Crisis (Princeton Graduate Student Conference)

Deadline: July 7, 2024

 Princeton University Graduate Student Conference, September 27-28, 2024

The Art of Answerability:

Ethics as Aesthetics in Times of Crisis

Co-organizers: Kathleen Mitchell-Fox, Melvin Thomas, Yazhe Yang, Princeton UniversityInter arma silent Musae (“in times of war the Muses are silent”) – does this phrase still ring true today? To paraphrase Adorno, is writing poetry after Auschwitz “barbaric?” What can or should art do in today’s world of high-speed intercultural communication and, moreover, in times of crisis? For Mikhail Bakhtin, art and life were supposed to “become united” in an act of aesthetic answerability. Answerability to what, or better yet, answerability to whom?

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Conference/CFP: ICCEES XI World Congress: ‘Disruption’

Deadline for Submissions: October 31, 2024

The International Council for Central and East European Studies (ICCEES) is proud to announce that its upcoming XI World Congress will be hosted by University College London around the theme of “disruption”. The regions covered by ICCEES are currently navigating a period of profound change and rupture, particularly in the aftermath of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Recent events have shown the need to disrupt conventional approaches to thinking about, studying, and researching these regions – their histories, cultures, languages, politics, economics, infrastructures, and societies.  Place-specific knowledge is as vital as ever in understanding how local and regional processes interact with transregional and global dynamics. At the same time, the need to reassess our methodologies, assumptions, and perspectives has never been more urgent. It is against this backdrop of transformation that we invite scholars, researchers, and practitioners to engage in conversations that push the boundaries of conventional understandings of past events and contemporary developments. 

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CFP: 22nd Annual Graduate Student Colloquium in Armenian Studies

Deadline: September 10, 2024

The UCLA Graduate Student Colloquium in Armenian Studies Committee invites current graduate students and recent graduates (MA or PhD within the last two years) to present their research at the 22nd Annual Graduate Student Colloquium in Armenian Studies on February 21, 2025. Research papers will be accepted on all aspects of Armenian studies, including but not limited to language, literature, history, gender studies, sociology, anthropology, economics, and art history. Papers that make use of comparative themes and interdisciplinary approaches are particularly encouraged.

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CFP: Baltic Sexualities in Global Perspective

Deadline: September 15, 2024

Baltic Study Group 


Baltic Sexualities in Global Perspective

31 October – 1 November 2024

The conference aims to bring together scholars from various disciplines who explore, theorise, and seek to address historical, social, legal, and political aspects of sexuality (of any historical period) within the  present day territories of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Sexuality is broadly defined as a range of emotional, physical, and psychological dimensions, characteristics, behaviours, and attractions that relate to a person’s sexual orientation, sexual activity, sexual identity, and sexual desires. Sexuality can involve, but is not limited to, sexual orientation (such as LGBTQ+ and/or asexuality), romantic attraction, and experiences of intimacy and pleasure. In addition, sexuality is inextricably linked to social/cultural norms and values, as well as legal and medical knowledge production.  

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Call for Proposals – Journal of Russian American Studies (JRAS)

Deadline: July 1, 2024

The Editorial Board of the Journal of Russian American Studies (JRAS) is planning to publish an anniversary issue dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Russian-American relations focusing on the year 1945.  This year, of course, marks the end of World War II / Great Patriotic War.  We are inviting scholars to contribute articles to be included in this anniversary issue that will be published in Summer 2025.  The specific theme of the article is up to the author, but it needs to focus on Russian-American relations in the year 1945 – (both broadly speaking).  The deadline for submitting proposals/abstracts is July 1, 2024.  In this part of the process, please submit a proposal or abstract of 100 words that describes your article.  In addition, please submit a c.v.  Both of these documents should be in Word or PDF form and as attachments to the following email address:

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CFP: History of Southeast Europe

Deadline: June 30 and November 30, 2024

For the two upcoming issues (Volume 83 and Volume 84), Southeast Research invites submissions from all areas of the history of Southeast Europe. The submission deadline for Volume 83 is June 30, 2024 , and for Volume 84, November 30, 2024 .

Südost-Forschungen is one of the oldest periodical publications on the history of Southeast Europe. Its first volume appeared in 1936; since then, the journal, which is published as a yearbook, has developed into one of the leading publications for German and international research on the history of Southeast Europe. For the coming year, Südost-Forschungen plans to switch from one yearbook to two issues per year.

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CFP: North American Dostoevsky Society Student Essay Competitions (Undergrad and Grad)

Deadline: June 3, 2024

The North American Dostoevsky Society (NADS) invites nominations for our biannual undergraduate and graduate essay competitions. The submission deadline is June 3, 2024; submissions are welcome on a rolling basis. Please see the details for both competitions below. For questions about the undergraduate competition, contact For questions about the graduate competition, contact

Undergraduate CFP

The North American Dostoevsky Society (NADS) invites IDS/NADS members in good standing to nominate outstanding undergraduate student essays on Dostoevsky-related topics for our biannual competition. (If you are not a member of IDS or NADS, you can join at Students are also welcome to nominate their own work, in which case IDS/NADS membership is not required. The topic is open; however, Dostoevsky and his works should be the main focus of the essay. The winner of the undergraduate contest will receive free membership in NADS for one year and a Dostoevsky-themed swag. The winner will also have the option to include their work in a proposal for an online undergraduate research panel. To submit a nomination, please send an email containing the student’s name, email address, institutional affiliation, and the title and level/number of the course for which the essay was written (e.g. BIOL 322 “Dostoevsky and Spiders”) to Vladimir Ivantsov at Please attach the essay to the email as a .pdf file containing no identifying information about the author.  The essay (in English or Russian) should be written for a course taken in the academic years 2022-23 or 2023-24. It should be no more than 4000 words, including footnotes and bibliography; 12 font size, double-spaced; it should consistently follow either MLA or Chicago style and contain full bibliographical information on the used sources, either in the footnotes or as a separate list of references. The deadline to submit a nomination is June 3 2024, 11:59 PM EST.

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CFP: Religion, Human Dignity, and Human Rights: New Paradigms for Russian and the West

Deadline: June 1, 2024

A Conference in Honor of Nikolai Berdyaev at 150

November 1-3, 2024

Keynote speakers:

November 1: John Witte, Jr., Robert W. Woodruff Professor of Law and McDonald Distinguished Professor at Emory University

November 2: Samuel Moyn, Chancellor Kent Professor of Law and History, Yale University

The Hamilton Center at the University of Florida and the Northwestern University Research Initiative in Russian Philosophy, Literature, and Religious Thought are calling for paper proposals for a conference on human rights and human dignity, held in honor of the 150th birthday of Nikolai Berdyaev, a Russian émigré who brought to Europe a Russian religious philosophy of freedom, dignity, and rights. The conference intends to bring together scholars from multiple regional and disciplinary perspectives to investigate the question of religion and rights, East and West. Conference participants should consider the option to produce papers suitable (in their final form) for publication in an eventual edited volume.

For more information, please see or

Please send paper proposals of approximately 250 words to Ana Siljak (, Randall Poole (, or Brad Underwood ( Proposals should be submitted by June 1, 2024.

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