CFP: Kentucky Foreign Languages Conference

Deadline: November 15, 2023

The annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference (KFLC) is pleased to invite scholars from all disciplines working in Slavic, Eurasian, and East European studies to submit proposals for individual papers and panels at its annual meeting, to be held this year from Thursday, April 18th through Saturday, April 20th. The Thursday session will feature virtual panels, while the Friday and Saturday sessions will be in-person.

Founded in 1948, the KFLC is one of the country’s longest-running literary, linguistics, pedagogy, and technology conferences, and we host over 650 participants annually. The KFLC has a tradition of attracting scholars from a broad range of languages and specializations. This year’s conference will have sessions in Arabic Studies, East Asian Studies, French and Francophone Studies, German-Austrian-Swiss Studies, Hispanic Linguistics, Hispanic Studies (Spanish Peninsular and Spanish American), Neo-Latin Studies, Luso-Afro-Brazilian Studies, Italian Studies, Russian and Slavic Studies, Second Language Acquisition, Translation Studies, and all fields of Linguistics. Plus, April is a fantastic time to visit the Bluegrass State (horse races, pleasant weather, and bourbon!). 

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Association for the Study of Eastern Christian History and Culture Conference

Deadline: December 11, 2023

The Ohio State University | February 1-3, 2024

Theme: The Body

The Association for the Study of Eastern Christian History and Culture, Inc. (ASEC) announces its tenth biennial conference to be held at The Ohio State University, February 1-3, 2024 (with a banquet on February 3rd). The theme is the body and Eastern Christianity, broadly conceived to address the relationship between faith and the corporeal, particularly regarding personhood, ability/disability, and healing.

Papers are also welcome that do not explicitly address these topics. Scholars from all disciplines are invited to participate.

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CFP: Expertise in Medicine and the Human Sciences during the 20th Century in Europe and Beyond

Deadline: December 15, 2023

Prague 16-18 May 2024

Expertise shapes modern societies, and the issues of health and normalcy form their core. That is why analyzing the disciplines of medicine and the human sciences – such as psychology, sociology, demography, and pedagogy – is helpful in understanding how modern societies function and change. There has been increasing interest in socialist expertise in recent years, and our research project, ExpertTurn, is part of that growing scholarly community. We focus on the human science expertise in East-Central Europe from comparative and transnational perspectives. We want to broaden our scope spatially and temporally during our conference. Thus, we call for papers analyzing human science expertise that circulated in Europe, whether it originated there or elsewhere, during the short 20th century (approximately from the interwar period to post-socialism, the 1920s-1990s). We encourage papers seeking connections across the borders of disciplines, countries, and time periods. 

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CFP: American Hungarian Educators Association Conference

Deadline: January 15, 2024

Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ USA, May 2- 4, 2024

The American Hungarian Educators Association (AHEA) will hold its 48th Annual Conference in person at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA. We welcome participation by academics, independent scholars, and graduate students interested in Hungarian culture, history, literature, linguistics, sociology, anthropology, political science, education, folklore, fine arts, music, and other related disciplines.  

This year’s conference theme is: Reimagining Boundaries: Hungary and Hungarians in a Global Context

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CFP: Transformations of Postwar Europe: Medicine, Bodies, and Technologies

Deadline: October 31, 2023

ERC Synergy Grant Project Leviathan, Horizon 2020; GA 854503


Dates: 28 – 30 May 2024
Location: Sofia, Bulgaria

Download PDF document: HERE

The postwar era was marked by the rapid growth of technologies that developed in different social, economic, and political contexts on both sides of the Iron Curtain. Was this development dependent on the specific contexts and how? Or, was it a universal tendency establishing itself regardless of the ideological settings? Did technology playback on ideology? Could it reshape political utopias and institutional practices? The conference aims to explore the transformation of post-war Europe through the lens of medicine, care and related technologies, thus contributing to a deeper understanding of the changing concept of care and hence the changes in relationships between the individual, the society, and the state. Based on the assumptions of the ERC-funded LEVIATHAN project, the emphasis is on the interconnectedness of Europe, on the entangled history that involves different forms of interaction – intersections, exchanges, competition, conflicts – between “the blocs”, between different societies and states.

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CFP & Graduate Essay Competition: 44th Annual NESEEES Conference

Deadline: January 12, 2024

NESEEES Conference: Call for Papers and Panels

The North East Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (NESEEES) Executive Board invites proposals for individual papers and complete panels for the 44th annual NESEEES conference.

The conference will be held in New York City on Saturday, April 6, 2024, at the Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia (New York University). Details on the conference format and procedures will be provided to registered participants. The registration fee is $40 ($25 for students).

Scholarly papers and panels are welcome on any aspect of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies. Proposals for complete panels of thematically related papers are strongly encouraged. Recommendations for discussants and chairs are not required for panel proposals but are invited and will be taken into consideration.

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CFP: Rethinking Post-Socialist War(s): Comparative Dimensions of the War in Ukraine (Justus Liebig University Giessen)

Deadline: October 20, 2023

We would like to draw your attention to the CfA for the interdisciplinary conference “Re-Thinking Post-Socialist War(s): Comparative Dimensions of the War in Ukraine (2014-2024)” to be held at Justus Liebig University Giessen on March 8-10, 2024. The conference is a collaborative effort between the joint project UNDIPUS at JLU Giessen (funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research) and the IMS Research Centre “Ukraine in a Changing World” at Charles University in Prague. 

To take part in the conference, please send your application until October 20, 2023 to (Dr. Oleksandr Chertenko) and/or (Dr. Valeria Korablyova). A panel proposal with three to four paper presentations could be submitted, too.  The organizers will be able to cover the traveling and accommodation costs of the contributors. We also envisage publishing a post-conference open-access edited volume with extended versions of selected papers. For the concept of the conference and details on how to apply please check here.

CFP: Twenty-third Annual Czech and Slovak Studies Workshop (UT Austin)

Deadline: December 1, 2023

The Twenty-third Annual Czech and Slovak Studies Workshop, which will be held at the University of Texas at Austin on February 23-24, 2024, welcomes papers on Czech and Slovak topics, broadly defined, in all disciplines. In the past our interdisciplinary conference has drawn participants from colleges and universities in the United States and abroad. Areas of interest have been: anthropology, architecture, art, economics, education, film, geography, history, Jewish studies, literature, music, philosophy, politics, religion, society, sociology, and theater. Work in progress is appropriate for our workshop format. Junior faculty and advanced graduate students are particularly encouraged to apply. Hotel accommodation will be provided for participants who are presenting at the workshop.

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CFP: Sergei Parajanov at One Hundred: Chimeras of Nation, Form, and Being (University of Southern California)

Deadline: September 15, 2023

In his interview with Ron Holloway, Parajanov proclaimed that he was a chimera, a being inscrutable to others but also uniquely able to look ahead and beyond all constraints. The chimera, a mythological figure comprising parts of different bodies, emblematizes both the possibilities of imagination and the impossibility of categorization and control. It poses a challenge to homogeneity, fixity, swift legibility and intelligibility by re-constellating the known to produce aesthetic wonders that are always in excess of the sensible. A slap in the face of propriety and pure reason, a blow to scientific and epistemological certainty, the chimera boldly transcends limiting constructions and strictures. And for those very same reasons, the chimera is often subject to suspicion, fear, and persecution. 

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Call for Papers: Teaching the Languages of Central and Eastern Europe: Adapting to the Post-Pandemic World 

Deadline: September 30, 2023

NeMLA 2024 panel (March 7-10, 2024, Boston, MA) 

This panel is looking for presentations about innovations that college instructors of Central and Eastern European languages have been implementing in order to make language and culture courses relevant and meaningful in the era of post-Covid and the war in Ukraine. How has the pandemic changed our methodology and pedagogy? What approaches and techniques do we take with us? What practices do we discard? In what areas do we innovate and what are successful innovations? How do we adapt to different student expectations and experiences in face-to-face, remote or hybrid courses? What has the pandemic made obsolete, a “surplus”, in our courses? How has the war in Ukraine influenced our curriculum? 

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