CFP: International Workshop “Witnessing the Now: Challenges of Emergency Documenting and Archiving in a Comparative Perspective”

Deadline: November 13, 2022

We are now inviting paper proposals for the international workshop “Witnessing the Now: Challenges of Emergency Documenting and Archiving in a Comparative Perspective”, that will take place in Warsaw, 23-25 February, 2023.

The escalation of Russian aggression against Ukraine – an attack launched almost all over its territory in February 2022 – has triggered numerous initiatives documenting the atrocities of the Russian aggressors and the experiences of refugees in and out of that country. The project “24.02.2022, 5 am: Testimonies from the War” was initiated by the Center for Urban History in Lviv and, apart from Ukraine, is now being implemented in Poland, Luxembourg and Scotland. Reaching the mid-term point in the process of testimony gathering, we would like to share our experience with colleagues carrying out similar projects, encourage the exchange of knowledge and know-how and initiate discussion about methodological and ethical problems of emergency documenting and archiving.

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NeMLA 2023 CFP: Mythology of Historical Trauma and National Healing in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russian Cinema

Deadline: September 30, 2022

Please consider taking part in the panel on historical trauma and national healing at the NeMLA conference in Niagara Falls, NY, March 23-26, 2023.

Panel Title: “Mythology of Historical Trauma and National Healing in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russian Cinema.”

Description: This panel reflects on the cinematic representations of historical traumas in Soviet and post-Soviet cinema and their impact on the Russian collective memory and national identity.

From the final years of the Soviet Union and up to the present, Russia has been struggling how to address the problem of its “usable past” (Van Wyck Brooks) by reconciling the need for national atonement for its bloody history with the national pride for the astounding resilience of its people. Cinematic attempts to process historical traumas and possibilities for national healing (such as Abuladze’s “Repentance,” Lungin’s “Battle for Afghanistan”, Konchalovsky’s “House of Fools,” German’s “Khrustalyov, my car!” among others) expose the unresolved national identity crisis. Mythology of historical traumas on the screen is typically represented in two ways: it either solidifies the state narrative and serves its political agenda or it is reassessed in films, frequently festival films, that are often rejected by Russian mass audience as West-oriented because of the perceived national self-flagellation and belittlement.

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CFP: Out of the USSR – Traveling Women, Traveling Memories

Deadline: November 1, 2022

2-3.2.2023 University of Turku, Finland 

Travelling has always been connected with fundamental social and political changes taking place in societies. Throughout history, one of the countries that people have chosen to leave, move away or have been expelled from, but also a country which they have been going back to, is Russia/the Soviet Union. There is an obvious link between the large transformations that have taken place in Russia since the time of perestroika in the 1990s until the ongoing war in Ukraine and the restrictions of civil rights such as freedom of speech, and the increased mobility out of Russia. 

The conference takes these transformations as starting points in examining how individuals reflect on and recall the Soviet/Russian home country in literary presentations, addressing the history of mobility, emigration, family, gender, ethnic or religious background in face of their collective memory in their new place of residence. The meeting points for the proposals are the concepts of travelling/mobility/exile and (post-, trans-/cross-cultural) memory. The focus is on women’s fictional texts and memories from the 1980s until today that allow the presentations to address and to acknowledge [e]migrating women writers as mediators of ideas and memories in trans-/cross- cultural contexts. The aim of the conference is to focus on gender in the process of the transformation of cultures through ideas that travel, and to pay special attention to women’s contribution to the cultural transfer and mobility of ideas and memories which have not been sufficiently studied and documented. We expect presentations addressing published fictional texts by women who have moved from the Soviet and Russian territories into new areas, and by writing they have created and processed memories of moving and of resettling in a new country/location of residence. We are especially interested in memories of women emigrants and travellers to the Nordic countries, Germany, Great Britain, the US, France and Israel. 

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CFP: NeMLA 2023

Deadline: September 30, 2022

The 2023 NeMLA convention (March 23-26, Niagara Falls, New York) will include NINE panels on Slavic topics. I am organizing one of them, on contemporary Russian-American fiction, and invite you to submit proposals. ALL PAPER PROPOSALS MUST BE SUBMITTED VIA NeMLA’s ONLINE PORTAL: The panel abstract is pasted below.

Deadline for abstracts: September 30, 2022

Panel to be finalized: October 15, 2022

For more information about NeMLA, see this page:

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CFP: Kentucky Foreign Language Conference (KFLC)

Deadline: November 1, 2022

The Kentucky Foreign Language Conference (KFLC) is pleased to invite scholars from all disciplines working in Slavic, Eurasian, and East European studies to submit proposals for individual papers and panels at its annual meeting to be held from Thursday, April 20 through Saturday, April 22. The Thursday session will feature virtual panels, while the Friday and Saturday sessions will be in-person — and April is one of the pleasantest times of year to be in the Bluegrass state.

Abstracts are invited in all areas and aspects of this field, including, but not limited to:

  • Innovations in Teaching Language and Culture 
  • Literature, Linguistics, Folkore or Digital Culture 
  • Visual Arts, Cinema Studies, Music, Media, Dance or Performance Studies 
  • Historical, Social and Political Contexts  

Individually submitted abstracts should be no more than 250 words. We will also consider proposals for panels of up to 5 papers. The panel proposal cannot exceed one page in length and should include the theme of the panel, the organizer’s name, and contact information, in addition to the names, contact information, and affiliations of the panel participants. Each participant must submit an individual abstract using our online system. 

Visit <> to learn more about the conference, create an account, and upload your abstract by 11:59pm on Tuesday, November 1, 2022.

CFP: Baltic Research Forum 2022

Deadline: September 19, 2022

3rd Annual Baltic Research Forum

When: October 13-14, 2022

Where: Online through Zoom

Register –

The Baltic Sea Region is home to numerous cultures and societies. Through interdisciplinary scholarly discussions, the Slavic Reference Service and the Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies seek to bring together scholars in all disciplines and stages of the research process to discuss the theme of Nation and Sovereignty. Individual papers, panels, and roundtables may take on the many facets, forms of expression, ecosystems, and perspectives that shape the idea of a nation-state and sovereignty.

Graduate students, policy researchers, postdocs, and recent graduates in all disciplines are especially encouraged to submit proposals. You can upload a 250-word abstract here –

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CFP: Russian Modernism and The Higher Plane (Experiment Journal)

Deadline: December 1, 2022

At the turn of the 20th century, Russian and Western intellectuals were much taken by the mystical, the enigmatic, and the transcendental, not least, Helen Blavatsky with her Theosophical quest and Rudolf Steiner with his elaboration of Anthroposophy— the latter, according to Nikolai Berdiaev, being “one of the most interesting tendencies… attracting cultivated people such as Viacheslav Ivanov and Andrei Belyi.”  By the early 1880s Russian translations of occult authors, such as Louis Jacolliot, Charles Richet, and Frank Podmore were already appearing, Russian writers like Aleksandr Butlerov with his “Stat’i po mediumizmu” and Aleksandr Aksakov with his Animizm i spiritizm following rapidly . Esoteric periodicals  Rebus, Izida, and Vestnik Teosofii also mushroomed, coinciding with new interpretations of Orthodoxy as well as scientific investigations into the human psyche and the nervous system. In particular, mental illness, as another state of consciousness, formed a cardinal subject of both scholarly and artistic inquiry, a tendency which left a deep imprint on writers such as Leonid Andreev, Anton Chekhov, and Vsevolod Garshin.

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CFP: Surveillance, Security and State Institutions (Babes-Bolyai University; Cluj-Napoca, Romania)

Deadline: October 10, 2022

The importance of surveillance, security and state institutions lie at the core of key debates in the academia, politics, journalism and in various professional fields. The multiplication of criminal activities, political crises or terror attacks determined the state institutions to use intensively surveillance as an instrument for thwarting security threats. This reality along with the technological evolutions stimulated the emergence of surveillance societies in which surveillance is used in every social sector and individuals cannot escape it. These evolutions generated multiple controversies and raised questions such as: How can security be defined today? What is the meaning of contemporary surveillance? Is surveillance conducted to achieve security objectives? Are the state institutions that perform surveillance upright? Why does contemporary surveillance affect the privacy of the individuals? The relevance of these questions increased significantly especially during the COVID-19 pandemics when most of the world’s governments increased the number of surveillance policies and practices for combating the spread of the virus. 

This conference aims to bring together works addressing any of these questions and some other points that relate to surveillance, security and state institutions. The contributions could include but not be limited to contemporary approaches of surveillance and security, the linkage between surveillance, security and state institutions, the dangers of surveillance, the uprightness of state institutions and the individuals’ attitudes towards surveillance. Papers can cover any country or region of the world, there are no limitations in terms of geographical focus.

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CFP: Slavic Literary Studies Deconstructed – Translating Ukraine

Deadline: October 20, 2022

CfP Announcement:

The Hryhoriy Kochur Department of Translation Studies and Contrastive Linguistics, Department of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature Studies in partnership with the Center for Academic and Cross-Cultural Communication of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv under the co-organizational support of Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences cordially invite you to participate in the international e-conference SLAVIC LITERARY STUDIES DECONSTRUCTED: TRANSLATING UKRAINE (November 7-8, 2022) that aims to revisit the role, positioning and impact of Ukrainian studies that stood for decades – together with Polish, Czech and Slovakian scholarship – in the shadow of Russian studies within the world leading Slavic academic centers.

As the research community strives for in‐depth investigations into this unduly neglected situation, some researchers have rightly expressed concerns over the academic rigor and trustworthiness of modern Slavic studies with its unequal if not manipulative representations of cultures. Numerous departments of “Russian and Slavic Studies” inviting students to acquire knowledge of Russian literature, culture and language with the elements of other Slavic cultures seem to view the latter as the Other, which, in Said’s sense, is constrained within the frames of imperial knowledge imposed by Russia.

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CFP: Modernity Bottom-Up – How Popular Perceptions and Practices Changed the Ideas of Modernity (Hungarian Historical Review)

Deadline: September 30, 2022

The Hungarian Historical Review welcomes articles, proposals for thematic blocks (3-4 papers), and proposals for entire special issues (5-6 papers) in any topic pertaining to the history of the broadly defined East-Central and Southeastern Europe. Authors of articles are expected to submit their manuscript that consists of 8 to 10 thousand words (including abstract, keywords, notes, and bibliography). Prospective editors of blocks or special issues are expected to submit the titles and abstracts of the papers and a short summary that explains their coherence. All submissions shall be sent to More at Submission guidelines.

Call for Journal Articles


The Hungarian Historical Review ( invites submissions for its first issue in 2023, the theme of which will be

Modernity Bottom-Up: How Popular Perceptions and Practices Changed the Ideas of Modernity 

The deadline for the submission of abstracts: September 30, 2022.

The deadline for the accepted papers: November 30, 2022.

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