CFP: MLA 2023

Deadline: March 28, 2022

1. “At Work and at Play: Opera, Musical Performance, and Reflections on (Creative) Labor”

(this is the Opera and Musical Performance Forum’s guaranteed session)

This panel engages with the relationship between work and art, labor and creativity. How do labor conditions influence the production, economics, and industry of opera and musical performance? How do pandemics impact this labor?

Deadline for submissions: Monday, 28 March 2022

Naomi E. Morgenstern, U of Toronto ( )

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CFP: Anglo-Russian Research Network Conference (University of Exeter)

Deadline: May 6, 2022

The Anglo-Russian Research Network (ARRN) is pleased to announce a conference to be held in-person at the University of Exeter on Thursday 21-Friday 22 July 2022.  

We welcome proposals for panels and individual papers on any aspect of Anglo-Russian cultural relations, broadly defined, from the late nineteenth century (c. 1850 onwards) to the present day, and from all relevant disciplines, including, but not limited to:  

– History 

– Art history 

– Literary, translation and reception studies 

– Film studies 

– Migration/diaspora studies 

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CFP: “Communication on the Internet: sociality, emotiveness and narrative of new communication forms in the digital environment”

Deadline: April 5, 2022

The Conference will be organised online on May, 20-21, 2022 at the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov in Arkhangelsk, Russia. 

Communication on the Internet is special due the constant emergence and change of types and tools of communication. People start to use new forms of communication like stories, live streaming of events or write digital narratives. Some forms are used or broadcast constantly, thereby contributing to the development of a new Internet culture. Some forms of communication change and become an integral part of the Internet culture, while others are forgotten quickly or simply disappear in the fast flow of information on the Internet. 

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CFP: Romanian Journal of European Affairs

Deadline: April 15, 2022

Please find below a Call for Papers for the June 2022 issue of the Romanian Journal of European Affairs. Please address your questions regarding the CfP at

Romanian Journal of European Affairs 

The first Romanian academic publication focused on European topics

The Romanian Journal of European Affairs (RJEA), edited by the European Institute of Romania, welcomes submissions for the next issue, due to be published in June 2022. 

This year, the editorial policy includes analyses on topics such as: climate change, energy, digital transformation, economic and monetary affairs, single market, social policies. 

Contributions regarding the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for different European policies are expected. 

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CFP: Surveillance, Security, and State Instiutions (Babes-Bolyai University; Cluj-Napoca, Romania)

Deadline: March 30, 2022

-11 June 2022, Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

The conference is intended to take place face to face. Depending on the COVID-19 regulations, we may host it in a hybrid or completely on-line format.

The importance of surveillance, security and state institutions lie at the core of key debates in the academia, politics, journalism and in various professional fields. The multiplication of criminal activities, political crises or terror attacks determined the state institutions to use intensively surveillance as an instrument for thwarting security threats. This reality along with the technological evolutions stimulated the emergence of surveillance societies in which surveillance is used in every social sector and individuals cannot escape it. These evolutions generated multiple controversies and raised questions such as: How can security be defined today? What is the meaning of contemporary surveillance? Is surveillance conducted to achieve security objectives? Are the state institutions that perform surveillance upright? Why does contemporary surveillance affect the privacy of the individuals? The relevance of these questions increased significantly especially during the COVID-19 pandemics when most of the world’s governments increased the number of surveillance policies and practices for combating the spread of the virus. 

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CFP: Exclusions – Nationalities Affairs

Deadline: March 31, 2022

CFP for the new volume Sprawy Narodowościowe Seria Nowa / Nationalities Affairs (SNSN): EXCLUSIONS

“All paradises are designed by the people who are not allowed in”: Exclusion in and beyond Central Europe. Volume 54 of the journal will discuss the experiences, appearances and narratives of exclusion.

Our website:  

Please find attached detailed information about the volume.

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CFP: Redefining Borders and Peripheries in Central Asia and the Far East

Deadline: March 15, 2022

Virtual conference, May 23–24, 2022

See below or for more details.Call for Papers

The issue of borders has long been contested in Central Asia and the Far East with present-day consequences stretching from academic theorizations to military confrontations. These debates often fixate on the role of the state in drawing and fortifying boundaries with skewed historical arguments about glorified national pasts and anxieties about the future, often overlooking the complicated meaning and nuanced context in which borders are formulated. The outdated approaches, underpinned primarily by colonial and Eurocentric perspectives, have long limited directions in research, and necessitate rethinking and reformulation.  
The purpose of the conference is to critically interrogate these conventional narratives and rethink the role of borders through a historical and anthropological perspective. By challenging the preoccupations around divisions and boundaries, the conference invites participants to consider the importance of hubs and mobilities throughout the modern age. We hope to bring together histories and ethnographies of mobility and the everyday in Central Asia and the Far East to challenge narratives of the periphery and frontier that continue to frame the region.

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CFP: Decolonizing Eastern European Studies

Deadline: March 20, 2022

Decolonizing Eastern European Studies – Knowledge as an Object of Inquiry

May 13, 2022 (virtual)

Calls for decolonization have become a mainstream politics in contemporary academia: rethinking epistemology, destabilizing the canon, and challenging existing institutional structures. Eastern European Studies is no exception and numerous scholars wish to work toward a more relational, hybrid, and plural vision of the field. But what does it mean to decolonize Eastern European Studies? What is to be gained by decolonizing Eastern European Studies? How can this intellectual project advance our understanding of the region?

This interdisciplinary workshop invites proposals from advanced PhD students who are currently working on a publishable piece or a dissertation and are interested in rethinking epistemology and exploring the systems of knowledge production in and about Eastern Europe broadly understood. Some of the topics may include:the role of scholarship produced in the region and its languages for rethinking the interdisciplinary field of Eastern European Studies,  the relation between knowledge production and politics,  prospects and challenges of decolonial methodology,  the role of the canon in sustaining systems of knowledge control, epistemological tensions and contradictions in studying the region, the relation between memory and history in decolonizing Eastern European Studies, access to and dissemination of knowledge,  knowledge production in the moment of political and social change, challenges and prospects of comparative research in and outside the region.

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CFP: Nabakov Panel at MLA 2023

Deadline: March 19, 2022

Nabokov and Curiosity  The International Vladimir Nabokov Society invites paper proposals for the 2023 MLA Convention (San Francisco, January 5-8) for a panel session on the topic “Nabokov and Curiosity.” Proposals should examine some aspect of curiosity as a theme in Nabokov’s works or as an approach to reading them. Possible topics include: interest, attention to detail(s), and inquiry; puzzle solving; novelty, freshness, and wonder; exploring the hidden or unknown; scientific, metaphysical, or sexual curiosity; curiosity as care, compassion, tenderness (including readings of Nabokov via the feminist-originated “ethics of care”); incuriosity as moral blindness in Nabokov’s villains; etc.  Please submit 250-word abstracts by March 19 to  
“Toilers of the world, disband!”: Work, Freedom, and the Creative Act in Nabokov  The International Vladimir Nabokov Society invites paper proposals for the 2023 MLA Convention (San Francisco, January 5-8) for a panel session on the topic of “Work, Freedom, and the Creative Act in Nabokov.” Proposals might examine one or more of the following topics: Nabokov on work, especially creative labor and its prerequisites (memory, imagination, freedom, play, etc.); jobs/joblessness in Nabokov’s fictions; Nabokov in or on academia (academic labor, themes, characters); working conditions of émigré life; issues of class, wealth, and poverty; responses/opposition to Marxism, collectivism, totalitarianism; self-reflexive or metafictional commentary on writing, literature, style, or process; the importance of freedom, play, leisure, or personal vision for homo poeticus and the act of creation. Please submit 250-word abstracts by March 19 to

Worldwide Dostoevsky Video Competition

Deadline: March 31, 2022

In honor of the Bicentennial of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky’s birth, the 150th anniversary of the novel Demons (Devils or The Possessed), the 50th anniversary of The International Dostoevsky Society (IDS), and the XVIIIth Symposium of the IDS, planned for 22-27 August 2022 in Nagoya, Japan,  the IDS announces an international video competition, open to filmmakers worldwide.

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