International 5-minute video competition: Dostoevsky’s “Бесы”

Deadline December 20, 2021

In honor of the Dostoevsky Bicentennial, the 150th anniversary of the novel «Бесы» (DemonsDevils or The Possessed), and the 50th anniversary of the International Dostoevsky Society (IDS), the IDS announces an international competition of 5-minute videos relating to the novel. The grand prize is a free trip to the XVIII Symposium of the IDS, Nagoya, Japan, 4-8 March 2022. 

All details and the submission form can be found at the IDS/NADS website:

CFP: AATSEEL Stream: Russian Poetry and Poetics

Deadline: August 15, 2021

Russian Poetry and Poetics

Poetry has been a key genre in many different periods of Russian literature, from the first intentionally literary attempts in the eighteenth century to the Golden Age of Pushkin, from the modernist proliferation of the early twentieth century to today’s globally distributed Russophone poetry. This stream aims to bring together scholars working on poetry today, to showcase and share new approaches to a wide range of poetic material. It features two panels exploring different aspects of Russian poetry: first, issues of poetics and stylistics, such as versification, figures of speech, and imagery, so as to explore how these aspects contribute to convey a poem’s meaning. The second panel considers pre-nineteenth-century elements in twentieth- and twenty-first-century poems, rooting them in their cultural background and illuminating links between distinct literary epochs.

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CFP: AATSEEL Stream: Carceral States in Slavic and East European Studies

Deadline: August 15, 2021

Welcoming proposals for a 2022 AATSEEL stream’s roundtable that will address approaches to teaching prison literature in classrooms and the practice of academics teaching literature in prisons.
Submissions are due by August 15 and should be made through the AATSEEL website.

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CFP: Screening Youth, Cinematic Representation of Youth During the Soviet/Post-Soviet Period

Deadline: August 20, 2021

Proposals are invited for a thematic cluster of articles to appear in Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema on the topic of “Screening Youth,” to be published in early 2023; guest editor, Jenny Kaminer (Associate Professor of Russian, UC-Davis). Papers analyzing any aspect of the cinematic representation of youth during the Soviet- or post-Soviet periods—including close analyses of individual films or directors, as well as broader considerations of sociocultural and political questions—are welcome. Submissions that situate Soviet and/or Russian representations of youth on screen in the context of international cinematic trends are particularly welcome.

Please submit a short proposal (~200 words), along with a 1-page cv or short bio, to, by August 20, 2021.

Final submissions will be due by January 15, 2022.

CFP: Let’s Get to Work: Bringing Labor History and the History of Science Together

Deadline: September 30, 2021

From the labor in laboratory to the science in scientific management, the histories of labor and science are marked by intimate connections—many of which still await reflection and historical analysis. To provide a forum for productive conversation between labor historians and historians of science and to help address the pressing scholarly and political questions they share, the Science History Institute’s 2022 Gordon Cain Conference will explore the entanglements of science and labor as they have emerged around the globe between the 16th century and today.

Download the full call for papers as a PDF here:…/labor_and_science_call…

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CFS: AATSEEL Stream: Data, Technology, and Language Acquisition

Deadline: August 15, 2021

AATSEEL is accepting submissions for the 2022 Conference in Philadelphia, February 17-20, 2022.  (Anyone submitting a proposal should plan to be present, to participate.)
We are looking for paper and roundtable entries for the following stream.  Please indicate your interest in joining this stream when making your submission here.
Data, Technology, and Language Acquisition

This stream is for anyone interested in how data and technology can be applied to language learning. 

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CFP: The XVIII Symposium of the International Dostoevsky Society (Nagoya, Japan)

Deadline: August 20, 2021

The XVIII Symposium of the International Dostoevsky Society will be hosted by Nagoya University of Foreign Studies. Sessions will be held on its new satellite campus located at the center of Nagoya City, from March 4th to 8th, 2022. The official languages will be Russian, Japanese, and English.
For more details:

Proposals for papers on one of the Symposium themes will be accepted until August 20, 2021. Please send your proposal using our online submission system:
Symposium participants will be limited to about 150 speakers. 
Please note that membership in IDS is required before registration. Further information regarding membership:

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CFP: 4th CEENASWE Conference: Occultism and Politics in East-Central Europe

Deadline: July 30, 2021

Since the nineteenth century, East-Central Europe has experienced rapid social, political, and economic changes, which caused transformation and transformations in local societies. Rising nationalism culminating in the Revolutionary year 1848, echoes of the Romantic movement, ongoing industrialisation, First World War, the emergence of national states and disintegration of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, later followed by the World War Two and establishment of the socialist regimes represent some of the key milestones the region went through. New sciences emerged, and local intellectuals also tried to cope with the impetuses from the discoveries in the Orient. Since the mid-nineteenth century, the rise of occultism and its further spread throughout Europe represented a peculiar reaction to some mentioned milestones. Local states dealt with these occult and esoteric movements differently, from suppression to silent support, and the movements themselves had various ideas about the meaning and aims of nations. We wish to investigate the links between the state, power, and occult and esoteric ideas, movements, and key figures more closely in this conference.

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CFP: Professorial Career Patterns Reloaded Data , Methods and Analysis of Digital Humanities Research in the Field of Early Modern Academic History

Deadline: September 3, 2021

Conference: 27 –28 October 2021, Pre-Workshop/Hackathon: 20 –21 October 2021

The DFG research project “Early Modern Professorial Career Patterns – Methodological Research on Online Databases of Academic History“, collaboratively run by the Herzog August Library Wolfenbüttel and the Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur in Leipzig, warmly invites you to participate in its concluding conference, to be held on 27-28 October 2021, alongside a preceding Hackathon, which will take place from 20-21 October 2021.

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CFP: Editorial Board, Policies, and Processes

Deadline: August 31, 2021

Vestnik was launched by SRAS in 2004 as one of the world’s first online academic journals focused on showcasing student research. We welcome and invite papers written by undergraduates, graduates, and postgraduates. Research on any subject related to the broad geographic area outlined above is accepted. This includes but is not limited to: politics, security, economics, diplomacy, identity, culture, history, demographics, language, religion, literature, and the arts. If you have written solid research eligible for publication according to the guidelines below, submit it here.

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 Eligible Papers and Authors

Vestnik showcases student work on any topic related to the broad geographic area shown in the map above. This includes but is not limited to: politics, security, economics, diplomacy, identity, culture, history, demographics, language, religion, literature, and the arts. Research may focus on any majority or minority group that currently occupies or has historically occupied space within this geographic region.

Submissions must have been written while the author was still enrolled in a higher education program. The author may be no more than two years out of higher education and must be under the age of 35 at the time of submission. Authors of all nationalities and from all institutions of higher education globally are eligible, but the submission must be written in English.

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