CFP: REE Jewish Cultures Jr. Scholar Workshop (U. of Illinois)

Deadline for Submissions: December 15, 2017

The Program in Jewish Culture and Society at the University of Illinois invites submissions for the Russian and East European Jewish Cultures Junior Scholar Workshop, to be held in Champaign, Illinois, on May 21 and May 22, 2018. The workshop is open to advanced graduate students and early career scholars (in their first three years after the PhD). Abstracts and papers should highlight the critical methodologies used in the work. Selected papers will be pre-circulated among the participants, to maximize opportunity for discussion. Participants will also have an opportunity to meet with the Slavic Reference Service.

To be considered, please send your 400 word abstract and CV by December 15, 2017, to and We will then inform participants who have been selected and ask you to develop a paper of no more than 8,000 words (excluding notes). The workshop will pay for participants’ hotel expenses and meals. Modest travel subsidies may be available, if participants are not able to obtain funds from their home universities.

CFP: Resistance and Collaboration in Occupied Europe (Yale U.)

Deadline for application: December 15, 2017

Resistance and Collaboration in Occupied Europe, an interdisciplinary graduate student conference sponsored by the Memory Studies in Modern Europe Working Group at Yale University, Monday April 2nd, 2018. Keynote speakers: Marci Shore and Timothy Snyder (Yale University)

The Yale University Memory Studies in Modern Europe working group invites doctoral students from all disciplines to share their research in a conference devoted to the topics of resistance and collaboration in Europe in the long twentieth century. While the title of the conference was conceived with the Nazi occupation in mind, presentation proposals addressing other instances of resistance and collaboration are welcome as well. The conference will offer a forum to discuss methodology and work in progress as well as to connect with fellow scholars at various stages of research. Selected participants will have 20 minutes to present their paper, followed by a 10-minute discussion with the audience.

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CFP: Asia in the Russian Imagination (U of Utah)

Deadline for applications: October 15, 2017

Please consider submitting a proposal for Asia in the Russian Imagination, an interdisciplinary conference to be held in Spring 2018 at the University of Utah. UoU encourages graduate student submissions and hopes to have some funding to support participation.

Asia in the Russian Imagination

The University of Utah’s Asia Center and Russian Program are hosting an interdisciplinary conference on Siberia, Central Asia, and the Russian Far East and North Pacific, organized around the theme of “Asia in the Russian Imagination.” The conference will be held at the University of Utah’s campus in Salt Lake City on March 23-24, 2018. Over the past three years, the Russian Program’s “Siberian Initiative” has sponsored talks on anthropology, environmental studies, history, film studies, and linguistics, and we are continuing this interdisciplinary approach to Russia in Asia/Asia in Russia at our conference.

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CFP: Women and Tech in the post-Soviet Context: Intelligence, Creativity, Transgression (Digital Icons)

Deadline for Submissions: October 15, 2017

‘Women and Tech in the post-Soviet Context: Intelligence, Creativity, Transgression’

Call for Papers: Studies in Russian, Eurasian, and Central-European New Media (

The development of the internet as a democratizing tool fostering freedom of information, grass-roots activism, and peer-to-peer support is closely related to and engrained in hacker communities. In the early days of the internet’s development, these groups consisted primarily of young white men from privileged backgrounds and with access to higher education and technology. In popular culture, the image of the successful programmer, software developer and ‘hacktivist’ remains predominantly male and is based on such well-known examples as Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Edward Snowden, and Pavel Durov. Meanwhile, there are few if any stories or representations of women who have led the hacker revolution. As access to computer-programming-based technology becomes democratized on the user-end, gender (and other) inequalities on the developer side continue to persist with women drastically underrepresented in tech professions. Continue reading “CFP: Women and Tech in the post-Soviet Context: Intelligence, Creativity, Transgression (Digital Icons)”

CFP: Western Social Science Association Conference (WSSA)

Deadline for applications: December 1, 2017

Plan to join us for the annual Western Association for Slavic Studies (WASS) conference. This year our host organization, the Western Social Science Association (WSSA), will be welcoming its 2,000+ members and participants to the Hyatt Regency San Antonio Riverwalk, always a great site for a conference!

WASS invites proposals for individual papers, complete panels, and roundtable presentations in all areas of studies concerning Russia, the Former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, the Balkans, and Central Asia. Topics related to our conference may include any aspect of culture, economics, history, literature, or politics with a broad chronological span from the Middle Ages to present. Contributions are encouraged from disciplines including (but not limited to): anthropology, archeology, architecture, arts, communication, cultural studies, demography, economics, education, environmental studies, ethnic and minority studies, film, gender studies, geography, history, international relations, Jewish studies, law, linguistics, literature, political science, psychology, religion, sociology, theatre, and travel.

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CFP: Varieties of Russian Realism – ACLA (UCLA)

Deadline for Applications: September 21, 2017 9:00 a.m. EST

The University of California at Los Angeles writes to invite CREEES affiliates to submit brief abstracts to its ACLA seminar, to be held at UCLA March 29-April 1. Abstracts are due September 21 at 9:00 EST. Please see the website for more information.

Seminar proposal: Varieties of Russian Realism: Medium, Genre, and Form in the Nineteenth-Century Russian Arts

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CFP: Nature/Culture: Environmental Narratives in the Contemporary World (ACLA)

Deadline for Submissions: September 21, at 9 a.m. EST.

The American Comparative Literature Association is looking for participants in the panel “Nature/Culture: Environmental Narratives in the Contemporary World”

This seminar focuses on the intersection of ecology and environmental studies with literature, film, culture, politics, and religion in the contemporary world. We aim to explore the ways in which writers, cultural producers, thinkers, politicians, and non-governmental institutions produce a wide range of discourses on nature and ecology to formulate and shape ideas about national and religious identities, literary production, and social belonging. The 2015 awarding of
Svetlana Alexievich with the Nobel Prize in Literature brought international attention to the confluence of environmental catastrophe with literary narrative. What is more, the rhetoric of “natural disaster,” and its subsequent genres (sustainability narratives, ecotourism, disaster tourism, studies of climate injustice and climate refugees, etc.) often go hand in hand with both foreign and domestic politics, as well as regional identity building. In his recent study of the oil industry in Perm, Russia, for example, Doug Rogers reveals how the regional politics of the Lukoil corporation have played a key role in the revival of local non-Russian cultural identities (The Depths of Russia: Oil, Power, and Culture after Socialism 2015).

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CFP: Reclaiming the Swamp (Thing): Popular Culture and the Public Academy (UT-Austin)

Deadline for Submissions: September 30, 2017

Call For Papers
Reclaiming the Swamp (Thing): Popular Culture and the Public Academy
The 14th Annual
Graduate Conference in Comparative Literature
In Association with the “Barbara Harlow, The Sequel” Conference
27th-28th October 2017
The University of Texas at Austin

Keynote Speaker:

Richard T. Rodriguez
Associate Professor of Media and Cultural Studies and English
at the University of California, Riverside
on “Latino/U.K.: Postpunk’s Transatlantic Touches”

When the DC comic Swamp Thing debuted in 1971, the border between human and vegetal was crossed.  This conference hopes to bridge the gap between the comic and the novel, the art film and the vine, Occupy and Gramsci, the poetry slam and the classical stage, that is to say, between the popular and the academic, so as to allow the academy to occupy a public space.  The Graduate Association of Comparative Literature Students presents the 2017 Graduate Student Conference, “Reclaiming the Swamp (Thing): Popular Culture and the Public Academy.” Focusing on the role of Popular Culture in the Humanities today, and remembering the contributions of Dr. Barbara Harlow to education and to the world as a public intellectual, this conference considers how academic scholarship has evolved in its relationship to popular forms of human expression, in whatever medium in a world that has always been filled with cultural objects and discourses.  It also imagines what future directions in such work might take.

Often dismissed as an insignificant, transient form, popular culture plays a persistent and powerful role with political and social consequences. In 2016, the Oxford English Dictionary named “post-truth” as the international word of the year, insisting that the affective had supplanted the analytical and that popular culture and media had erupted into the political sphere. Reality-TV, comedy skits, social media posts, and memes became the vehicle for public discourse in a historical moment that demands an understanding of how and why popular culture and media operate so effectively across borders and across spheres. Continue reading “CFP: Reclaiming the Swamp (Thing): Popular Culture and the Public Academy (UT-Austin)”

CFP: Russian Jewelry Art of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries in a Global Context (St. Petersburg, Russia)

Deadline for Submissions: September 15, 2017

International Academic Conference
“Russian Jewelry Art of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries in a Global Context”

9–11 November 2017
Fabergé Museum in St. Petersburg

Fabergé Museum in St. Petersburg invites you to take part in the International Academic Conference, “Russian Jewelry Art of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries in a Global Context”, to be held 9-11 November 2017 at Fabergé Museum.

With one of the largest collections of Russian jewelry art in the world, Fabergé Museum in St. Petersburg considers it its duty to study the topic from all angles and in a broad historical and cultural context. We hope to include in our conference contributions from art historians and critics, museum and archive professionals, collectors, and jewelers.

In the period from the early 19th to the early 20th centuries, Russian jewelry art tread the path from the Empire style to Art Nouveau, saw the appearance of a constellation of brilliant jewelers both Russian and foreign, got itself noticed at World’s Fairs, contributed to the revival of old jewelry techniques, and began to be collected by both connoisseurs and museums. Continue reading “CFP: Russian Jewelry Art of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries in a Global Context (St. Petersburg, Russia)”

CFP: Southern Conference on Slavic Studies (Charlotte, NC)

Deadline for Submissions: January 15, 2017

56th Annual Meeting
Southern Conference on Slavic Studies
Charlotte, NC
March 22-24, 2018

The Fifty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Southern Conference on Slavic Studies (SCSS) will be held at the Omni Hotel in downtown Charlotte, March 22-24, 2018. The meeting will be hosted by the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. The SCSS is the largest of the regional Slavic and Eurasian Studies associations and its programs attract national and international scholarly participation. The purpose of SCSS is to promote scholarship, education, and in all other ways to advance scholarly interest in Russian, Soviet, and East European studies in the Southern region of the United States and nationwide. Membership in SCSS is open to all persons interested in furthering these goals.

Papers from all humanities and social science disciplines are welcome, as is a focus on countries other than Russia/USSR. We encourage participation from scholars of all Slavic, East European, and Eurasian regions. Papers can be on any time period and any topic relevant to these regions.

The program committee is accepting panel and paper proposals until January 15, 2018. Whole panel proposals (chair, three papers, discussant) or roundtables (chair, three to five participants) are preferred, but proposals for individual papers will also be accepted. Whole panel proposals should include the titles of each individual paper as well as a title for the panel itself and identifying information (email address and institutional affiliation) for all participants. Roundtable proposals should include a title and identifying information for all participants. Proposals for individual papers should include paper title, identifying information, and a one-paragraph abstract to guide the program committee in the assembly of panels.  If any AV equipment will be needed, proposals must indicate so when they are submitted.  AV will be of limited availability and assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.  Email your proposals to Emily Baran at

For local arrangements or conference information other than the program, please contact Steve Sobol For questions regarding the program, please contact Emily Baran at