CFP: Reclaiming the Swamp (Thing): Popular Culture and the Public Academy (UT-Austin)

Deadline for Submissions: September 30, 2017

Call For Papers
Reclaiming the Swamp (Thing): Popular Culture and the Public Academy
The 14th Annual
Graduate Conference in Comparative Literature
In Association with the “Barbara Harlow, The Sequel” Conference
27th-28th October 2017
The University of Texas at Austin

Keynote Speaker:

Richard T. Rodriguez
Associate Professor of Media and Cultural Studies and English
at the University of California, Riverside
on “Latino/U.K.: Postpunk’s Transatlantic Touches”

When the DC comic Swamp Thing debuted in 1971, the border between human and vegetal was crossed.  This conference hopes to bridge the gap between the comic and the novel, the art film and the vine, Occupy and Gramsci, the poetry slam and the classical stage, that is to say, between the popular and the academic, so as to allow the academy to occupy a public space.  The Graduate Association of Comparative Literature Students presents the 2017 Graduate Student Conference, “Reclaiming the Swamp (Thing): Popular Culture and the Public Academy.” Focusing on the role of Popular Culture in the Humanities today, and remembering the contributions of Dr. Barbara Harlow to education and to the world as a public intellectual, this conference considers how academic scholarship has evolved in its relationship to popular forms of human expression, in whatever medium in a world that has always been filled with cultural objects and discourses.  It also imagines what future directions in such work might take.

Often dismissed as an insignificant, transient form, popular culture plays a persistent and powerful role with political and social consequences. In 2016, the Oxford English Dictionary named “post-truth” as the international word of the year, insisting that the affective had supplanted the analytical and that popular culture and media had erupted into the political sphere. Reality-TV, comedy skits, social media posts, and memes became the vehicle for public discourse in a historical moment that demands an understanding of how and why popular culture and media operate so effectively across borders and across spheres. Continue reading “CFP: Reclaiming the Swamp (Thing): Popular Culture and the Public Academy (UT-Austin)”

CFP: Russian Jewelry Art of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries in a Global Context (St. Petersburg, Russia)

Deadline for Submissions: September 15, 2017

International Academic Conference
“Russian Jewelry Art of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries in a Global Context”

9–11 November 2017
Fabergé Museum in St. Petersburg

Fabergé Museum in St. Petersburg invites you to take part in the International Academic Conference, “Russian Jewelry Art of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries in a Global Context”, to be held 9-11 November 2017 at Fabergé Museum.

With one of the largest collections of Russian jewelry art in the world, Fabergé Museum in St. Petersburg considers it its duty to study the topic from all angles and in a broad historical and cultural context. We hope to include in our conference contributions from art historians and critics, museum and archive professionals, collectors, and jewelers.

In the period from the early 19th to the early 20th centuries, Russian jewelry art tread the path from the Empire style to Art Nouveau, saw the appearance of a constellation of brilliant jewelers both Russian and foreign, got itself noticed at World’s Fairs, contributed to the revival of old jewelry techniques, and began to be collected by both connoisseurs and museums. Continue reading “CFP: Russian Jewelry Art of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries in a Global Context (St. Petersburg, Russia)”

CFP: Southern Conference on Slavic Studies (Charlotte, NC)

Deadline for Submissions: January 15, 2017

56th Annual Meeting
Southern Conference on Slavic Studies
Charlotte, NC
March 22-24, 2018

The Fifty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Southern Conference on Slavic Studies (SCSS) will be held at the Omni Hotel in downtown Charlotte, March 22-24, 2018. The meeting will be hosted by the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. The SCSS is the largest of the regional Slavic and Eurasian Studies associations and its programs attract national and international scholarly participation. The purpose of SCSS is to promote scholarship, education, and in all other ways to advance scholarly interest in Russian, Soviet, and East European studies in the Southern region of the United States and nationwide. Membership in SCSS is open to all persons interested in furthering these goals.

Papers from all humanities and social science disciplines are welcome, as is a focus on countries other than Russia/USSR. We encourage participation from scholars of all Slavic, East European, and Eurasian regions. Papers can be on any time period and any topic relevant to these regions.

The program committee is accepting panel and paper proposals until January 15, 2018. Whole panel proposals (chair, three papers, discussant) or roundtables (chair, three to five participants) are preferred, but proposals for individual papers will also be accepted. Whole panel proposals should include the titles of each individual paper as well as a title for the panel itself and identifying information (email address and institutional affiliation) for all participants. Roundtable proposals should include a title and identifying information for all participants. Proposals for individual papers should include paper title, identifying information, and a one-paragraph abstract to guide the program committee in the assembly of panels.  If any AV equipment will be needed, proposals must indicate so when they are submitted.  AV will be of limited availability and assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.  Email your proposals to Emily Baran at

For local arrangements or conference information other than the program, please contact Steve Sobol For questions regarding the program, please contact Emily Baran at

CFP: International Interdisciplinary Symposium in Caucasian and Eurasian studies “Ilia Chavchavadze-180” (Tbilisi, Georgia)

Deadline for Submissions: October 30, 2017

Tbilisi, Georgia
December  12-13, 2017
ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
I. Chavchavadze Ave., N1, Tbilisi, 0179

The International Symposium in Honour of the 180th Anniversary of the Birth of Ilia Chavchavadze is organized by the Faculty of Humanities at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. 

The Symposium is planned within the frames of marking the 180th anniversary from the Birth and 110th Anniversary from the death of Ilia Chavchavadze. TSU Faculty of Humanities has planned the following events: 

1.   International Academic Symposium –  December 12-13, 2017;

2.   Students’ Regional Academic Symposium – December 14-15, 2017;

3.     Essay contest for students: Ilia and Georgia – December 15, 2017;

4.   “We Read Ilia” –  December 14, 2017;

5.   Presentation of the bilingual collection of Ilia’s translations –  December 15, 2017;

6.   Photo exhibition “Ilia’s Legacy” – December 12-15, 2017;

7.   Exhibition: “Ilia Chavchavadze in Fine Arts” – December 12-15, 2017;

8.   Film Show –  December 12, 2017;

9.   Cultural event: Visiting the Ilia Museum (Tbiilisi) – December 12, 2017.

The two-day Symposium will present the outstanding keynote speakers. Abstracts on Ilia Chavchavadze’s legacy or related topics are welcome from all over the world. 

Please submit your abstracts by October 30, 2017 using the registration form.

For more information visit their site here.

CFP: Asia in the Russian Imagination Conference (U. of Utah)

Deadline for submissions: October 15, 2017

Asia in the Russian Imagination

The University of Utah’s Asia Center and Russian Program are hosting an interdisciplinary conference on Siberia, Central Asia, and the Russian Far East and North Pacific, organized around the theme of “Asia in the Russian Imagination.” The conference will be held at the University of Utah’s campus in Salt Lake City on March 23-24, 2018. Over the past three years, the Russian Program’s “Siberian Initiative” has sponsored talks on anthropology, environmental studies, history, film studies, and linguistics, and we are continuing this interdisciplinary approach to Russia in Asia/Asia in Russia at our conference. We welcome proposals exploring political, economic, and socio-cultural interactions from a variety of fields and perspectives.

We foresee extended discussions on Russian-Asian connections and networks, as well as policies, processes, and populations in “Russian Asia,” within the imperial, Soviet, or post-Soviet eras. We hope that this conference honors the interdisciplinary tradition established by the British Universities Siberian Studies Seminar, last held in 2007. Following the conference, the organizers intend to publish a selection of the essays either as a special issue of a journal or as an edited volume.Please submit proposals for individual papers no later than 15 October 2017 to the Events Coordinator of Utah’s International Studies program, Rocío Torres

Please include a subject line of “Asia-Russia 2018” to make sure you receive full consideration. Submissions should include a 250-word abstract as well as a brief (1-2 page) C.V. The organizers will make their decisions by early December.

CFP: Slavic Graduate Conference (Princeton U.)

Deadline for Submissions: September 2, 2017

CALL FOR PAPERS: Grafting the Self

Princeton University, October 19-21, 2017
Annual Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference
Princeton University
Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
Sponsored by the Princeton Program in Russian, Eastern European and Eurasian Studies

Keynote Speaker: Lilya Kaganovsky (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Grafting the Self is an interdisciplinary conference that aims to explore instances of experimentation with individual and collective identity within the context of Central and Eastern Europe. From the iPhone to prosthetic limbs, from globalism to localism, the early 21st century faces new shifts in the paradigms of personhood and of traditional forms of subjectivity. High tech objects and the manufacture of identity have become grafted onto each other. New media and technologies are giving space to new forms of agency and have, more recently, aided the rise of new understandings of identity. The assemblage nature of the app revolution, the palimpsestic phenomenon of globalization and the prosthetic world of bio-mechanics all give rise to new ways of composing the Self. Continue reading “CFP: Slavic Graduate Conference (Princeton U.)”

CFP: Slavic Conference (U of Wisconsin-Madison)

Deadline for proposals: August 31, 2017

Wisconsin Slavic Conference
October 6-7, 2017
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Abstracts for 20-minute papers on any aspect of Slavic literatures, cultures (including film,
music, and the visual arts), linguistics, and history are invited for the annual Wisconsin Slavic
Conference (formerly titled AATSEEL-Wisconsin). Comparative topics and interdisciplinary
approaches are welcome and encouraged. The conference will be held at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison on Friday and Saturday, October 6 and 7, 2017.

The most recent conference program is available at
This year’s keynote lecture will be delivered by Professor Pavle Levi (Stanford University).

To present a paper at the Wisconsin Slavic Conference, please submit a proposal by August 31,
2017. Continue reading “CFP: Slavic Conference (U of Wisconsin-Madison)”

CFP: Special Issue of “Studies in Russian, Eurasian and Central European New Media”

Deadline for Submissions: August 5, 2017

Issue 18: Digital Trauma in Eastern and Central Europe

Submissions are invited to a special issue on Digital Trauma in Eastern and Central Europe.

The special issue, edited by Anna Menyhért and Mykola Makhortykh, looks into the ways in which cultural and literary trauma is processed in the framework of digital memory and media studies. By analyzing how the 21st century digital environment influences both personal and collective trauma processing in local, national and trans-national communities within Europe, the issue strives to contribute to a better understanding of the link of current cultural developments to the collective traumas of the past in post-socialist countries.

The special issue derives its rationale from the ‘Trauma Studies in the Digital Age’ workshop, which was organized in Amsterdam at UvA and NIAS, in the framework of Anna Menyhért’s Marie Sklodowska-Curie project. We encourage further submissions, and suggest that those interested have a look at the project’s website, including the workshop, to have a better idea of possible themes (

Please express your interest by 5 August 2017 and/or submit your contribution by 15 October 2017 by contacting Mykola Makhortykh at

For more information, click here.

CFP: Russians and the Pacific Northwest (U. of Oregon)

Deadline for Submissions: September 1, 2017

University of Oregon campus, April 6-7, 2018

Russia and the Pacific Northwest: Russians from Fort Ross to the Aleutian Islands

To mark its fiftieth anniversary, Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies at the University of Oregon will be holding an interdisciplinary conference on Russia and the Pacific Northwest on Friday, April 6 and Saturday, April 7, 2018.  Presentations on all aspects of the topic, such as the history of Russian trade and colonization, Russian émigré literature of the area, environmental and immigrant history, as well as topics centered in such disciplines as linguistics, anthropology, religious studies and art, are solicited.  The Pacific Northwest is understood as encompassing northern California, Oregon, Washington, Western coastal Canada, Alaska and Hawaii.  The working language of the conference will be English.

Conference organizers invite interested scholars to submit a 300-word abstract, along with a brief CV (1-3 pages) to the email addresses below.  The conference will underwrite airfare, hotels and meals for participants.

Deadline for receipt of paper proposals is 5 p.m. Pacific Standard Time on Friday, September 1, 2017.

Send proposals and brief CVs to:

Katya Hokanson,
Ryan Jones,

CFP: Translation and the Cultural Cold War (TIS)

Deadline for Submissions: January 1, 2018

Translation and Interpreting Studies (TIS)
Volume 15, Issue 3
Special issue: Translation and the Cultural Cold War
Guest Editors: Giles Scott-Smith (University of Leiden), Esmaeil Haddadian-Moghaddam (University of Leuven)

Translation and the Cultural Cold War

Scholars of the Cultural Cold War continue to explore cultural production and reception, ranging from high culture to everyday experiences, exploring the role and politics of print, propaganda, and culture mainly in the US and Europe (e.g. Hixson 1997; Berghahn 2001; Barnhisel and Turner 2010; Barnhisel 2014). Cultural interactions across the Iron Curtain divide have also been explored (Romijn et. al. 2012; Vowinckel 2012; Mikkonen and Koivunen 2015). Yet these studies rarely take into account the field of translation and its significance for determining how ideas and intellectual output actually enters another culture. Much of this research to date has concentrated on East-West exchanges and the relevance of (often covert) translation for the dissemination of ideas to bypass censorship (Finn and Couvée 2014). The various roles performed by translators, editors, and publishers during the Cold War were therefore crucial, both for disseminating the cultural and intellectual output of the colonial powers and superpowers, and (from a more positive and as yet less acknowledged perspective) for the development of indigenous publishing in the non-aligned countries, i.e. those which were indirectly implicated in the Cold War (Rubin 2014; Scott-Smith and Lerg 2017).  Continue reading “CFP: Translation and the Cultural Cold War (TIS)”