CFP: Asia in the Russian Imagination (U. of Utah)

Deadline for Proposals: October 15, 2017

The University of Utah’s Asia Center is hosting an interdisciplinary conference on Siberia, Central Asia, and the Russian Far East and North Pacific, organized around the theme of “Asia in the Russian Imagination.” The conference will be held at the University of Utah’s campus in Salt Lake City on March 23-24, 2018.

We welcome proposals exploring political, economic, and socio-cultural interactions from a variety of fields and perspectives.  We foresee extended discussions on Russian-Asian connections and networks, as well as policies, processes, and populations in “Russian Asia,” within the imperial, Soviet, or post-Soviet eras.  We hope that this conference honors the interdisciplinary tradition established by the British Universities Siberian Studies Seminar, last held in 2007.

Following the conference, the organizers intend to publish a selection of the essays either as a special issue of a journal or as an edited volume.  Continue reading “CFP: Asia in the Russian Imagination (U. of Utah)”

CFP: Wisconsin Slavic Conference (U. of Wisconsin-Madison)

Deadline for Proposals: August 31, 2017

Wisconsin Slavic Conference
October 6-7, 2017
University of Wisconsin-Madison 

Abstracts for 20-minute papers on any aspect of Slavic literatures, cultures (including film, music, and the visual arts), linguistics, and history are invited for the annual Wisconsin Slavic Conference (formerly titled AATSEEL-Wisconsin).Comparative topics and interdisciplinary approaches are welcome and encouraged. The conference will be held at the University of Wisconsin-Madison on Friday and Saturday, October 6 and 7, 2017.

This year’s keynote lecture will be delivered by Professor Pavle Levi (Stanford University).

To present a paper at the Wisconsin Slavic Conference, please submit a proposal by August 31, 2017.

A complete proposal consists of:
1. Author’s contact information (name, affiliation, postal address, telephone, and email).
2. Paper title
3. 300-500 word abstract
4. Equipment request (if necessary)

Please send proposals by email to: Ilona Sotnikova,

Please include “Wisconsin Slavic Conference” in the subject line of your email. All submissions will be acknowledged and considered, and all applicants will be informed of the status of their proposals no later than September 15.

CFP: Utopianism and Dystopianism in Russian, Soviet, Eastern European, and Eurasian Art (SHERA)

Deadline for Proposals: August 14, 2017

Session Title: Utopianism and Dystopianism in Russian, Soviet, Eastern European, and Eurasian Art

Session Co-chairs: Joes Segal, Wende Museum, Los Angeles; Ksenya Gurshtein, Skirball Museum, Los Angeles

Submission Deadline and Instructions: The deadline to submit proposals for talks is August 14, 2017; to submit your proposal, send the following to Joes Segal ( and Ksenya Gurshtein ( 1) a 250 word abstract; 2) a shortened CV; 3) a brief note explaining your interest in the session; and 4) a completed session participation proposal form found at the end of this PDF document:

Note on Additional Session Participation Requirements: All speakers selected for the session must have a current individual CAA membership by August 28, 2017. You can learn more about CAA membership here:

This panel considers the impact of utopian and dystopian thought on the art of Russia, the Soviet Union, Central and Eastern Europe, and Eurasia from the modern period until the present day. 2017 has brought us reminders of the power that utopia as a concept still has in shaping our understanding of the historic avant-gardes in the region. In the early twentieth century, the arts in the region embraced unprecedented aspirations for social transformation. By the end of the twentieth century, the collapse of socialism in the Eastern Bloc became widely associated with the “passing of mass utopia.” During the decades in between, the Soviet Union and later its “satellite” states were a global epicenter of utopian thought promoted at the state level and at times embraced enthusiastically by producers of visual culture who imagined new visual languages, new purposes for their work, and new modes of working. As official ideology came under pressure, the region also witnessed a rise of dystopian and anti-utopian impulses in the arts. After the end of state communism, both utopian and dystopian ideas have motivated artworks in the post-socialist countries seeking to define new identities. Meanwhile, greater awareness of such movements as nineteenth-century Russian Cosmism and its extensive influence on twentieth-century art urges us to investigate intellectual histories that give a deeper historical account of utopianism in the region in the “longue durée.” Papers on all topics relevant for this theme will be considered for the session; some of these topics include: Continue reading “CFP: Utopianism and Dystopianism in Russian, Soviet, Eastern European, and Eurasian Art (SHERA)”

CFP: Association for Borderlands Studies World Conference 2018 (U. of Vienna)

Deadline for Submissions: August 15, 2017

Association for Borderlands Studies World Conference 2018 – Call for Papers

After the success of the ABS 1st World Conference in 2014, The Association for Borderlands Studies is most pleased to announce the second event in this truly international conference series. The ABS 2nd World Conference is organized by the Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies at the University of Vienna and hosted in Vienna and Budapest, 10th to 14th July 2018. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the dissolution of the Habsburg Empire, we invite proposals for individual papers, posters, complete panels, podium discussions and other interventions related to the interdisciplinary study of borders, border areas and cross-border interaction. The organizing theme for this Conference is:

Border-Making and its Consequences – interpreting evidence from the “post-Colonial” and “post-Imperial” 20th Century

Borders and borderlands are again at the centre of debate regarding global political, socio-cultural, economic and environmental tensions and conflicts – they also potentially offer spaces of negotiation and dialogue for their resolution. Global history however testifies to the fact that borderlands have frequently been a target of mistrust, precisely because they have been perceived as threatening – as ambiguous spaces of identity, allegiance, and historical memory. Attempts to eradicate borderlands have taken place through armed conflict, the ideological creation of the Cold War and other confrontational borders, the dismemberment of states, territorial shifts and, most drastically, ethnic cleansing.

The post-imperial experience of Europe, for example, raises numerous questions that relate to borders, identities and citizenship and, ultimately, migration. The dissolution of multinational empires such as the Austro-Hungarian and the Ottoman in the early 20th Century as well as the creation of new states and/or borders in Western Europe, such as Ireland, which inspired other subjects of colonial empires, were momentous historical events with far-reaching consequences far beyond Europe. However, one of the lessons that emerged from this experience is that nationalisms that insist on singular identities and cultural homogeneity are permanent sources of conflict. Whereas borders and the creation of new nation-states were considered a solution to war after WWI, subsequent events and the disaster of WWII have proved otherwise. Continue reading “CFP: Association for Borderlands Studies World Conference 2018 (U. of Vienna)”

CFP: An environmental history of wars in Central Europe (Hungarian Historical Review)

Deadline for Submissions: September 30, 2017

Call for journal articles

The Hungarian Historical Review invites submissions for its third issue in 2018,
the theme of which will be

“An environmental history of wars in Central Europe”

The deadline for the submission of abstracts: September 30, 2017 The deadline for the accepted papers: January 31, 2018

The environmental changes of the last millennium in East Central Europe have been studied for decades, and historians, archaeologists, and natural scientists have made substantial contributions to a more nuanced understanding of the relationships between the environment on the one hand and cultural and political history on the other. Historical processes can hardly be grasped in their complexity without some understanding of the changes that have taken place in the natural environment, and yet for the most part environmental history has remained a marginal topic or perspective in the study of the history of East Central Europe. Indeed, in many countries of the region it is still regarded as an auxiliary discipline of importance primarily simply because it adds an interdisciplinary angle to more traditional historical inquiries.

Environmental history does not have a single agenda. It is neither a turn nor a paradigm in historiography. There are many ways to write environmental history. For their part, archaeologists, geologists, geographers, biologists, palynologists, climatologists etc. have made important contributions, but their work and methodologies have not yet been organized systematically to produce a holistic picture precisely because of the absence of a synthetic historical approach. Furthermore, sometimes these scientists have neglected one another’s work, and some of the different disciplines continue to arrive at contradictory findings. Continue reading “CFP: An environmental history of wars in Central Europe (Hungarian Historical Review)”

CFP: AATSEEL 2018 (Washington, DC)

Deadline for Proposals: July 01, 2017

Call for Papers

The AATSEEL National Meeting is a forum for scholarly exchange of ideas in all areas of Slavic and East/Central European languages, literatures, linguistics, cultures, and pedagogy. The Program Committee invites scholars in these and related areas to form panels around specific topics, organize roundtable discussions, propose forums on instructional materials, and/or submit proposals for individual presentations for the 2018 Conference, which will be held on February 1-4, 2018 in Washington, DC.

For details and submission guidelines, please see:

Call for Stream Papers

In addition to regular conference panels and events, the program will now include panel streams. These streams will promote greater cohesion among conference panels and foster a broader dialogue throughout the conference. The result can be a series of mini-conferences within the framework of our larger conference.

For stream descriptions and submission guidelines, please see:

Submit your proposals by July 1, 2017.
Please note that all submissions must be made through the AATSEEL website. No emailed submissions will be accepted.

CFP: “Reading in Russia” (AATSEEL)

Deadline for Applications: July 01, 2017

Please consider submitting an abstract for the stream, “Reading in Russia,” for AATSEEL 2018. The stream is anticipated to consist of three panels: “Emergence: Learning to Read Soviet,” “Consolidation: Soviet Reading at Mid-Century,” and “Disruption: Contemporary Russian Reading.” Applicants with papers on other topics relating to the overall stream description are also encouraged to apply.

We are looking for a chair and discussant for a couple of the panels and welcome interest in these roles as well.

The deadline for applications is July 1st; please contact the stream organizers, Sean Blink and Carlotta Chenoweth ( and, if you plan to apply.

For detailed information on submission guidelines, visit this page on the AATSEEL website.

Stream #3B: Reading in Russia

This series of panels examines how reading practices have informed textual exegesis in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. It has been well documented that Russia’s history of textual production, distribution and consumption differs from its European counterparts. From the relatively late acquisition of national literacy, to the divide between permitted and prohibited reading practices in the Soviet Union, to the emergent online networks of readers and writers in the post-Soviet world, it is clear in the Russian context that reading practices cannot be separated from textual analysis. In the midst of our own period of media upheaval, we find ourselves re-examining the varied forms that reading has taken in the past.

We will pose in these panels the following questions, considering them from an interdisciplinary perspective that takes into account the history of reading, the history of the book and literary scholarship: How does a given text object (book, website, etc.) interact with its readership? Where can we identify moments of transition in Russian reading practices? How are Russian readerships formed and what influence do they hold on textual production?


Deadline for Submissions: June 29, 2017

The Association for Women in Slavic Studies (AWSS) will sponsor a panel at the next AATSEEL Conference in Washington, DC (Feb 1-4, 2018). If you are interested in submitting a paper or participating in a panel on a theme related to gender studies and/or queer theory, please email me a brief abstract at by June 29th.

Potential topics for a sponsored panel include, but are not limited to:
– The representation of gender and sexuality in Russian/Slavic prose, poetry, art, film, theatre
– Women’s writing of the 19th / 20th / 21st centuries
– Putin-era policies on the family and women’s rights
– Cross-dressing and gender-bending in Russian/Slavic literature, art, theatre

CFP: Central Slavic Conference (St. Louis, Missouri)

Deadline for Proposals: September 01, 2017

The Central Slavic Conference is pleased to invite scholars of all disciplines working in Slavic, Eurasian, and East European studies to submit proposals for panels, individual papers, and roundtables at its annual meeting to be held in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, October 20-22, 2017.

Founded in 1962 as the Bi-State Slavic Conference, the Central Slavic Conference now encompasses seven states and is the oldest of the regional affiliates of ASEEES (Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies).  Scholars from outside the region and from around the world are welcome.

Proposals for papers, panels, and roundtables should be submitted by email to CSC President Dr. David Borgmeyer at no later than September 1, 2017.  Early proposals are encouraged.  All proposals should include:

  • Participant name, affiliation, and email contact information;
  • For individual paper presentation: title and brief description (limit 50 words);
  • For panels: panel title + above information for each participant and discussant (if applicable);
  • For roundtables: roundtable title and participant information.

Continue reading “CFP: Central Slavic Conference (St. Louis, Missouri)”

CFP: Vladimir Nabokov and Translation: Transatlantic Symposium (Lille, France-Chapel Hill, USA)

Deadline for Submissions: September 01, 2017

Vladimir Nabokov and Translation:
Transatlantic Symposium
Lille, France-Chapel Hill, USA
Spring 2018-Fall 2018

No translator and translation theorist has brought an equal amount of attention to the humble applied craft of literary translation than Vladimir Nabokov (1899-1977). Standing at the crossroads of five languages and a matching number of literary traditions (English, French, German, Italian, and Russian), he experienced translation on a level unattainable to the majority of his predecessors, presaging and influencing our modern understanding of the indispensability of linguistic and cultural interconnection.

Nabokov’s entered literature as a translator. He claimed to have retold Mayne Reid’s The Headless Horseman in French alexandrines at eleven, while his adaptation of Romain Rolland’s Colas Breugnon became the most exacting rite of passage of his career in letters. Yet while the controversy stirred by his rendition of Aleksandr Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin and the methodology of “literalism” he applied therein forever changed the way we conceive of translation today, the totality of his work in translation remains the least appreciated and understood area of Nabokov’s creative enterprise.

To address this omission, Drs. Julie Loison-Charles (University of Lille, France) and Stanislav Shvabrin (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA) cordially invite you to submit a 500-word-long abstract explicating Nabokov’s legacy as translator and translation theorist as well as multiple other areas and instances of his engagement with “the art of verbal transmigration.”

We invite scholars interested in the multiple aspects of Nabokov’s legacy in translation to consider the following lines of inquiry:

* Nabokov as translator (with special emphasis on the vast number of works beyond Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Eugene Onegin);
* Nabokov’s translation theory, its evolution, and legacy;
* Translation as reflected in Nabokov’s works;
* Self-translation;
* Nabokov translated (collaboratively with the author and independently) or retranslated;
* Intersemiotic (audiovisual, cinematic, and theatrical) translations of Nabokov’s works;
* Teaching translation with Nabokov;
* The impact of translation on Nabokov’s writing.

The participants invited by the selection committee will have a choice to present their papers either in Lille, France (May 2018) or Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA (Autumn 2018). The two sections of the Symposium will work in concert to facilitate collaboration between participants on both sides of the Atlantic: papers will be made available to participants via a platform (written and/or recorded) and participants will be invited to collaborate when they focus on similar topics, to respond to a paper given in the previous section or to publish a co-authored essay. This platform may also be used to work with graduate or post-graduate students in collaborative transatlantic seminars in translation.

Please send your abstracts (maximum 500 words, in English or French) to the following email and

If you wish your abstract to be considered for the first installment of the Symposium in Lille, France, please send your abstract by September 1, 2017, and by May 1, 2018, for Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA.

This project is organized with the French Society Vladimir Nabokov – Les Chercheurs Enchantés, The Université of Lille, SHS (France) (Unit Research CECILLE) and the Center for Slavic Eurasian and East European Studies at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA).