CFP: Late Socialism: Second-World Modernity in Global Circulation (Studies in Slavonic Cultures)

Deadline for Submissions: March 01, 2017

for Studies in Slavic Cultures XIV
Late Socialism: Second-World Modernity in Global Circulation

This volume of Studies in Slavic Cultures invites contributions that explore the culture of Late Socialism from a transnational perspective. Taken to be the period from the death of Stalin to the beginning of Perestroika (mid-1950s to the mid-1980s), Late Socialism is not merely a transitionary phase between a totalitarian regime and the liberalizations of impending collapse. Rather, it is a period with rich potential to explore the particularity and comparability of second-world modernity in a cross-cultural framework.

This period is marked by increasing international contacts and cross-cultural transfers not only with the Western world, but also with the cultures and subcultures of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Scholarship on Russo-Soviet culture often oscillates between two overreaching claims. On the one hand, some Slavists interpret Russo-Soviet culture, history, and politics as sui generis, invoking a long tradition of an exceptionalist Russia, as “neither East nor West.” On the other hand, a competing tendency has insisted upon a comparitivist Russia, one in which Russia belongs to the same temporal-spatial modernity as Europe, yet inevitably therefore “backward” on a shared scale of cultural development.

Taking insight from Michael David-Fox’s Crossing Borders, which convincingly deconstructs this binary opposition in favor of an alternative lens “marked by webs of meaning, multicausal explanations, and pluralistic rather than exclusionary interpretive frameworks,” we invite articles that examine the particularities of Late Socialist culture, putting them into diverse geopolitical and cross-cultural constellations. Continue reading “CFP: Late Socialism: Second-World Modernity in Global Circulation (Studies in Slavonic Cultures)”

CFP: A Century of Revolution: Culture, Politics, and People (U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Deadline for Submissions: January 30, 2017


Graduate Student Conference in Slavic Studies
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
A Century of Revolution: Culture, Politics, and People
April 7-8, 2017

We are now inviting participants to submit abstracts for the 7th annual conference of the Slavic Graduate Students’ Association (SGSA) at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. The conference will take place April 7-8, 2017, in Urbana, IL. Prof. Jessica Greenberg from the Anthropology Dept. of UIUC will deliver a keynote lecture. Participation is open to graduate students in all related fields, including: literature, film, linguistics, history, anthropology, cultural studies, philosophy, visual arts, musicology and area studies. We are especially interested in interdisciplinary approaches to the study of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian cultures.

In anticipation of the anniversary of the 1917 October Revolution, the theme of this year’s conference is A Century of Revolution: Culture, Politics, and People. Revolution, considered both politically but also interpreted more broadly as radical change to the status-quo, has played a recurring role throughout Eastern Europe, Russia, and Eurasia, shaping these regions’ history, culture, art, and politics. We want to examine these experiences and trace their developing narratives.

Relevant topics might include, but are not limited to:

– Revolutionary aesthetics, e.g. Futurism, the avant-garde, sots-art, conceptualism
– The Solidarity movement, Prague Spring, and Hungarian Revolution of 1956
– LGBTQIA rights movements, problems of gender, and the crisis of masculinity
– Marxism before and after 1989, democracy in practice, and the rightward turn
– Alternative medias and genres (science fiction, pornography, comics, etc.)

If you would like to participate,  please submit an abstract (up to 200 words) and the title of your paper to Please include your name, email address, institutional affiliation, year, major area of study, and any audiovisual equipment requests at the top of the page. The deadline for submitting abstracts is January 30, 2017. Participants will be notified by March 1. Applicants are welcome to submit abstracts on any and all topics related to the Slavic, East European, and Eurasian regions.

Dedicated to the memory of our friend and colleague Scott K. Maltby

CFP: 55th Annual Meeting of the Southern Conference on Slavic Studies (Old Town Alexandria, Virginia)

Deadline for Submissions: January 31, 2017

55th Annual Meeting of the Southern Conference on Slavic Studies (SCSS)
APRIL 6-8, 2017
Westin Alexandria Hotel in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia
Hosted by George Mason University’s program in Russian and Eurasian Studies

Papers from all humanities and social science disciplines as well as all Slavic, East European, and Eurasian regions are welcome

Papers on the special theme of the centenary of the Russian Revolution of 1917 are especially welcome.

Panel and paper proposals accepted until January 15, 2017. Whole panel proposals (chair, three papers, discussant) are preferred, but proposals for individual papers will also be accepted. Email your proposals to Emily Baran at

For local arrangements or conference information other than the program, please contact Steven Barnes at

CFP: War Frenzy: Exploring the Violence of Propaganda (Princeton U.)

Deadline for Submissions: January 10, 2017

Princeton Conjunction – 2017
An Annual Interdisciplinary Conference
May 11- May 13, 2017

Exploring the Violence of Propaganda

In July 1942, in the middle of the Nazi advancement in the Soviet Union, Ilya Ehrenburg, one of the most cosmopolitan Soviet writers, addressed Soviet soldiers through the Soviet military newspaper Krasnaia Zvezda (Red Star). In the preceding decades, Ehrenburg became famous for his whimsical dispatches from Paris and Berlin. This time, his address was unambiguously titled “Kill them!”, appealing:

We know everything. We remember everything. We understand it now: Germans are not people… Enough of talking. Enough of outrage. Now, it’s time to kill. …Stop counting days. Stop counting miles. Count only the Germans you’ve killed… Do not fail to hit. Do not miss the target. Kill!

A classic example of war propaganda, the address framed war affectively. Deploying words and images as rhetorical weapon, Ehrenburg constituted a collectivity, channeling its anger and anxiety, providing it with a clearly defined aim, and suggesting an action to take. Descriptive and prescriptive at the same time, the address interpellated its audience, transforming readers into avengers.

Propaganda has always been a crucial part of war. Mobilizing through polarization, distortion and simplification, it helped to produce an effect of ideological cohesion and social solidarity, which, in turn, often resulted in disastrous military conflicts: be it the wars in Yugoslavia in the 1990s, the Iraq war of the last decade, or the current wars in Ukraine and Syria (to name just a few). The program committee of this conference invites historically, ethnographically and theoretically grounded contributions that explore the role of propaganda in unleashing and framing military conflicts of the last century.
Continue reading “CFP: War Frenzy: Exploring the Violence of Propaganda (Princeton U.)”

CFP: 7th Annual Czech Studies Workshop (UNC at Chapel Hill)

Deadline for Submissions: January 9, 2017

CFP: Seventeenth Annual Czech Studies Workshop

April 20-22, 2017
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

The Seventeenth Annual Czech Studies Workshop, which will be held at UNC-Chapel Hill on April 20-22, 2017, welcomes papers on Czech topics, broadly defined, in all disciplines. Slovak topics will also be considered. In the past our interdisciplinary conference has drawn participants from colleges and universities in the United States and abroad.
Areas of interest have been: anthropology, architecture, art, economics, education, film, geography, history, Jewish studies, literature, music, philosophy, politics, religion, society, sociology, and theater. Work in progress is appropriate for our workshop format. Junior faculty and advanced graduate students are particularly encouraged to participate.

This year’s program will also include a concert by the Defiant Requiem Foundation ( at-unc/) and an invited lecture by Petr Roubal of the Institute for Contemporary History in Prague (

The deadline for submitting proposals is January 9, 2017.
Continue reading “CFP: 7th Annual Czech Studies Workshop (UNC at Chapel Hill)”

CFP: Slavic Forum (U. of Virginia)

Deadline for Submissions: February 15, 2017

University of Virginia Slavic Forum (Mar. 31- Apr. 1)
“RE:Constructions: An Interdisciplinary Forum on Memory and Imagination”

Traditional applications of the terms memory and imagination have emphasized a distinct barrier between the concepts based on the premise of accuracy. Memory should be a record, one that, if occasionally faulty, remains primarily truthful. Imagination cannot be faulty because it is nebulous, fictive, unconcerned with veracity. However, in recent years, cognitive scientists have demonstrated that the same neural processes underlie both memory and imagination. Memories are as much constructs as imagination.

This forum is devoted to the intersections of memory and imagination in constructing identity, history, traditions, and futures. Memory invokes ideas of nostalgia, trauma, the urge to preserve, to delay oblivion. Imagination invokes dreaming, invention, childhood, play. Despite the seeming differences between the two, they both affect every sphere of human experience and endeavor.

The UVA Slavic Forum is committed to promoting an atmosphere of interdisciplinary cooperation. Therefore, papers from various disciplines will be accepted. Papers may deal with memory and/or imagination. Creativity in interpreting the topic is encouraged. Possible topics include, but are not limited to the following:

-Autobiography and historical narrative
-Invented traditions
-Imagined geography and imagined communities
-Institutional memory
-Social structures, institutions, and the social imagination
-Identity and narrative of self
-Exile and nostalgia
-Breakdowns of memory, trauma and amnesia
-Cognitive science
-Possible-world theory and worldbuilding

The University of Virginia Society of Slavic Graduate Students will host RE:Constructions: Memory and Imagination Mar. 31 – Apr. 1. Submissions should be sent in Microsoft Word format. Please include an abstract (no more than 200 words), as well as your name, phone number, departmental affiliation, and a short academic bio. Submissions from graduate students, postdocs, and undergraduate students will be considered. Undergraduate papers will be presented in separate panels.

Submissions should be sent to  by Feb 15.

CFP: 49th ASEEES Annual Convention (Chicago, Illinois)

Deadline for Submissions: February 15, 2017

49th ASEEES Annual Convention Call for Proposals
Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile, Nov. 9-12, 2017
[Please note that the dates are earlier than usual]

Convention Theme: Transgressions:  The theme includes the centenary of the 1917 revolution.

The Proposal Submission closes on February 15:  ALL submissions – panel, roundtable, individual paper, lightning round presentation, and meeting request submissions – are due by Feb. 15.

New Session Types for 2017: Beyond the usual panel, roundtable and individual paper submissions, are acceptingBook Discussion Roundtable and Lightning Round Presentation submissions. Please read the descriptions

Rules for Participation:  Please carefully review the rules for participation:

Panelists Wanted Boards: We are anticipating a large number of proposals for the 2017 Convention. Individual paper submissions will have a MUCH LOWER chance of being accepted than panel/roundtable proposals. We STRONGLY encourage all interested participants to form, or become part of, a panel proposal. To assist in the process of forming panels, we have created the Panel/Paper Wanted Board:  If you are looking for a panel to join or a paper presenter for your panel, please review the proposals on the online board. You can also indicate your willingness to volunteer as chair or discussant. You can also post your requests on the new ASEEES Commons: (See below for more information on the ASEEES Commons). Continue reading “CFP: 49th ASEEES Annual Convention (Chicago, Illinois)”

CFP: Pedagogy of Images II: Depicting Communism for Children (Princeton U.)

Deadline for Submissions: December 30, 2016

Pedagogy of Images II:
Depicting Communism for Children
Princeton University,
March 31 – April 1, 2017

The Pedagogy of Images project started in 2015 with an exploratory symposium that mapped out approaches to studying the process of amalgamation of text and image within the boundaries of the illustrated book for young Soviet readers. As a part of the general desire to translate Communism into idioms and images accessible to children, these books visualized ideological norms and goals in a way that guaranteed easy legibility, without sacrificing the political appeal of the message.

Using a corpus of Soviet-era illustrated books for children from the collections of the Cotsen Children’s Library at Princeton University, the participants of the first meeting focused on the dual verbal-visual representation of the Communist imaginary and sensibility in early Soviet books. The initial symposium also had a second purpose: to achieve a more nuanced awareness of the ways in which digitization of these works can facilitate more exhaustive mining of the information contained in these rich graphic and verbal artifacts. An edited volume growing out of the work of this first symposium is currently in production.

The goal of the second symposium is to expand the generational boundaries of scholars working on early Soviet children’s books. We invite advanced Ph.D. students and recent Ph.D. graduates from a range of disciplines and backgrounds to submit their proposals for participating in a two-day symposium that will take place at Princeton University on March 31- April 1, 2017.

Continue reading “CFP: Pedagogy of Images II: Depicting Communism for Children (Princeton U.)”

CFP: Symposium About Language and Society (UT-Austin)

Deadline for Abstract: January 14, 2017

Language Contact and Multilingualism
April 14-15, 2017 at University of Texas at Austin

The Symposium About Language and Society (SALSA) is an annual symposium promoting linguistic, linguistic anthropological and communication research at the University of Texas at Austin. Originally created through the joint efforts of students from the Linguistic, Anthropology and Communication Studies Departments at the University of Texas, SALSA has developed into an interdisciplinary conference with contributions from various fields, including foreign language education, educational psychology, media studies, and numerous language departments. Our annual proceedings appear in special editions of Texas Linguistic Forum.

This year’s theme is Language Contact and Multilingualism. We look at contact broadly as the point where different languages and cultures come together and influence one another. We want to examine language contact throughout history and how it has shaped the present day languages in a variety of contexts and outcomes. Through this perspective we examine questions such as how doeslanguage contact impact bilingual and multilingual societies? How does contact affect methods of communication? How do intersecting cultures influence language use? What types of language ideologies influence and arise out of this contact situation? How has contact impacted the relationship between identity and language? In a world where contact is seemingly everywhere, how do we understand the particularities of different contact situations? How is contact encoded in the features of the languages in contact? How do social media and other forms of mass media impact contact? What role does contact play in projects of revitalization and documentation of languages? SALSA XXV seeks to explore these questions and more in order to contribute to literature in linguistics, anthropology, communication sciences, and interdisciplinary fields such as media, queer, critical race, area, and women’s and gender studies. Continue reading “CFP: Symposium About Language and Society (UT-Austin)”

CFP: Summoning the Archive: A Symposium on the Periodical, Printed Matter, and Digital Archiving (NYU)

Deadline for Submissions: February 3, 2017


CfP | Summoning the Archive: A Symposium on the Periodical, Printed Matter, and Digital Archiving

NYU’s Institute for Public Knowledge
May 11-13, 2017
Organizer: Meghan Forbes, NYU and UT-­Austin
Keynote Speaker: Jenna Freedman, Barnard

The printing and distribution of the avant-­garde magazine, illustrated weekly, and underground zine have developed in the twentieth century in tandem with technological advancements in printing and access to these technologies in various regions, gaining traction in different parts of the world at different times based on economic, social, and political conditions. At its best, the magazine is an efficient, relatively affordable (for both publisher and consumer) vehicle for the artists and intellectuals it represents, and has the capacity to innovate with new technologies and engage in pressing social, political, and artistic issues. This is even more true now, in the second decade of the twenty-­first century, as we observe new models for content, design, and distribution of the periodical or magazine published online, which has the potential to involve an even wider audience, and host a variety of multimedia content. The magazine thus continues to be a leading platform for social and political engagement, and artistic innovation.

Corresponding to a turn towards the digital, the field of Periodical Studies has gained traction as it situates the magazine as a cultural product that incorporates text, image, and graphic design toward various political, social, artistic, and pedagogical ends. With large scale projects dedicated to digitizing print based magazines, such as the Blue Mountain project at Princeton University or the Modernist Journals Project at Brown, and a concurrent turn towards digital mapping and data visualization, periodicals that were once sequestered in the archive now have the capacity to reach a wider audience, and make visible previously overlooked networks and connections enacted within and across the magazines. Continue reading “CFP: Summoning the Archive: A Symposium on the Periodical, Printed Matter, and Digital Archiving (NYU)”