CFP: Summoning the Archive: A Symposium on the Periodical, Printed Matter, and Digital Archiving (NYU)

Deadline for Submissions: February 3, 2017


CfP | Summoning the Archive: A Symposium on the Periodical, Printed Matter, and Digital Archiving

NYU’s Institute for Public Knowledge
May 11-13, 2017
Organizer: Meghan Forbes, NYU and UT-­Austin
Keynote Speaker: Jenna Freedman, Barnard

The printing and distribution of the avant-­garde magazine, illustrated weekly, and underground zine have developed in the twentieth century in tandem with technological advancements in printing and access to these technologies in various regions, gaining traction in different parts of the world at different times based on economic, social, and political conditions. At its best, the magazine is an efficient, relatively affordable (for both publisher and consumer) vehicle for the artists and intellectuals it represents, and has the capacity to innovate with new technologies and engage in pressing social, political, and artistic issues. This is even more true now, in the second decade of the twenty-­first century, as we observe new models for content, design, and distribution of the periodical or magazine published online, which has the potential to involve an even wider audience, and host a variety of multimedia content. The magazine thus continues to be a leading platform for social and political engagement, and artistic innovation.

Corresponding to a turn towards the digital, the field of Periodical Studies has gained traction as it situates the magazine as a cultural product that incorporates text, image, and graphic design toward various political, social, artistic, and pedagogical ends. With large scale projects dedicated to digitizing print based magazines, such as the Blue Mountain project at Princeton University or the Modernist Journals Project at Brown, and a concurrent turn towards digital mapping and data visualization, periodicals that were once sequestered in the archive now have the capacity to reach a wider audience, and make visible previously overlooked networks and connections enacted within and across the magazines. Continue reading “CFP: Summoning the Archive: A Symposium on the Periodical, Printed Matter, and Digital Archiving (NYU)”