Conference/CFP: In the Dark Spaces of Language. Negotiation of Unintelligibility in Slavic Literatures (Humbolt University, Berlin)

Deadline for papers: February 1, 2020
Event Date: March 26-27, 2020

In Ciemność (Darkness, 1866), the Polish poet Cyprian Norwid replied to his readership, which regarded his poetic language as ‘dark’ and ‘unintelligible’ (Uffellmann 1997; Kasperski 2009). The complex rhetoric structure of Darkness shows that the poem was not intended as a poetological explanation, but as a play with the readers’ uncertainties. The readers lose themselves in a labyrinth of enigmatic rhetoric questions and metaphors, ellipses and dashes; the awaited definition of ‘darkness’ and ‘unintelligibility’ is not delivered. Norwid’s Darkness presents reading as an anti-hermeneutic act: reading is not a straight path towards clearness and understanding, but a process in which the readers get lost in the dark spaces of language. A similar idea can be found in Juraj Briškár’s Sprievodca nezrozumiteľnosťou (A Guide to Unintelligibility, 2015). The instrumental case of nezrozumiteľnosť allows two different interpretations and translations of the title. On the one hand, Briškár’s book presents itself as a guide which aims to help readers find a way out from their incomprehension; on the other hand, the book can be interpreted as an invitation to a journey together with unintelligibility: in this case, unintelligibility itself becomes the aim of every hermeneutic process. In both cases, however, the hermeneutic act is presented as a difficult journey through (dark) spaces. Inspired by Norwid’s and Briškár’s poetic strategies, we would like to investigate how the concepts of ‘unintelligibility’ and ‘obscurity’ are (re)presented, performed and negotiated in Slavic literatures. We welcome abstracts dealing especially with following themes:

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Call for Proposals: 52nd Annual ASEEES Convention: Anxiety and Rebellion

Deadline: February 15, 2020

Call for Proposals  – 52nd Annual ASEEES Convention
Washington Marriott Wardman Park, Washington DC

Thursday, November 5 – Sunday, November 8, 2020 [Please note the dates are earlier than than usual]Convention Theme: Anxiety and Rebellion

The Proposal Submission is now  panel, roundtable, individual paper, lightning round presentation submissions are due by February 15, 2020.

All film screening submissions and meeting requests are due by April 1, 2020.

  • The 2020 session categories are the same as 2019.
  • Panel proposals may have minimum of 3 to maximum of 4 paper presentations.
  • Gender diversity on panels and roundtables is strongly encouraged.
  • If your individual paper submission was accepted in 2019, you cannot submit another individual paper proposal in 2020. Please form/join a panel.
  • Starting in 2020, we are accepting film screening submissions online (deadline April 1, 2020)
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Conference/CFP: (0ver)Indulgence: Entangling Sin and Virtue in Eastern Europe and Eurasia (Princeton)

Deadline for papers: February 16, 2020
Event Date: May 6-7, 2020

(Over) Indulgence Conference:Entangling Sin and Virtue in Eastern Europe and Eurasia A graduate conference sponsored by the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures at Princeton University

Location: Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Princeton University

Keynote speaker: Eric Naiman (UC Berkeley)


Transgression against societal norms has long been elevated to transgression against the divine. Yet vice and virtue are not always mutually incompatible; morals and societal norms are not always black and white. Nor is transgression the only way to move from virtue to sin (or vice versa). In Crime and Punishment, it is Sonia who becomes Dostoevsky’s guiding star to redemption – despite her “fall from grace” into prostitution. (Over) Indulgence aims at exploring such virtuous acts of sin; our graduate conference is interested in tracing various entanglements of the virtuous and the sinful across the Eastern European and Eurasian landscape. We invite submissions that address three major thematic clusters. The first, most literal, interpretation of our conference theme deals with the subversion of dominant norms. We are interested in papers that explore the “negative translation” through which chastity is mutually referential with promiscuity, heterosexuality – with homosexuality, sobriety – with alcoholism, and restraint – with gluttony (to name a few). What are the protocols of such translation, and what types of dialogue between the virtuous and the sinful does it require?

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Conference/CFP: 58th Annual Southern Conference on Slavic Studies (Greenville, SC)

Proposal Deadline: January 27, 2020
Event Date: March 12-14, 2020

Special Events

Professor Donald Raleigh, Jay Richard Judson Distinguished Professor of History at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, will give the keynote address at the Friday banquet. The title of his talk is “GenSec: The Brezhnev You May not Know”

The Saturday “Beach Party” will be a good ol’ timey hoedown AND a hootenanny! Featuring live bluegrass music by the Mountain Bridge band and square dancing guided by the Southern Junction Cloggers! Local barbecue will be served (including vegetarian options)!

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Symposium/CFP: Language, Power & Identity, SALSA Conference (UT Austin)

Deadline: January 25, 2020

Texts in Circulation: Language, Power, and Identity
April 10-11, 2020
The University of Texas at Austin

Keynote Speakers:
Dr. Arienne Dwyer (University of Kansas)
Dr. Monica Heller (University of Toronto)
Dr. Patricia Roberts-Miller (University of Texas at Austin)
Dr. Maria Sidorkina (University of Texas at Austin)

The annual Symposium About Language and Society, Austin (SALSA) is now accepting submissions for April 10-11th, 2020. 2020’s theme Texts in Circulation: Language, Power, and Identity continues SALSA’s tradition of promoting the study of language and its intersection with society. Originally created through the joint efforts of students from the departments of Linguistics, Anthropology, and Communication Studies at The University of Texas, SALSA grew as a transdisciplinary conference through presentations from a variety of fields, including foreign language education, educational psychology, media studies, and the language departments of French & Italian, Spanish & Portuguese, German, and English. SALSA’s annual proceedings appear in special editions of the Texas Linguistic Forum.

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Resource/Conference: Live Stream of The Scholarly World of Vyacheslav Vsevolodovich Ivanov: Assessments, Reassessments, Reflections (UCLA)

Event Date: November 15, 2019

For those of you who are interested, the conference announced below will be live-streamed on the Facebook page of the UCLA Slavic Department.
Please use your personal Facebook account to search our department page: UCLA Department of Slavic, East European & Eurasian Languages & Cultures.  Please contact Deanna De La Hunt at should you have any questions or issues accessing the Facebook page.
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The UCLA Dept. of Slavic, East European and Eurasian Languages and Cultures and UCLA’s Program in Indo-European Studies are pleased to announce an international conference, “The Scholarly World of Vyacheslav Vsevolodovich Ivanov: Assessments, Reassessments, Reflections,” on the occasion of the 90th year of his birth and the second anniversary of his passing. The conference will take place November 15, 2019 at the Faculty Center, UCLA Campus. Morning sessions will be devoted to Vyacheslav Ivanov’s contributions to Indo-European studies and general linguistics, and afternoon sessions – his contributions to semiotics of culture and poetics. Guest speakers include:

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Conference/CFP: Midwest Slavic Conference “Science & Fiction(s)” (Ohio State University)

Event Date: April 3-5, 2020
Deadline for Papers: January 13, 2020

The Midwest Slavic Association and The Ohio State University (OSU) Center for Slavic and East European Studies (CSEES) are pleased to announce the 2020 Midwest Slavic Conference Science & Fiction(s) to be held at OSU in Columbus, Ohio on April 3-5, 2020. The conference committee invites proposals for papers on all topics related to the Slavic, East European, and Eurasian world, particularly those that explore science and the history of science, science fiction in film, cartoons, art, music, and literary works, information science and disinformation. In a world where truth is often stranger than fiction—and harder to find—science fiction can be revelatory. As society grapples to answer questions about climate change, ecological justice, and environmental disasters, does the function and ethical responsibility of science fiction change? What is the relationship between science, fiction, and the arts? How do they illuminate, reinforce, and change each other? 

The conference will open at 5:30PM with a keynote address by Dr. Anindita Banerjee (Cornell U.). Building on the keynote address, a plenary panel will follow on Saturday morning. Panels by conference participants will then be held on Saturday from 10:30AM-4:45PM and Sunday from 8:30AM-11:45AM. 

Please send a one-paragraph abstract and a brief C.V. in a single PDF format file to by January 13th. Undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to participate. Interdisciplinary work and pre-formed panels are encouraged. Proposals for individual papers will be accepted. 

More information is available at the Conference website


Abstract and C.V. Deadline: January 13
Notification of Acceptance: February 7
Scheduling Conflicts Due: February 11
Panels Announced: February 21
Final Papers to Chair: March 20
Presenter Registration Deadline: March 20

Students: $35
Faculty/Public: $50

General Attendees: $25

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Conference: Scholarly World of Vyacheslav Vsevolodovich Ivanov (UCLA)

Event Date: November 15, 2019

The UCLA Dept. of Slavic, East European and Eurasian Languages and Cultures and UCLA’s Program in Indo-European Studies are pleased to announce an international conference, “The Scholarly World of Vyacheslav Vsevolodovich Ivanov: Assessments, Reassessments, Reflections,” on the occasion of the 90th year of his birth and the second anniversary of his passing. The conference will take place November 15, 2019 at the Faculty Center, UCLA Campus. Morning sessions will be devoted to Vyacheslav Ivanov’s contributions to Indo-European studies and general linguistics, and afternoon sessions – his contributions to semiotics of culture and poetics. Guest speakers include:

•       H. Craig Melchert (UCLA),
•       Nikolai Kazansky (St. Petersburg University)
•       Anna Dybo (Moscow State University)
•       Ilya Yakubovich (Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences)
•       Georges-Jean Pinault (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris Sciences et Lettres)

•       Tatiana Tsivian (Moscow State University; Institute for Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
•       Nataliya Zlydneva (Moscow State University; Institute for Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
•       Mihhail Lotman (Tallinn University; University of Tartu)
•       Henryk Baran (SUNY Albany)
•       Yuri Tsivian (University of Chicago)
•       Barry P. Scherr (Dartmouth College)
•       Willem Weststeijn (University of Amsterdam)
•       Igor Pilshchikov (UCLA)

The full program may be accessed at:

CFP: Tolstoy and World Literature Conference (Russia)

Deadline: June 1, 2020

Tolstoy and World Literature Conference, August 11-15, 2020, at Iasnaia Poliana

On August 11-15, 2020 the State Museum-Estate of Leo Tolstoy at Yasnaya Polyana is going to host XII International Academic Conference Tolstoy and World Literature. Problems of Tolstoy’s work and art in the context of Russian and World Literature, philosophy, and religion are to be discussed at the sessions of the Conference. Traditionally the Conference is organised on the basis of Tolstoy’s personal library, which preserves the books and periodicals in 39 foreign languages. The Book of Proceedings will be published.

The registration fee is 50 euro (in Russian currency equivalent). The Museum covers all hotel, meals, and cultural programme expenses.

On August 11th, at 3 pm, at the metro station Akademika Yangelya there will be a bus to Yasnaya Polyana for the participants. August 15th  is the departure day.

The deadline for applications is June 1st, 2020. The application includes the information about the participant and the abstract of the paper. For those who need an invitation for visa, the following information is to be sent before February 15th: the copy of the front passport page, institution, address, telephone, place of issuing visa. Please forward your application to Dr. Galina Alekseeva:  or

Telephones: (48751)76-1-41, +7-910-944-5899

Conference: AATSEEL 2020 (San Diego)

Deadline: (for presenters) December 15, 2019; (to book room at conference rate) January 13, 2020

The program for the annual conference of the American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages (AATSEEL) is now available

AATSEEL 2020 will be held February 6-9, 2020 at the Omni San Diego. Rooms at the Omni at the conference rate are $239/night. We have a room share board for attendees looking to share lodging. Please visit to book or to find more information. The deadline to book at the conference rate is 5pm PST, January 13, 2020. 

Anyone presenting at the conference is required to register by December 15, 2019. Presenters are also required to be current members (memberships expire on July 1 every calendar year) and AATSEEL members pay lower conference registration rates.

Memberships and registration can be purchased online at
Conference registration includes complimentary continental breakfast on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday mornings of the conference and unlimited access to all panels, coffee breaks, the Presidential Reception and Awards Ceremony, film screenings, Advanced Seminars, workshops, and special events. 

We look forward to seeing everyone in San Diego in February! 
For questions about the content or schedule of the program, please contact the Program Committee Chair, Dr. Yuri Leving ( 
For questions about registration, lodging, and other conference logistics, please contact AATSEEL’s Conference Manager, Dr. Rachel Stauffer (