Conference/CFP: 2020 AATSEEL (Arizona State University and The University of Arizona)

Deadline for papers: February 14, 2020

2020 AATSEEL–Arizona Conference
Hosted by Arizona State University and The University of Arizona
Department of Russian and Slavic Studies
April 4-5, 2020 (Saturday and Sunday)


The Arizona Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages (AZ-AATSEEL) announces a call for paper proposals for the annual conference that will take place on April 4-5, 2020 in Tempe, Arizona. This year’s conference is hosted by the Russian Program at the School of International Letters and Cultures at Arizona State University in collaboration with the Melikian Center (ASU) and the Department of Russian and Slavic Studies at the University of Arizona. The AZ-AATSEEL Conference will take place concurrently with the 22nd Biennial Conference on Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics, Literature and Folklore. Attendees of AZ-AATSEEL are encouraged to take part in both conferences being held at ASU.

Abstracts for 20-minute presentations on any aspect of Slavic, East European or Eurasian culture (literature, film, music, visual arts, etc.), linguistics, second language acquisition\teaching, digital humanities, queer studies, gender studies, and history are invited for the AZ-AATSEEL conference. Comparative topics and interdisciplinary approaches are welcome and encouraged! Graduate students and advanced undergraduates are encouraged to submit proposals.

Audio\visual technology will be available. Registration is free for all attendees and presenters.

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Conference/CFP: European and Eurasian Undergraduate Research Symposium (University of Pittsburgh)

Deadline: January 15, 2020

On Friday, March 27, 2020, we will sponsor the annual European and Eurasian Undergraduate Research Symposium at Pitt. Modeled after traditional academic conferences, this event will give students the opportunity to present their research papers on Europe, Russia and/or Eurasia to discussants and an audience. Please encourage your outstanding undergraduate students to apply to participate in the Symposium. Limited travel grants are available to help defray expenses for accepted participants located outside of the Pittsburgh region. The application form and further information can be found at

1) Students must submit applications with 250-300 word abstracts and paper drafts by January 15, 2020.
2) Selected students will be notified by February 2020.
3) Final revised papers are due by March 16, 2020.
4) Presentations will be made at the Symposium on March 27, 2020.

If you have any questions, please contact REEES Engagement Coordinator Susan Dawkins at

CFP: Slavic Humanities Forum (University of Virginia Slavic Society)

Deadline: February 10, 2020

The University of Virginia Slavic Society of Graduate Students is delighted to announce a call for proposals for its 11th annual Slavic Humanities Forum. The conference will take place March 20-21, 2020 in Charlottesville, Virginia and will feature scholar and professor Myroslav Shkandrij from the University of Manitoba as keynote speaker. A reception will be followed by a day of presentations and discussion.

This call for papers aims for a broad range of proposals from undergraduate, graduate, and independent levels of junior scholars in the Humanities and related fields with a focus on contexts inside or outside the Russian-speaking world.

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Call for Proposals: 52nd Annual ASEEES Convention: Anxiety and Rebellion

Deadline: February 15, 2020

Call for Proposals  – 52nd Annual ASEEES Convention
Washington Marriott Wardman Park, Washington DC

Thursday, November 5 – Sunday, November 8, 2020 [Please note the dates are earlier than than usual]Convention Theme: Anxiety and Rebellion

The Proposal Submission is now  panel, roundtable, individual paper, lightning round presentation submissions are due by February 15, 2020.

All film screening submissions and meeting requests are due by April 1, 2020.

  • The 2020 session categories are the same as 2019.
  • Panel proposals may have minimum of 3 to maximum of 4 paper presentations.
  • Gender diversity on panels and roundtables is strongly encouraged.
  • If your individual paper submission was accepted in 2019, you cannot submit another individual paper proposal in 2020. Please form/join a panel.
  • Starting in 2020, we are accepting film screening submissions online (deadline April 1, 2020)
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CFP: Bulgarian Studies Journal

Deadline: February 15, 2020

Bulgarian Studies (ISSN 2638-9754) is an annual online peer-edited journal that includes content related to the study of Bulgaria and its culture. 

For the next issue, we welcome contributions that focus on any aspects related to Bulgarian history, culture, and literature, from the perspectives of the humanities, arts, and social sciences. 
Book reviews and review articles of newer publications related to Bulgaria are also welcome. 

We especially encourage manuscripts that engage with comparative analysis of Bulgaria and other countries from the region and the world.

Submission information
Manuscripts should be sent in Word document (.doc or .docx) to, by February 15, 2020.
Texts should follow the guidelines set forth in the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th Edition.
Articles should be between 6,000 and 8,000 words in length, inclusive of footnotes and appendices, and reviews should be 500 to 1,500 words in length. 

Please contact the Editor, Sanja Ivanov at with any questions. 

Conference: Monterey Summer Symposium on Russia (Middlebury Institute for International Studies)

Deadline: March 1, 2020

The Monterey Summer Symposium on Russia (MSSR) will be held in Monterey, CA, at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies from June 22-August 6, 2020. Carnegie Corporation of New York supports the Monterey Symposium and makes it possible for us to provide travel, lodging, and tuition for twelve selected MSSR fellows. Applications for the Monterey Symposium must be received by March 1, 2020. Advanced Russian language skills are required as experts from Russia will be lecturing in Russian. Please see the attached flier for more information about the program. Please also note some highlights for the MSSR 2020 program below:

·         US-Russian RelationsPast, Present, Future by Dr. Thomas Graham of Kissinger Associates, Dr. Dmitri Trenin of the Carnegie Moscow Center, Ambassador John Beyrle of the US Russia Foundation, Dr. George Breslauer of the University of California, Berkeley

·         Russia in Global Politics by Dr. Feodor Voitolovsky of the Primakov Institute of World Economy and International Relations, The Honorable Pierre Lellouche, former Secretary of State for Foreign Trade, France, and  former President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Dr. Hanna Notte of the Shaikh Group, Alexander Gabuev of the Carnegie Moscow Center

·         The Role of Science and Scientists in Soviet and Russian National Security Policy by Academician Roald Sagdeev, former Director of the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Siegfried Hecker of Stanford University, Dr. David Holloway of Stanford University

·         Harvard Negotiation Boot camp by Dr. Arvid Bell of Harvard University and Taylor Valley of Harvard University

·         History of Runet and the Rise of Russia’s Security State through Internet by Irina Borogan and Andrei Soldatov of

·         Cybersecurity in Russia by Dr. Elena Chernenkoof the Kommersant newspaper

·         Recent Social Transformations in Russia: Russian Society and Elites by Dr. Lev Gudkov of the Levada Center, Dr. Kirill Rogov and Dr. Nikolay Petrov of the National Research University Higher School of Economics

·         Archival Research on the Soviet Union and Russia by Mr. Thomas Blanton and Dr. Svetlana Savranskaya of the National Security Archives

·         Nuclear Nonproliferation in US-Russian Relations by Dr. William Potter and Sarah Bidgood of the Center for Nonproliferation Studies, MIIS

·         Practicalities of Interacting with the Media by Matthew Rojansky of the Kennan Institute, Jon Finer of the Council on Foreign Relations and Dr. Michael Kimmage of the Catholic University of America

·         History of Russian Art by Dr. Tatiana Yudenkova of the State Tretyakov Gallery

Conference/CFP: (0ver)Indulgence: Entangling Sin and Virtue in Eastern Europe and Eurasia (Princeton)

Deadline for papers: February 16, 2020
Event Date: May 6-7, 2020

(Over) Indulgence Conference:Entangling Sin and Virtue in Eastern Europe and Eurasia A graduate conference sponsored by the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures at Princeton University

Location: Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Princeton University

Keynote speaker: Eric Naiman (UC Berkeley)


Transgression against societal norms has long been elevated to transgression against the divine. Yet vice and virtue are not always mutually incompatible; morals and societal norms are not always black and white. Nor is transgression the only way to move from virtue to sin (or vice versa). In Crime and Punishment, it is Sonia who becomes Dostoevsky’s guiding star to redemption – despite her “fall from grace” into prostitution. (Over) Indulgence aims at exploring such virtuous acts of sin; our graduate conference is interested in tracing various entanglements of the virtuous and the sinful across the Eastern European and Eurasian landscape. We invite submissions that address three major thematic clusters. The first, most literal, interpretation of our conference theme deals with the subversion of dominant norms. We are interested in papers that explore the “negative translation” through which chastity is mutually referential with promiscuity, heterosexuality – with homosexuality, sobriety – with alcoholism, and restraint – with gluttony (to name a few). What are the protocols of such translation, and what types of dialogue between the virtuous and the sinful does it require?

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Conference/CFP: Central Slavic Conference (St. Louis, MO)

Deadline for proposals: December 20, 2020
Event date: February 28-March 1, 2020

Missouri Athletic Club and Hotel
St. Louis, Missouri

The Central Slavic Conference is pleased to invite scholars of all disciplines working in Slavic, Eurasian, and East European studies to submit proposals for panels, individual papers, and roundtables at its annual meeting at the historic Missouri Athletic Club and Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, Friday, Feb. 28th-Sunday, March 1st, 2020.

Founded in 1962 as the Bi-State Slavic Conference, the Central Slavic Conference now encompasses seven states and is the oldest of the regional affiliates of ASEEES (Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies). Scholars from outside the region and from around the world are welcome.

Proposals for papers, panels, and roundtables should be submitted by email to program chair Charles Allen at no later than December 20th, 2019. Early proposals are encouraged. All proposals should include:

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Conference/CFP: 58th Annual Southern Conference on Slavic Studies (Greenville, SC)

Proposal Deadline: January 27, 2020
Event Date: March 12-14, 2020

Special Events

Professor Donald Raleigh, Jay Richard Judson Distinguished Professor of History at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, will give the keynote address at the Friday banquet. The title of his talk is “GenSec: The Brezhnev You May not Know”

The Saturday “Beach Party” will be a good ol’ timey hoedown AND a hootenanny! Featuring live bluegrass music by the Mountain Bridge band and square dancing guided by the Southern Junction Cloggers! Local barbecue will be served (including vegetarian options)!

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