CFP: Havighurst Young Researchers Conference, Cuma, Italy

Deadline: November 1, 2019

New Perspectives in Russian, Eastern European, and Eurasian Studies

The Havighurst Center for Russian and Post-Soviet Studies at Miami University (Ohio) welcomes applications from advanced graduate students and recent doctoral recipients (ABD to 5 years beyond Ph.D.) for the upcoming international Young Researchers Conference. The conference will take place from June 13-June 16th in Cuma, Italy at the Villa Vergiliana (Harry T. Wilks Center for Classical Studies) in the intimate surroundings of the Bay of Naples. 

This call for papers aims for a broad range of proposals with a focus on Russia, Eastern Europe, and/or Eurasia. Papers will be pre-circulated and read by the conference participants, Havighurst faculty, and the key-note speakers. Because the theme is an open one, selection will be based not just on the quality of the proposals but on the interdisciplinary themes that emerge from these proposals. This conference offers participants the opportunity to workshop their recent research. 

The Havighurst Center will cover room and board and the cost of an excursion in the area. Limited travel funds are available. 

The deadline for the submission of the proposals is November 1st. Please send a one page abstract (no more than 500 words) and one-page CVs to the with the subject 2020YRCproposal.

CFP: 10th World Congress of the International Council for Central and East European Studies

Deadline: September 5, 2019

Call For Papers:
10th World Congress of the International Council for Central and East European Studies (ICCEES), “Bridging National and Global Perspectives”
Gender and Digital Subjectivities in Russia
From LGBTQ discussion groups to self-help programs aimed at cultivating femininity, from anti-abortion activism to anti-rape consciousness raising, the Russian-language internet hosts multiple fora for practicing and reflecting on gender. Meanwhile, the state’s appeals to “traditional values” cast gender as a matter of national security: an aspect of Russian cultural sovereignty under attack from the West. Resulting policies restrict citizens to narrowly defined gender norms and victimize them for diverging. This situation has justifiably drawn scholarly attention to Russian “family values,” as well as to grassroots feminist and LGBTQ activism in the country. In addition to these strongly politicized discourses, the internet enables gender-related practices that shape available forms of subjectivization: the patterns of being, acting and becoming online. In Russia, as elsewhere around the world, people use the internet to figure out what it means to be a social, and therefore gendered, subject. The medium offers spaces for projects of discursive production, community building and self-construction around the issue of gender. These projects can be troubled or uniform, stagnant or changing, varied in their intensity and functions, and implicated in global processes in unexpected ways.The proposed panel will host a conversation about gender expressions and experimentations that occur within, alongside or beyond large-scale ideological battles. To that end, we invite papers in different disciplines that attend to contemporary practices of the gendered self on the Russian internet. 
Please submit a 200 word abstract of your paper (including name, home or work address, phone number, email), whether you will need AV equipment, and a 1-page CV by September 5, 2019. 

Panel Coordinators:

Jill Martiniuk, University of South Florida: 

Irina Sadovina, University of Tartu:

CFP: Bulgarian Studies Journal

Deadline: November 1, 2019

Bulgarian Studies (ISSN 2638-­9754) is an annual online peer-­edited journal that
includes content related to the study of Bulgaria and its culture.

For the 2019 issue we especially welcome contributions that consider the past three
decades after the demise of socialism in Bulgaria and the scholarly engagements with
them. We invite scholarly articles that focus on any aspect of the post-­socialist
experiences in Bulgaria from the perspectives of the humanities, arts, and social
Concurrently, we accept manuscripts on any other aspects related to Bulgarian history,
culture, and literature. Book reviews and review articles of newer publications related to Bulgaria are also welcome.

Articles that engage with comparative analysis of Bulgaria and other countries from the
region and the world are particularly encouraged.

Submission information:
Manuscripts should be sent in Word document (.doc or .docx)
to, by November 1, 2019. Texts should follow the
guidelines set forth in the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th Edition. Articles should be
between 6,000 and 8,000 words in length, inclusive of footnotes and appendices, and
reviews should be 500 to 1,500 words in length.

Please contact the Editor, Sanja Ivanov at with any

Conference: Central Eurasian Studies Society (Washington, DC)

Deadline: October 10, 2019

Our 20th Annual Conference, CESS 2019, will be held at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., from October 10-13, 2019.

One of the core functions of the Central Eurasian Studies Society is to organize conferences that bring together the Central Eurasian scholarly community. CESS has held an annual conference hosted by universities across North America since 2000. The Annual Conference regularly features up to 70 panels and attracts approximately 300 scholars from around the globe.

This year’s conference will be hosted by the Central Asia Program, at the Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (IERES), George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs. The Elliott School prepares nearly 3,000 students each year for meaningful careers in international affairs. The School’s faculty conducts research, produces scholarship and contributes to the public debate on global issues to advance understanding and to help foster solutions. The School is located just steps from some of the most influential U.S., international and nongovernmental organizations in the world. This singular position in the heart of the District of Columbia enriches the School teaching and research by giving students and faculty unparalleled opportunities to engage with the international leaders who walk through our doors on a regular basis.

More information

Seminar: “Strategies for Strengthening Democracy: 30 Years After the Fall of the Berlin Wall” (Sofia, Bulgaria)

Deadline: August 15, 2019

The Fulbright International Seminar is scheduled to take place from September 24 to September 30, 2019, in Sofia, Bulgaria, and will be open to students from all over the world.

The seminar will offer key-note lectures, panel discussions and workshops by leading US, Bulgarian and European diplomats, scholars, professionals and civil society experts. We hope to look beyond theory in search of practical steps for bettering our democratic environment, and we are looking for bright young students who are interested in the topic and would like to take part in this event. Motivated PhD, MA and BA students (juniors and seniors) from all over the world are welcome to apply for participation in this one-week seminar. The tentative seminar program and the application form are available here:

CFP: European Network for Avant-garde and Modernism Studies (EAM) Crisis in Leuven 2020

Deadlines: Roundtable Proposals: January 1, 2020; Panel Proposals: February 1, 2020; Individual Proposals: February 1, 2020


Notions of crisis have long charged the study of the European avant-garde and modernism. Throughout their history, avant-gardists and modernists have faced crises, be they economic or political, scientific or technological, aesthetic or philosophical, collective or individual, local or global, short or perennial. Modernists and avant-gardists have in turn continually stood accused of instigating crises, whether artistic or cultural, sensorial or conceptual, incidental or intentional, far-reaching or negligible, representational or other. The very concepts of ‘avant-garde’ and ‘modernism’ are time and again subject—or subjected—to conceptual crises, leaving modernism and avant-garde studies as a field on the perpetual brink of a self-effacing theoretical crisis.

The 7th biennial conference of the EAM intends to tackle the ways in which the avant-garde and modernism in Europe relate to crisi/es. Although we welcome panel, roundtable and paper proposals on any aspect of this relationship, we are particularly interested in new research on three topics.

Continue reading “CFP: European Network for Avant-garde and Modernism Studies (EAM) Crisis in Leuven 2020”

CFP: Taras Shevchenko Conference (Indiana University)

Deadline: December 1, 2019

The Ukrainian Studies Organization at Indiana University has the honor to convene the first Taras Shevchenko Conference, which will take place at Indiana University, March 6-7, 2020. This conference aims to bring scholars from all disciplines to explore the ways in which Ukrainian studies is presented and shaped in the current political and cultural contexts. The year of 2014 is a turning point in how Ukraine is discussed and positioned as a political and geographical body, as well as a topos of imagination. The conference intends to open an interdisciplinary space where scholars whose work focuses on an array of inquiries related to the Ukrainian studies (of any time period) present their findings and discuss how and what narratives are established to locate and discuss Ukraine locally and globally.

Submissions from any academic discipline are welcome, including but not limited to: history, literature, memory studies, linguistics, translation, music, film, religious studies, political science, anthropology, sociology, gender studies, mass media. Graduate students are welcome to submit proposals. We also invite professionals in nonacademic settings to submit proposals. Please include with your abstract: your full name and your academic or professional affiliation and rank (graduate student, professor, translator, artist, etc.). Abstracts should not exceed 300 words. All submissions will be peer reviewed. The deadline for submission is October 1, 2019. Please direct inquiries about the conference to Nataliya Shpylova-Saeed ( and Ani Abrahamyan (

CFP: Palgrave Handbook of Digital Russia Studies

Deadline for Submissions: June 25, 2019

Palgrave Handbook of Digital Russia—Popular Culture Chapter

Due to an author cancellation, we are looking for a contributor of a chapter on Russian digital popular culture for the *Palgrave Handbook of Digital Russia Studies* edited by Daria Gritsenko, Mariëlle Wijermars and Mikhail Kopotev (University of Helsinki). Please find below the working abstract for the chapter, which can be tailored as needed.

If you are interested in writing the chapter on popular culture for our Handbook (6000-7000 words, incl. references), please send the following information to by *25 June*. Any questions about the book project can also be directed to this address. Continue reading “CFP: Palgrave Handbook of Digital Russia Studies”

CFP: Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics, Literature and Folklore

Deadline for Submissions: October 15, 2019

The 22nd biennial conference on Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics, Literature and folklore will be held at Arizona State University in Tempe, AZ on Thursday April 2–Saturday April 4, 2020. 

The conference organizers are now accepting proposals for papers that treat some aspect of Balkan and/or South Slavic linguistics, literature, folklore, or culture. Abstracts should be submitted as an email attachment in PDF format to the conference email address: Continue reading “CFP: Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics, Literature and Folklore”

CFP: AATSEEL Conference 2020 (San Diego)

Deadline to Submit: July 1, 2019

The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages (AATSEEL) National Meeting is a forum for scholarly exchange of ideas in all areas of Slavic and East/Central European languages, literatures, linguistics, cultures, and pedagogy. The 2020 Conference will be held February 6-9, 2020 in San Diego, California.

This is a reminder that July 1 is our Second deadline for submitting a proposal; deadline for submitting rosters for Roundtables; deadline for submitting rosters for Fora on Instructional Materials.

The Program Committee invites scholars to form panels around specific topics, organize roundtable discussions, propose forums on instructional materials, and/or submit proposals for individual presentations.

More details here: