CFP: All the Russias’ Blog (NYU)

Deadline for Submissions: Ongoing

All the Russias, the official blog of NYU’s Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia, is now accepting submissions. The blog welcomes short pitches and/or completed drafts of 500-1200 words on any topic relating to Russian, East European, and Eurasian politics and culture. Pieces may belong to any number of different genres, including, but not limited to,

  • Cultural criticism
  • Political analysis
  • Reviews of…
    • …recently released or upcoming films or books, fictional or non-;
    • …ongoing or upcoming exhibitions, performances, or events
  • Exposés of recent research within Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, broadly defined
  • Essays on disciplinary matters
  • “Explainers” offering insight into perplexing contemporary cultural phenomena or current events

Send ≤200-word proposals/ pitches (in the body of an email) or 500-1200-word drafts (as .docx’s or Google Drive attachments) to Maya Vinokour at, along with a one-line bio (including a hyperlink to applicant’s webpage, if applicable).
For detailed submission and style guidelines, please see this page.

CFP: Conference “Post-Soviet Multilingualism and Language Attitudes” (Uni. of Edinburgh)

Deadline for Submissions: March 30, 2018

The Princess Dashkova Russian Centre at the University of Edinburgh invites proposals for papers for a one-day symposium, to be held at the University of Edinburgh on 15 June 2018, with the theme ‘Post-Soviet Multilingualism and Language Attitudes’.
The symposium will bring together researchers who work on multilingualism and identity in different post-Soviet regions to share expertise and network in a dedicated forum.

The keynote lecture of the symposium will be given by Ekaterina Protassova (University of Helsinki).

Please send proposals (around 200 words) for papers by March 30 to

CFP: Conference “Siberia: Infrastructure and Environment” (Indiana Uni.)

Deadline for Submissions: April 15, 2018


“Siberia: Infrastructure and Environment” in Berlin, Germany, October 5–7, 2018.

For much of its storied history, Siberia has figured in outsiders’ imaginations as a wild landscape to be tamed by humans. From state-driven projects to develop railroads and telecommunication lines to cinematic and literary depictions of powerful rivers, deep mines, and virgin forests, Siberia has in many ways been defined by infrastructure and environment. This interdisciplinary workshop organized by Indiana University will focus on the possibilities, pitfalls, and unfolding legacies of efforts to understand and remake the environment—both built and “natural”—of Siberia. In particular, the Conference seeks to bridge the environmental humanities and science and technology studies. By holding this workshop at Indiana University’s Europe Gateway in Berlin, they aim to better integrate expertise among European, American, and Russian scholars of Siberia. To this end the Conference seeks papers specifically from scholars based in Europe and Russia.

Examples of possible topics include:

– The social history of a specific landform, such as a mountain, lake, river, or cave
– Development of specific scientific fields in Siberia, such as permafrost science or forestry
– The Soviet space program and biosphere projects in Siberia
– The social effects of water engineering projects
– The development of telecommunications or other systems of long-distance communication
– Oil and gas exploration and their effects on Siberian communities
– Ethnographic, historical, or literary accounts of roads, railways, bridges, shipping routes, etc.

At the workshop, we will discuss pre-circulated papers of approximately 15 pages (approx. 6000 words), which will be due by September 1, 2018. Please send a brief proposal (up to one page) describing your project to the Organizing Committee at and The working languages of the workshop will be Russian and English. If the proposal is submitted in Russian, please include an abstract in English.

Deadline for proposals: April 15, 2018. Decisions will be announced by May 1. Limited travel funds may be available. Graduate students are especially encouraged to apply.

Organizing Committee: Kathryn E. Graber (Indiana University); Tatiana Saburova (Moscow Higher School of Economics and Indiana University); and Russell Valentino (Indiana University).

CFP: REECAS Conference (The Ellison Center)

Deadline for Submissions: March 25, 2018

The Ellison Center for Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies at the University of Washington is currently soliciting papers and panel presentations for a one-day interdisciplinary conference held at the University of Washington. Proposals from graduate students, faculty, K-12 educators, and members of the general public are all welcome.

Contributions are encouraged on history, culture, politics, gender, religion and or other relevant subjects. Presentations on best practices, curriculum and other relevant issues regarding instruction of area languages at the K-12 level are especially encouraged. K-12 educators are not required to submit a paper, but must submit an abstract by the March 25, 2018 deadline.

CFP: Presence and Absence (Urban Jewish Heritage Conference)

Deadline for Submissions: April 9, 2018

Over the centuries, cities across Europe and around the world have been impacted by their Jewish communities; as places of both presence and absence. Being held as part of the European Year of Cultural Heritage, this Conference is dedicated to addressing Urban Jewish Heritage and the multi-layered issues it faces. From tourism and sustainability to conservation and representation, the Conference will bring together academics, planners, policy makers and community leaders to examine the pasts, presents and futures for cities with Jewish Heritage, particularly in Europe. The conference will take place from 3-7 September 2018 at the Villa Decius, Krakow, Poland.

Continue reading “CFP: Presence and Absence (Urban Jewish Heritage Conference)”

CFP: East European History (Eotvos Lorand Uni. of Budapest)

Deadline for Submissions: June 1, 2018

Event: 10/18-19/2018
Abstract: 01/06/2018
Conference: Historiography in Service of the Regime Changes
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Organization: Eotvos Lorand University of Budapest
Participants: PhD students

The Eastern European History and the Russian Studies PhD Programs at the Department of East European History and the Department of Russian Studies of Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, invite participants to an international PhD student conference on East European History to be held October 18-19, 2018. The conference will examine the role of historiography in the regime changes of the 20th century. The conference seeks to employ historiography to examine all aspects of the East European regime changes – its practice, interpretation, and role in shaping political discourse, ethics, and identity.

Topics that the conference seeks to address include but are not limited to:
– revolutions in Russia and Eastern Europe, soviet republics
– authoritarian systems, dictatorships that came into being by reason of the world
– economic crisis and the German expansion
– the ‘export’ of state-socialism to Eastern Europe (1945-49)
– workers’ self-management in the region
– seeking the ‘tertium datur’ (third way) 1968
– regime changes and Western Europe – the movements of ‘68, the oil price shock, the 3rd industrial revolution
– Solidarność
– 1989 – the end of state socialism
– the semi-periphery and the centre after the collapse of the Soviet Union
– reforms from above

Presented papers are planned to be published in a collection due in the spring of 2019. Applicants should submit a 500-word abstract through the application form by June 1st. Proposals are required to include the title of the paper, the presenter’s name, a short bio including institutional and departmental affiliation and rank, and any technology requests. Panel proposals of of three to four papers are also welcomed.
To participate, please send an application to

Conference: Cultures of Protest in Russia (Davis Center in Harvard University)

RSVP: Ongoing


The Davis Center in Harvard University invites attendance to their multi-disciplinary workshop called Cultures of Protest in Russia. Researchers from Slavic Studies, Anthropology, and Political Science will present their latest work. Highlights include a training session for graduate students on the use of ethnographic methods and a conversation with contemporary artist Artem Loskutov, an organizer in the Monstration movement. Please contact Ania Azman at with any questions or to RSVP.

March 8-9, 2018
Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies
CGIS-South S354
1730 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA 02138

Continue reading “Conference: Cultures of Protest in Russia (Davis Center in Harvard University)”

CFP: Workshop on “How to Get your Paper Published in an International Journal” (EEPS)

Deadline for Submissions: March 5, 2018

Call for Papers — deadline extended to March 5, 2018: Workshop on “How to Get your Paper Published in an International Journal”

The journal East European Politics and Societies and Cultures (EEPS) is organizing a workshop on “How to Get your Paper Published in an International Journal.” This one-day event will take place on June 26, 2018, in connection with the convention of the International Association for the Humanities (MAG) to be held in Lviv, June 27-29, 2018.


EEPS receives a growing number of submissions coming from scholars based in the region. This trend is fueled in part by the pressures coming from the bureaucracies that oversee arts and sciences in post-communist states, but above all by the growing quality and diversity of research conducted by scholars across the region. However, many of submitted papers, even if based on methodologically sound research on important issues, do not conform to the standards typically applied by international journals. The issue is not only the quality of academic English but also the character and structure of the manuscript. At the workshop, the Editors of EEPS and the members of its Editorial Committee will explain the standards expected of submissions to EEPS and similar international journals and discuss typical shortcomings and misunderstandings. The aim is to improve the acceptance rate of submissions from the region, at EEPS and beyond.


The workshop is open to junior scholars (doctoral candidates in good standing and those who received their doctoral degrees in the past five years, i.e. after January 1, 2012), based in Eastern Europe— understood as the area that lies between Germany to the west and Russia to the east. This includes the Baltic region and the Balkans, but excludes Germany, Russia, the Caucasian states, Turkey, and Greece. Scholars who received their doctoral degrees at institutions located in Eastern Europe, but who are currently based outside of the region, are also eligible.


EEPS invites submissions representing all disciplines covered in the journal, including (but not limited to) political science, sociology, anthropology, history (also art history and history of science), arts, literature (but not linguistics), international relations, and law. Submissions should consist of previously unpublished papers (presentation at a conference does not count as publication), and should be of a typical journal article length (7,000 to 9,000 words). They will be reviewed by a jury composed of the members of the EEPS Editorial Committee. Successful entries will be then discussed at the workshop, with critical input coming from the members of the jury and other participants. A modest stipend (up to $500) is offered to workshop participants to offset the cost of travel to Lviv and accommodation for the duration of the MAG congress (June 27-29, 2018).


DEADLINE for submission of papers EXTENDED to March 5, 2018. They should be submitted as e-mail attachments to, accompanied by a brief bio of the author (indicating current academic status and location, and the date of the receipt of doctoral degree,
when appropriate).

April 1, 2018 Applicants notified of their status
June 26, 2018 Workshop held in Lviv

Call For Papers: Slavicorp 2018 (Institute of the Czech National Corpus, Faculty of Arts, Charles Uni.)

Deadline for Submissions: February 28, 2018

SlaviCorp 2018, conference on Slavic corpus linguistics announces a call for papers.
The call can be found at:

It will be held in Prague, Czech Republic on 24 — 26 September 2018
Conference website:

Conference topics
The conference aims to cover a wide range of topics related to research
on Slavic languages:
– corpus research on any Slavic language, including also contrastive
topics using parallel or comparable corpora;
– development of Slavic language resources: corpora, lexica, annotation,
– applications of Slavic language resources for language technologies.

The official language of the conference is English.
Continue reading “Call For Papers: Slavicorp 2018 (Institute of the Czech National Corpus, Faculty of Arts, Charles Uni.)”

CFP: “Image of the Self” (Lviv, Ukraine)

Deadline for Submissions: March 5, 2018

The International Association for the Humanities – MAG
Міжнародна Асоціація Гуманітаріїв
Международная ассоциация гуманитариев
Міжнародная асацыяцыя гуманітарыяў

2018 Annual Convention
Lviv, Ukraine
June 27-29, 2018
(In Partnership with Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv)


This theme follows the previous convention’s “Image of the Other.”  We seek to examine the way states, societies, interest groups and social movements, as well as individuals, represent themselves to themselves and to others through manifold means including language, culture, literature, the politics of history, and politics as such.  Images of the self can be found, of course, not only in scholarship but also in popular writing, artistic expression, and in the public sphere.
How have some images given rise to stereotypes and instrumentalized narratives?  How have some others constituted resources for tolerance, mutual respect, and cooperation?  These issues appear in headlines worldwide, but they seem especially salient in Eastern Europe and Eurasia.
MAG invites proposals directly or indirectly addressing topics related to the “Image of the Self.” Continue reading “CFP: “Image of the Self” (Lviv, Ukraine)”