CFA: Open Research Laboratory (Univ. of Illinois)

Deadline: December 7, 2022

The Russian, East European, and Eurasian Center and the Slavic Reference Service at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are pleased to announce a call for applications to the Spring 2023 Open Research Laboratory (ORL). The program will take place January 17 – May 3, 2023. Funded in part by the U.S. Department of State’s Title VIII Program, the ORL program provides research support for graduate and post-graduate level research on Central and East Europe and the Independent States of the former Soviet Union. 

We will provide support for both in-person and virtual associateships for scholars to conduct research concerning all aspects of Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies. Please note that the majority of Associateships will be in-person.

The ORL is a small, highly competitive program focused on providing support to researchers working on projects with upcoming deadlines that are best completed in the spring. Those with more flexible timelines are encouraged to apply to the Summer Research Lab (SRL), which supports a larger cohort of researchers over the summer. Specialists including advanced graduate students, faculty, independent scholars, and professionals in government and non-governmental organizations as well as library science are encouraged to apply.

The priority application deadline is December 7, 2022.

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CFA: Public Art as Protest and Resilience during the War in Ukraine

Deadline: November 27, 2022

The Nanovic Institute for European Studies invites undergraduate students to submit an application for the 2022-23 Winter Research Project, “Public Art as Protest and Resilience during the War in Ukraine.”
This is a paid research opportunity that seeks to document and examine the role of public art projects, including on social media, during the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This project will help students develop experience conducting research, curate a public-facing project, and learn more about the importance of art during times of war. This project will begin on December 19, 2022 and end on January 16, 2023. We will hold a preliminary research meeting the week of final exams. This is an opportunity for students to:·         Learn more about the war in Ukraine and the connections between art, warfare, and protest.·         Gain experience conducting research using social media.·         Collaborate with students from the Ukrainian Catholic University.·         Expand their ability to critically analyze information from multiple sources.·         Have the opportunity to present their research to their peers and create a public-facing project.
''Saint Javelin'' by Chris Shaw, 2022. Copyright
Please contact Dr. Abigail Lewis ( or Student Programs Assistant Director Anna Dolezal ( with any questions.
Applications are due by 11:59 pm on Sunday, November 27, 2022.

CFA: Graduate Research Fellowships at the Center for Jewish History

Deadline: February 3, 2023

The Center for Jewish History offers ten-month fellowships to doctoral candidates to support original research using the collections of the Center’s Partners – American Jewish Historical Society, American Sephardi Federation, Leo Baeck Institute, Yeshiva University Museum, and YIVO Institute for Jewish Research. Preference is given to those candidates who draw on the archival and library resources of more than one Partner institution. Fellowships must run for 10 months, starting September 2023, and applicants should have completed all requirements (i.e., coursework, exams, dissertation proposal) for the doctoral degree except for the dissertation.

Fellows are encouraged to spend at least three days per week in residence in the Lillian Goldman Reading Room using the archival and library resources. For those who do not reside in commuting distance of New York, a hybrid model is possible; “hybrid” entails spending two months at the Center and working remotely for the remainder of the fellowship period if the majority of collection material is already digitized. Please note that the Center currently cannot commit to digitization of any undigitized collection materials during the fellowship period. In rare cases (e.g., war, natural disasters), we may be able to offer remote fellowships to those who cannot come to New York if their materials are available digitally on-line. Fellows must also participate in the Center for Jewish History Fellowship Seminar Program, attend monthly meetings of the fellowship program cohort, present a pre-circulated paper to be discussed at one of those monthly meetings, deliver a minimum of one lecture based on research conducted at CJH, and submit a report upon completion of the fellowship describing their experience as a Center Fellow. 

A total of four or five fellowships are available for the 2023-24 year: three Lapidus Fellowships and one or two Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowships. These fellowships carry stipends of $30,000 for a period of 10 months.

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Funding: New Europe College Fellowships

Deadline: January 9, 2023

Academic year 2023/2024

New Europe College – Institute for Advanced Study in Bucharest (Romania) launches the annual competition for the 2023/2024 NEC Fellowships. Romanian and international scholars (at postdoctoral level) in all fields of the humanities and social sciences (including law and economics) are invited to apply.

What we offer: The Fellowship consists of: a monthly stipend of 850 Euros (tax free); accommodation in Bucharest, comprising living quarters and working space; reimbursement of travel costs from the home/residence country to Bucharest and back. Fellows who stay for the whole academic year are offered a one-month research trip to an institution of their choice. Fellows have free access to the NEC library and electronic resources.

What we expect: Fellows are expected to work on their projects and take part in the scientific events organized by NEC; presence at the weekly seminars discussing the work in progress of the Fellows is compulsory. At the end of their Fellowship, Fellows are expected to hand in a research paper, reflecting the results of their work over the duration of the Fellowship. The papers will be included in a NEC publication.

Eligibility: NEC Fellowships are open to postdoctoral level scholars, Romanian and international, in all fields of the humanities and social sciences.

Duration: For Romanian citizens: a full academic year (10 months, starting with October 2023); for non-Romanian citizens: a full academic year or one term (5 months, starting with October 2023 or March 2024).

How to apply: Applications (in English, French or German) will be submitted in electronic format only, using the on-line form available at See the guidelines below to make sure you have all the needed documents to fill in the form. Please also note that English is the preferred language of communication during most NEC events.

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CFA: Postdoctoral Research Positions (University of Missouri)

Deadline: September 30, 2022

The School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (SLLC) is excited to announce the availability of two-year postdoctoral research positions at the University of Missouri beginning in fall 2023. The Preparing Future Faculty – Faculty Diversity (PFFFD) Postdoctoral Program is designed to promote faculty diversity by developing scholars for tenure-track faculty positions. Given the high rate of conversion of these postdocs into tenure-track positions, together with the sustained financial and professional support provided by the program, we hope that you will apply, if eligible, or share the Call for Applications ( with current doctoral students. 

The SLLC seeks scholars with research specializations in Refugee, Migration, or Transcultural Studies to join a vibrant community of faculty members building an interdisciplinary program at the University of Missouri. Preference will be given to research with a Maghreb, Chinese, or Russian/Post-Soviet emphasis, but we encourage interested scholars in other related fields to apply.

Please contact Dr. Kristin Kopp with any questions regarding this opportunity:

CFA: Post-Doc Ethnographic Research

Deadline: November 15, 2022

Missionaries, Migrants and Hosts. Pentecostalism, the ‘Other’, and Activism in Contemporary Poland

A Post-Doc for ethnographic research with Ukrainian Pentecostals in Poland. The post-doc will be contracted as a full-time assistant professor at the Institute for the Study of Religion, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, for 30 months. Advanced knowledge of Ukrainian and Russian, and excellent command of English is required. More details here:

Application submission deadline: Nov 15, 2022
Candidate selection by Dec 19, 2022
The start of employment is scheduled between 1 January 2023 and 31 March 2023.

Contact: Dr Natalia Zawiejska:



CFA: PhD Fellowships at ZZF Potsdam

Deadline: September 19, 2022

The Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History (ZZF) Potsdam, Department I (Communism and Society), seeks to employ

2 Doctoral Students (f/m/d)

for the ERC-funded project ‘Perestroika from Below: Participation, Subjectivities, and Emotional

Communities across ‘the End of History’, 1980-2000, under the supervision of PD (Humboldt-

st Universität zu Berlin) Dr. Juliane Fürst. The employment period is previewed as November 1st 2022 – October 31 , 2026; the starting date can be negotiated. The positions are part-time (65%).

The salary is paid according to the collective bargaining agreement for public employees in Germany (TV-L 13).

The project ‘Perestroika from Below’ intends to research and write a new history of a well-known, yet under-researched, moment in Soviet history, countering the dominant perception of perestroika as primarily reforms from above. It wants to redirect the scholarly gaze towards the large number of Soviet citizens who participated in and sponsored the ambitious attempt to redefine Soviet life, history and future in the 1980s and 90s. With the help of oral history interviews and other ego-documents as well as archival and published sources, the project aims to reconstruct individuals’ path into their perestroika experience and follow their trajectories into the 1990s. For more information please visit

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CFP: Russian Modernism and The Higher Plane (Experiment Journal)

Deadline: December 1, 2022

At the turn of the 20th century, Russian and Western intellectuals were much taken by the mystical, the enigmatic, and the transcendental, not least, Helen Blavatsky with her Theosophical quest and Rudolf Steiner with his elaboration of Anthroposophy— the latter, according to Nikolai Berdiaev, being “one of the most interesting tendencies… attracting cultivated people such as Viacheslav Ivanov and Andrei Belyi.”  By the early 1880s Russian translations of occult authors, such as Louis Jacolliot, Charles Richet, and Frank Podmore were already appearing, Russian writers like Aleksandr Butlerov with his “Stat’i po mediumizmu” and Aleksandr Aksakov with his Animizm i spiritizm following rapidly . Esoteric periodicals  Rebus, Izida, and Vestnik Teosofii also mushroomed, coinciding with new interpretations of Orthodoxy as well as scientific investigations into the human psyche and the nervous system. In particular, mental illness, as another state of consciousness, formed a cardinal subject of both scholarly and artistic inquiry, a tendency which left a deep imprint on writers such as Leonid Andreev, Anton Chekhov, and Vsevolod Garshin.

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CFP: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies: “The American Century & Its Challenges: U.S., Russia, P.R. China”

Deadline: January 15, 2023
Suggested Themes:
It is by now legendary that the 20th century was “the American Century.”
But, did the West celebrate prematurely the implosion of the Soviet
empire? Apart from the “Havana Syndrome,” Putin’s Russia, and its war
in Ukraine, remains a major geopolitical rival, with its hackers holding
U.S. companies hostage for ransom. Among communist one-party
states–People’s Republic of China, N. Korea, Vietnam, Laos, and
Cuba–“China” poses the greatest challenge. China’s hackers steal U.S.
civilian and military tech secrets, while its trade and investment
policies, 5G broadband, quantum communications, and Artificial
Intelligence aim to create dependent “vassal” states, undermining
democracies abroad, and suppressing dissent at home (laogai–the Chinese

Continue reading “CFP: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies: “The American Century & Its Challenges: U.S., Russia, P.R. China””