Prof. Dev: New Views on Sovereignty in Eurasia Workshop

Deadline: March 10, 2023

Greetings and warm wishes from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies Center and the Slavic Reference Service invite faculty, graduate students, early career scholars, independent researchers, and policy analysts to participate in the upcoming workshop, New Views on Sovereignty in Eurasia, on June 19th-20th, 2023. Scholars will be able to participate in person and virtually through Zoom.

Dr. Leone Musgrave (United States Army War College) and Dr. Kristoffer Rees (Indiana University East) will be leading this workshop as co-moderators.

This workshop will examine issues of sovereignty and national security in contemporary Eurasia. With competing spheres of influence, the post-Soviet space is undergoing rapid changes that are reshaping US foreign policy and causing widespread instability in the region. The workshop will critically apply multidisciplinary perspectives in order to contextualize regional trends.

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Prof. Dev: Language Learning and Language Competencies for Field Research in Eurasian Studies Workshop

Deadline: March 10, 2023

Greetings and warm wishes from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies Center and the Slavic Reference Service invite faculty, graduate students, language workshop participants, early career scholars, and independent researchers to participate in the upcoming workshop, Language Learning and Language Competencies for Field Research in Eurasian Studies, on June 15th-16th, 2023. Scholars will be able to participate in person and virtually through Zoom.

Dr. Timothy K. Blauvelt (Ilia State University) and Dr. Naira Sahakyan (The Armenian Genocide Museum and Institute) will be leading this workshop as co-moderators.

In recent years, there has been soul searching in ethnography about the challenges of “researching multilingually,” including calls for more reflection and openness about language learning and language competences for fieldwork. In this workshop, the participants will be invited to explore a potential range of such questions: how to go about gaining language skills (especially for the less commonly taught languages); what level of proficiency is sufficient for which kinds of research; how might technology assist with research-related language challenges; what are the distortions of interpretation and translation (including machine-assisted translation) relative to distortions introduced by varying levels of language fluency; when and how is a lingua franca (especially Russian, the former imperial/colonial idiom of the Russian/Soviet empires) still useful for research; what are the trade-offs and inequities of opportunities involved in language acquisition; and many others. 

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Prof. Dev: Executive Training for Ukrainian University Leaders at UC Berkeley

Deadline: March 31, 2023

Executive Training for Ukrainian University Leaders at UC Berkeley
Call for Applications

The Executive Leadership Academy (ELA), organized by the Center for Studies in Higher Education at UC Berkeley, is accepting applications from Ukrainian university leaders to participate in the: ELA 2023 Virtual Program
July 10 – 18, 2023
We invite applications from Ukrainian senior executive leaders (rectors, vice-rectors, deans) who are interested in advancing their leadership skills, networking with American university executives and expanding their knowledge about the US higher education system. 
Tuition and Scholarships:

The program is free for all selected participants from Ukraine. Each selected participant will receive a $7,900 scholarship that covers all program materials and a certificate of completion from UC Berkeley.
Application deadline is: March 31, 2023
 For more information visit Please contact Samantha Rushing, Program Administrator & Executive Assistant ( if you have additional questions about the program, including how you can support these scholarships.
Support ELA’s Ukranian Program
We welcome your donations to support this program for Ukranian higher education professionals.
Online Donations
Make a gift to the Executive Leadership Academy permanent fund:

Donations by Check
Checks should be payable to UC Berkeley Foundation, with ELA Ukraine (FN2542000) in the memo field. Please mail the check to:University of California, Berkeley
Donor & Gift Services
1995 University Ave, SU 400
Berkeley, CA 94704-1070 

Prof. Dev: American Councils 2023 Summer Russian Language Teacher Professional Development Program and Fellowship

Deadline: March 1, 2023

American Councils and ACTR are pleased to announce the 2023 Summer Russian Language Teacher Professional Development Program and Fellowship Opportunity at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNU) in Almaty, Kazakhstan. We kindly ask your assistance in drawing this opportunity to the attention of potentially interested colleagues. Please note that this opportunity is also open to current graduate students who intend to pursue a career in Russian pedagogy.    

Fifteen (15) U.S. teachers will be accepted and funded for participation in the 2023 program, which will consist of small group work, individual tutorials, and seminars based on a curriculum which emphasizes four-skill communication in contemporary Russian, clarity and confidence of teacher self-expression, advanced grammar in context, and an expanded understanding of the diverse peoples and cultures that make up the Russian-speaking world today. 

The ACTR Board has recommended a priority in 2023 for in-service K-12 teachers and university-level instructors or teaching fellows holding a teaching appointment for AY 2023-24. Applications from teachers serving historically under-represented US populations are particularly encouraged.   

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Conference: Bristol Translates Literary Translation Summer School 

Deadline: February 28, 2023

Translation can sometimes be a lonely endeavour, especially when you work for months on end on a long and difficult literary text. Input from peers as well as established translators may be needed to get your spirits up again and infuse your work with brilliant, new ideas. 

Bristol Translates is an online summer school where language lovers work together exploring literary translation. This year’s event will take place from 3 to 7 July, comprising three days of workshops (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) from nine languages into English or, alternatively, in a multilingual group. 

The other two days are filled with panel discussions and workshops on industry trends, job readiness and the opportunities available around different literary genres (fiction and non-fiction). These include sessions onhow to pitch to publishers, how to approach literary journals and magazines, how to negotiate contracts, how to translate for the stage, translator activism, queer translation, translation at war. 

Bristol Translates offers a very extensive programme, and participants from previous years have lauded it as a launchpad of their careers.

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CFA: Black Lives under Nazism, Jacob and Yetta Gelman Research Workshop

Deadline: 3/31/2023

The Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum invites applications for the 2023 Jacob and Yetta Gelman International Research Workshop entitled Black Lives under Nazism. The Mandel Center will co-convene this workshop with Jacqueline Nassy Brown, Department of Anthropology, Hunter College, and Sarah Phillips Casteel, Department of English, Carleton  University. The workshop is scheduled for Wednesday, June 7 through Friday, June 16, 2023, and will take place at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

This workshop advances research on the neglected history of the African diaspora in wartime Europe and the experiences of Black people caught up in the genocidal campaign of the Nazis and their collaborators. This small yet diverse population included Black Europeans, African and Caribbean colonial subjects, African-American expatriates, and soldiers from Africa, the Caribbean, and the United States. Among the expatriates were a number of American jazz musicians, such as pianist Freddy Johnson and trumpeter Valaida Snow, who chose to stay in Europe when the war broke out rather than return to the segregated society they had sought to escape. Colonial soldiers, such as the Senegalese writer and statesman Léopold Senghor, and children of German colonial subjects, such as journalist and memoirist Theodor Wonja Michael, also found themselves in the clutches of the Nazi regime. Josef Nassy, an artist of African and Sephardic Jewish descent from the Dutch Caribbean colony of Suriname, was imprisoned as an enemy national in internment camps where he painted the most substantial known visual record of Black prisoners in the Nazi camp system. Their experiences of persecution—which ranged from social and legal ostracization, sterilization, forced labor, and imprisonment in camps to murder—are reflected in a diverse body of archival sources, testimonies, and artistic and literary work that offers us a window onto the wartime experiences of African diaspora people.

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Prof. Dev: 2023 ACTR Summer Russian Language Teacher Professional Development Program and Fellowship Opportunity

Deadline: March 1, 2023

American Councils and ACTR are pleased to announce the 2023 Summer Russian Language Teacher Professional Development Program and Fellowship Opportunity at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNU) in Almaty, Kazakhstan. We kindly ask your assistance in drawing this opportunity to the attention of potentially interested colleagues.    

Fifteen (15) U. S. teachers will be accepted and funded for participation in the 2023 program, which will consist of small group work, individual tutorials, and seminars based on a curriculum which emphasizes four-skill communication in contemporary Russian, clarity and confidence of teacher self-expression, advanced grammar in context, and an expanded understanding of the diverse peoples and cultures that make up the Russian-speaking world today. 

The ACTR Board has recommended a priority in 2023 for in-service K-12 teachers and university-level instructors or teaching fellows holding a teaching appointment for AY 2023-24. Applications from teachers serving historically under-represented US populations are particularly encouraged.   

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CFA: TANDEM, “Author with Translator – Translator with Author” Fellowships at New Europe College

Deadline: February 26, 2023

New Europe College – Institute for Advanced Study, Bucharest is launching a new fellowship program with the support of S. Fischer Stiftung, Berlin:

TANDEM, Author with translator – Translator with author is a program exclusively dedicated to literati, writers and translators, with the aim to promote authors from the Black Sea Region by encouraging the translation of their work into the local languages. Moreover, the program will deepen and disseminate the knowledge in and about the literary landscapes around the Black Sea and raise esteem for people and procedures involved.

The fellowship program targets writers and translators from: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine. Applicants from the Baltics or the Western Balkans may be considered under special circumstances.

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Prof. Dev: REEES Doctoral Student Peer Mentoring Program

The Slavic Reference Service will begin the REEES Doctoral Student Peer Mentoring Program in early February of this year. Current doctoral students, recent PhD graduates, and Master’s degree students intending to enter PhD programs may sign up for this program. Students will be matched with peer mentors and will have the opportunity to participate in events like our REEES Dissertation workshop during this Spring semester. We would be grateful if you could share this information with any students who may be interested. Students should fill out the form by the end of this month to participate in the initial kick-off in early February.

For more information on the program and to apply, please visit

Questions? Contact us at

Prof. Dev: The Center for Advanced Language Proficiency Education and Research (CALPER) Webinar Series

Event Dates: Varies, See Below

The Center for Advanced Language Proficiency Education and Research (CALPER) is pleased to announce three free webinars in Spring 2023, as part of the webinar series:Advances in World Language Pedagogy-The CALPER Professional Development Webinars, for language educators. The free and accessible webinars are led by specialists with expertise in a variety of pedagogical approaches that can be used to support and enhance the teaching and learning of world languages. Please find more information at our website and share this excellent professional development opportunity with your colleagues and graduate students. 

Registration is free but required:

Here is the list of webinars in Spring 2023:

Embracing Sociolinguistic Variation in the L2 Arabic Classroom

February 8, 2023, 4:00-5:30PM (New York Time)

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