Study Abroad: “Translate at City” Summer School (City U. of London)

Dates of Program: 26th June 2017 – 30th June 2017

Translate at City is the fourth literary translation summer school to be held at City, University of London. Organised in conjunction with the Translators Association of the Society of Authors, it offers the opportunity to translate texts across the literary genres into English, working with leading professional translators. Groups will be limited to a maximum of 15 students to allow for individual attention, and places will be allocated on a strictly “first come, first served” basis.

Mornings will be spent working on a piece of fiction on a continuous basis and the afternoons will be dedicated to translating short pieces in a variety of genres. There will be plenty of opportunities for networking with publishers,  City staff and one another, particularly at our lunchtime and evening events, which include:

  • A French Translation Slam, with Ros Schwarz and Frank Wynne, chaired by Professor Amanda Hopkinson
  • A Keynote Lecture, Who Dares Wins, by Professor Gabriel Josipovici
  • Author and translator Daniel Hahn speaking on Translation and Children’s Books
  • Buffet supper at a local gastro pub sponsored by the European Commission following a talk from Paul Kaye, Language Officer at Europe House, London
  • The launch of a literary translation competition, open to all participants, sponsored by prize-winning Comma Press
  • Short lunchtime talks on topics related to developing your skills and getting published as a literary translator. Continue reading “Study Abroad: “Translate at City” Summer School (City U. of London)”

Prof. Devel.: Summer Research Laboratory (U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Deadline for Applications: March 15, 2017


June 12 – August 4, 2017


For more than 40 years, the Summer Research Laboratory (SRL) on Russia, Eastern Europe, and Eurasia has provided a vital comprehensive research opportunity, giving researchers access to unparalleled library services and to one of the top five library collections for the REEE region in North America. SRL allows scholars to advance their research, forge professional connections through workshops and conferences, and share their research data, methods, and findings with US government (USG) departments and agencies.

REEEC originally established SRL to provide access to the extensive holdings in the Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Collection at the International and Area Studies Library to scholars with limited resources at their home institutions. Over time, REEEC and SRS have developed a range of integrated programs to enhance the research experience of associates. SRL is held during an eight-week summer session, the first four weeks of which often include discussion groups, lectures, conferences, and other networking events, while the final four weeks are dedicated independent library research.

SRL is open to all scholars with research interests in the Russian, East European and Eurasian region for eight weeks during the summer months from mid-June through the first week of August. The SRL provides scholars access to the resources of the world renowned Slavic, East European, and Eurasian collection within a flexible time frame where scholars have the opportunity to receive one-on-one research assistance from the librarians of the Slavic Reference Service (SRS).

For graduate students, it provides an opportunity to conduct dissertation research prior to going abroad and a way to prioritize which resources to target after exhausting materials found within the US.

Applicants to the Summer Research Laboratory are encouraged to consider studying an area language at the Indiana University Summer Language Workshop from June 5 to July 28. Funding in the form of Title VIII fellowships and other sources is available to eligible applicants. For more information and to apply: Continue reading “Prof. Devel.: Summer Research Laboratory (U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)”

Funding Opportunity: Graduate Student Essay Prize (ASEEES)

Deadline for Submissions: June 1, 2017

The ASEEES Graduate Student Essay Prize was established in 2006 and is awarded for an outstanding essay by a graduate student in Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies. The winner of the competition receives free roundtrip domestic airfare to and room at the ASEEES Annual Convention and an honorary ASEEES membership for the following year. The prize is presented during the awards presentation at the Annual Convention.


Rules of eligibility for the ASEEES Graduate Student Essay Prize competition are as follows:

ASEEES Regional Affiliates and Institutional Members are invited to hold their own competitions for best essay among their graduate students, and submit the winning paper to the ASEEES Grad Student Prize Committee.

Essay author must be a graduate student and must have written the essay in English while in a graduate program.

Essays can be any of several formats:

  • Expanded versions of conference papers
  • Graduate level seminar papers
  • Master’s Thesis Chapters
  • Dissertation Chapters

Continue reading “Funding Opportunity: Graduate Student Essay Prize (ASEEES)”

Funding Opportunity: Robert C. Tucker/Stephen F. Cohen Dissertation Prize (ASEEES)

Deadline for Nominations: May 15, 2017

The Robert C. Tucker/Stephen F. Cohen Dissertation Prize, established in 2006 and sponsored by the KAT Charitable Foundation, is awarded annually (if there is a distinguished submission) for an outstanding English-language doctoral dissertation in Soviet or Post-Soviet politics and history in the tradition practiced by Robert C. Tucker and Stephen F. Cohen. The dissertation must be defended at an American or Canadian university, and must be completed during the calendar year prior to the award. The prize carries a $5,000 award intended to help the author turn the dissertation into a publishable manuscript. The prize is awarded at the ASEEES Annual Convention.

Rules of eligibility for the ASEEES Robert C. Tucker/Stephen F. Cohen Dissertation Prize are as follows:

    • The dissertation must be written in English and defended at a university in the United States or Canada;
    • The dissertation must be completed and defended during the calendar year prior to the award (for example, the dissertation must have been defended in 2012 to be eligible for the 2013 competition);
    • The dissertation’s primary subject and analytical purpose must be in the realm of the history of domestic politics, as broadly understood in academic or public life, though it may also include social, cultural, economic, international or other dimensions. The dissertation must focus primarily on Russia (though the topic may also involve other former Soviet republics) during one or more periods between January 1918 and the present.

A nomination will consist of a detailed letter from the dissertation’s main faculty supervisor explaining the ways in which the work is outstanding in both its empirical and interpretive contributions, along with an abstract of 700-1000 words, written by the candidate, specifying the sources and general findings of the research. A faculty supervisor may nominate no more than one dissertation a year.

Faculty supervisors should send each committee member listed above their letter and the 700-1000-word abstract. (Candidates may also initiate the nomination, but it must come from their advisers.) The committee will read this material and then request copies of the dissertations that best meet the criteria, as defined in the statement above. Nominations must be received no later than May 15.

The winner of the Tucker/Cohen Dissertation Prize will be chosen by the following scholars:

Juliet Johnson, McGill University (Canada); 2015-2017, Committee Chair

Robert English, U of Southern California, 2017-2019

Andrew Jenks, California State U, Long Beach, 2016-2018

Prof. Devel.: Mentoring Program (ASEEES)

Registration Deadline: April 24, 2017

ASEEES is sponsoring a new network to match volunteer mentors and mentees who are interested in conversation on these and other topics over the course of a single academic year.


Mid-career or senior scholars, as well as professionals from outside the academy.


Graduate students at any stage of their careers or post-graduates within five years of receipt of their terminal graduate degree (including PhD, MLS, MA and JD). Mentees must be members of ASEEES.


  • Mentors and mentees are matched by the ASEEES Mentoring Committee.
  • This one-year mentoring relationship is intended for September 2017 through August of 2018.
  • Communications may take place as often as once a month, either electronically or where possible, in-person, but are intended more commonly as three to four conversations over the course of a year about the state of a given field; an exchange of experiences on entering these fields; and how a mentor can offer a fresh perspective on a junior colleague’s plans.
  • Participants are encouraged, but not required, to meet once in person at the annual ASEEES convention.
  • Mentoring conversations are intended to be reciprocal, in the sense that junior and senior colleagues are interested in sharing ideas and experiences at different locations on a career spectrum;
  • While reading of dissertation chapters or grant proposals aids every young scholar, this program defers that labor to the mentee’s local networks. No commitment to reading is required of the mentor in this program.

Also see: Mentoring Resources


To take part in these conversations, please register online by Monday, April 24.

For more information, and to register, click here.

Prof. Devel.: Call for Nominations-Graduate Student Rep. on the Board of Directors (ASEEES)

Deadline for Nominations: April 15, 2017

The ASEEES Board of Directors invites nominations for the position of the Graduate Student Representative on the ASEEES Board.  The duration of the two-year term is Jan. 1, 2018 – Dec. 31, 2019.

Students can self-nominate or be nominated by a faculty who is a member of ASEEES. The Nominating Committee will then review all nominations and select two to stand as candidates. The two candidates’ names will be placed on the ASEEES Board election ballot to be voted on by all ASEEES members.

All nominees for the position of Graduate Student Representative should be doctoral students post comprehensive examinations and in good academic standing. They may be in any academic discipline associated with Slavic, East European, and Eurasian studies. Nominees also should be current ASEEES members and have a record of active contribution to the field outside of their department that demonstrate their initiative and engagement.

Please submit:

  • a short statement that includes a brief academic biography, a list of relevant activities and contributions, and reasons why she or he is interested in serving on the Board

  • current curriculum vitae

  • a letter of reference from the nominee’s advisor or department chair.

All materials should be sent by e-mail to by April 15, 2017.

Inquiries should be sent to Lynda Park, executive director, at

Prof. Devel.: Russian Heritage Learners and Speakers Webinar Series (UCLA)

Russian Heritage Learners and Speakers Webinar Series: February 28 at 4PM EST

Russian heritage learners and speakers webinar series organized by ACTR continues with the webinar which will be led by Dr. Olga Kagan (UCLA) on February 28 at 4PM EST:

Heritage Language Curricular Development for Russian Heritage Speakers: Foundations and Rationale

Dr. Kagan will discuss curricular development for HL speakers of Russian addressing 1) the foundations of HL curriculum built on From-To principles (e.g., exploiting existing strengths as a point of departure); and 2) the rationale for an outcome/proficiency-based curriculum for HL learners. She will base some of her recommendations on data from the UCLA Russian HL placement test.

Dr. Olga Kagan is a professor in the UCLA Department of Slavic, East European and Eurasian Languages and Cultures and the director of the Title VI National Heritage Language Resource Center (NHLRC). Dr. Kagan is in charge of the Russian Language Program and is the director of the Russian Flagship Center at UCLA. She has published textbooks of Russian both as a foreign language and as a heritage language. Her textbook of Russian as a Heritage Language, Russian for Russians, received a book award from the American Association of Teachers of Russian and Eastern European Languages (AATSEEL). Her current main research interest is the teaching of heritage languages. In 2015 she received the MLA Award for Distinguished Service to the Profession.

The webinars are free for all ACTR members. Non-members of ACTR pay $15 per webinar or $40 for all three.

All registered participants will receive access to the video recording of the webinar(s).

Register for the webinars here:

Funding Opportunity: Public Fellows Competition for Recent Ph.D.s (ACLS)

Deadline for Applications: March 22, 2017

Title: ACLS Public Fellows Competition for Recent Ph.D.s
Sponsor: American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)
Amount: $67,500/yr., 2 yrs.

Description: ACLS invites applications for the seventh competition of the Mellon/ACLS Public Fellows program. This year, the program will place up to 22 recent PhDs from the humanities and humanistic social sciences in two-year term staff positions at partnering organizations in government and the nonprofit sector. Fellows will participate in the substantive work of these organizations and receive professional mentoring. Fellows receive a stipend of $67,500 per year, with individual health insurance and up to $3,000 to be used toward professional development activities over the course of the fellowship term.  This initiative, made possible by a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, aims to expand the role of doctoral education in the United States by demonstrating that the capacities developed in the advanced study of the humanities have wide application, both within and beyond the academy. The Mellon/ACLS Public Fellows program allows PhDs to gain valuable, career-building experience in fields such as public policy, development, conservation, arts and culture, and digital media. 

How to Apply: Apply directly to the sponsor by March 22. See the grant announcement for a complete list of materials to be submitted with the application.

More Info:

Prof. Devel.: The Summer Research Laboratory on Russia, Eastern Europe, and Eurasia (U. Illinois-Urbana Champaign)

Deadline for Applications: March 15, 2017

Call for Applications! Summer Research Laboratory 2017

The Summer Research Laboratory (SRL) on Russia, Eastern Europe, and Eurasia is open to all scholars with research interests in the Russian, East European and Eurasian region for eight weeks during the summer months from June 12 until August 4. The SRL provides scholars access to the resources of the world renowned Slavic, East European, and Eurasian collection within a flexible time frame where scholars have the opportunity to receive one-on-one research assistance from the librarians of the Slavic Reference Service (SRS).

The deadline for grant funding is March 15 and is fast approaching! REEEC will continue to receive applications for the Summer Research Lab after the grant deadline, but housing and travel funds will not be guaranteed.

For further information and to apply, please use this link:

For graduate students, the SRL provides an opportunity to conduct research prior to going abroad and extra experience to refine research skills and strategies.  Students will also have the opportunity of seeking guidance from specialized librarians in navigating resources pertaining to and originating from Russia, Eastern Europe, and Eurasia.

The SRS is an extensive service that provides access to a wide range of materials that center on and come from: Russia, the Former Soviet Union, Czech and Slovak Republics, Former Yugoslavia, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan. The International & Area Studies Library, where the Slavic, East European, and Eurasian reference collection is housed, contains work stations for readers, research technologies, a collection of authoritative reference works, and provides unlimited access to one of the largest collections for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies in North America.

Prof. Devel.: Int’l Facult Devel. Seminar “World Fuels: Global Trends and Eurasian Perspectives” (CIEE)

Deadline for Registration: March 16, 2017

Join CIEE this summer in Moscow for our International Faculty Development Seminar entitled, “World Fuels: Global Trends and Eurasian Perspectives”  ( The program takes place June 6 to June 15th.

This program offers opportunities for U.S. faculty and researchers to take part in a global energy dialogue by exploring issues in energy diplomacy with leading Russian academic experts and practitioners. Drastic changes in economic and political contexts make global energy security one of the major driving forces of international relations. The issues of market efficiency, energy shortages, price volatility, and the “game of pipelines” are at the edge of every national security agenda. As one of the major players on global energy scene, Russia has a critical role in the world energy system.

The program will be led by Dr. Irina Bolgova, an associate professor in the Department of Applied Analysis at Moscow State Institute for International Relations (MGIMO).

For more information, please contact Erin Santana at