Global Diasporas Program

The Global Diasporas Program at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign seeks to explore the transnational networks of diaspora communities through examination of their multifaceted identities across linguistic and cultural spaces. It is the goal of this program to engage with students, faculty, and scholarly groups from different academic training and backgrounds from around the world.

We are seeking collaborative partnerships with academic units, centers, and funding agencies at Illinois and beyond. Students, faculty, and early career scholars are welcome to join our group. The current website for the program is live and viewable at; future updates will be applied as new information is made available. Please send your questions about the program to Joseph Lenkart, Head of the Slavic Reference Service, at 

Resource: Environment and Post-Soviet Transformation in Kazakhstan’s Aral Sea Region: Sea Changes, Open Access Book

UCL Press is delighted to present an open access book that may be of interest to list subscribers: Environment and Post-Soviet Transformation in Kazakhstan’s Aral Sea Region: Sea Changes, by William Wheeler.     Download it free:     ******************************************* Environment and Post-Soviet Transformation in Kazakhstan’s Aral Sea Region Sea Changes by William Wheeler   Free download:   *******************************************   The Aral Sea is well known for its devastating regression over the second half of the twentieth century, and for its recent partial restoration. ‘Environment and Post-Soviet Transformation in Kazakhstan’s Aral Sea Region’ is the first book to explore what these monumental changes have meant to those living on the sea’s shores.   Following the fluctuating fortunes of the pre-Soviet, Soviet and post-Soviet fisheries, the book shows how the vast environmental changes the region has undergone cannot be disentangled from the transformations of Soviet socialism and postsocialism. This ethnographic perspective prompts a critical rethinking of the category of environmental disaster through which the region is predominantly known. Tracing how the sea’s retreat and partial return have been apprehended by diverse local actors in the former port of Aral’sk and surrounding fishing villages, as well as by scientists, bureaucrats and international development workers, William Wheeler draws out the multiple meanings environmental change acquires within different contexts. This study of how people make their lives amidst overlapping ecological and political-economic upheavals is rich in ethnographic detail that is both rooted in Soviet legacies and alive to the new transnational connections that are reshaping the region.   Offering a rigorous political ecology of Soviet socialism and after, the book is a major contribution to the nascent environmental anthropology of Central Asia. It will be of interest to environmental anthropologists, environmental historians, and scholars of all disciplines working on Central Asia and the former USSR.   Free download:     ———————- 

Resource: “The Bentham Brothers and Russia: The Imperial Russian Constitution and the St Petersburg Panopticon” Open Access Book

UCL Press is delighted to announce the publication of a new open access book that may be of interest to list subscribers: The Bentham Brothers and Russia: The Imperial Russian Constitution and the St Petersburg Panopticon by Roger Bartlett (UCL SSEES). Download it free:


The Bentham Brothers and Russia

The Imperial Russian Constitution and the St Petersburg Panopticon

Roger Bartlett

Free download:


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CFA: Global Russian Academy

Deadline: February 28, 2023

The war in Ukraine and ongoing crackdown in Russia threaten to plunge Russian social sciences and humanities into a new isolation and wipe out over three decades of internationalization and transnational exchange.

To address these challenges, the Russian Global Academy helps the Russian academic diaspora to self-organize and maintain a degree of solidarity and cohesion. We aim to preserve Russian scholarly communities by supporting digital professional ecosystems and offering flexible solutions in a transition period.

A DC-based consortium of three universities (GWU, Georgetown, and American University), the Academy delivers short-term non-residential fellowships to Russian scholars in emigration, provides support for conference travel, and assists in editing and publishing scholarly work.

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Prof. Dev: The Center for Advanced Language Proficiency Education and Research (CALPER) Webinar Series

Event Dates: Varies, See Below

The Center for Advanced Language Proficiency Education and Research (CALPER) is pleased to announce three free webinars in Spring 2023, as part of the webinar series:Advances in World Language Pedagogy-The CALPER Professional Development Webinars, for language educators. The free and accessible webinars are led by specialists with expertise in a variety of pedagogical approaches that can be used to support and enhance the teaching and learning of world languages. Please find more information at our website and share this excellent professional development opportunity with your colleagues and graduate students. 

Registration is free but required:

Here is the list of webinars in Spring 2023:

Embracing Sociolinguistic Variation in the L2 Arabic Classroom

February 8, 2023, 4:00-5:30PM (New York Time)

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Open Resources for Teaching Slavic

This portal is focused around open educational resources that can be used for online, hybrid/blended, or technology-enhanced courses in Slavic language, literature, and culture. The website also hosts a map of Slavic programs and courses in the United States as well as a list of resources related to online and technology-enhanced teaching.

The LLC Commons initiative aims to grow a sustainable culture of sharing high-quality recorded interactive lectures and materials among Slavists and language educators at all levels. The portal offers an infrastructure for searching our growing database of online lessons and embedding online modules into a variety of course management platforms across the globe. Contributing to the LLC Commons is an exciting opportunity to collaborate with other language and culture educators at the forefront of a new education era of online and hybrid teaching.

Prof. Dev: CV & Cover Letter Consultations from AATSEEL

Deadline: January 15, 2023

The AATSEEL Graduate Student Committee cordially invites colleagues who are currently on or are preparing to enter the job market to participate in the upcoming professional development event, “CV and Cover Letter/Personal Statement Consultations.” We have thirty 15-minute spots for one-on-one Zoom consultations available. You will be matched randomly with a senior scholar who will receive your materials prior to the conference. The consultations will take place during the AATSEEL Conference—February 17-19, 2023. 

Participation is open to anyone with a background in Slavic languages and literatures. However, you must be a registered participant of the 2023 AATSEEL Conference. If interested, please send your materials to by January 15, 2023. 

If you are a senior scholar who would like to serve as a reviewer, please kindly let me know by January 15, 2023. 

Workshop: The Archive Revisited: Black Feminist Internationalism and Eurasian Knowledge Production

Deadline: February 1, 2023

Online Workshop

May 23-24, 2023

The Archive Revisited focuses on reimagining the legacies of Black feminist internationalism in Soviet Eurasia, i.e., East Europe and Central Asia. The workshop invites scholars, artists, and activists to submit contributions that explore these legacies for their meaning today. Black Internationalist intellectuals shared knowledge globally and formed alliances across nations and continents. For example, Louise Thompson Patterson, Claudia Jones, Eslanda Robeson, Langston Hughes, and Audre Lorde, among many others, tackled the problems of their times, forged transnational relations, and imagined alternative futures that could secure survival for everybody. However, existing archives often hold fragmented traces (if any) of Black women and queer people’s experiences in Soviet Eurasia. Even less is known about Eurasian communities’ perceptions of Black sojourners and their intellectual contributions. Likewise, the role of Eurasian knowledge production in Black internationalists’ theorizing does not often come through easily in the archive and scholarship. Against these gaps and absences, workshop participants are invited to reflect on the meaning and value, including the limitations and possibilities, of past relationships, encounters, and intellectual exchanges. The workshop approaches the archive as a site of exploration and location of creative invention and critical knowledge production. It invites participants to explore and elevate perspectives muted in the archive as well as to look at the archive beyond what happened or has not happened. Participants are encouraged to read the archive for what it withholds or implies and reveal/ imagine stories suppressed or discarded by traditional historiographies. Furthermore, the Archive Revisited invites potential contributors to foreground the value of past relationships for the contemporary moment.

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Resource: Online Slavonic Library (Prague)

 Visual documents from the collection of the Slavonic Library (Prague) have been made available online on portal ( In 2021, the library joined portal administered and developed by the National Museum ( and has since made available following visual documents :

Full inventory lists of all above mentioned collections are available on „Special Collections of the Slavonic Library“ website –

Interdisciplinary Summer Courses (CEU Sumner University/Budapest, Vienna)

Deadline: February 14, 2023

CEU Summer University offers high-level, research- and policy-oriented interdisciplinary courses from June 26 to July 31, 2023. All courses will be held in Budapest (with the exception of one, which will be  taught in Vienna.)  

We invite applications from advanced undergraduates, MA and Ph.D. students, postdocs, junior faculty, early-stage researchers, and practitioners for the short, intensive courses taught by teams of internationally renowned scholars and policy experts (including CEU and OSUN professors). Financial aid is available.

First upcoming application deadline: February 14, 2023   

·                     Course Listings and link to the Application Form:   

·                     Contact email:   

·                     Latest news and updates that can be shared: