European & Eurasian Undergraduate Research Symposium

Deadline: January 10, 2025

URS—the European & Eurasian Undergraduate Research Symposium—is scheduled for March 28, 2025 and open to undergraduates from all majors and institutions who have written a research paper (social science, humanities, or business perspective) focusing on Eastern, Western, or Central Europe, the European Union, Russia, or Central Eurasia.

Undergraduate students  apply here.

Details here:

  • URS applications due January 10th, 2025.
  • Limited URS travel grants help defray travel expenses for accepted participants outside the Pittsburgh region.
  • Selected participants are grouped into panels according to their research topics.
  • Participants give 10- to 15-minute presentations to a panel of faculty and graduate students.
  • URS presentations are open to the public.

URS is an annual event since 2002 that provides undergraduate students with advanced research experiences and opportunities to develop presentation skills. For more information, visit our page.

Should you have any questions, please reach out to Zita Tóth-Shawgo

Russian Language Program in Tbilisi, Georgia (Harvard University)

Deadline: January 30, 2025

Harvard Summer Program in Tbilisi, Georgia

Dates: June 8 – August 3, 2024

Applications due: January 30, 2025

Program Director: Dr. Veronika Egorova

This eight-week program offers a unique blend of cultural and Russian language immersion in the ancient capital city of Tbilisi. Participants will have the chance to explore Georgian and Russian culture, history, literature, and film, making it an unparalleled experience for intermediate Russian language learners.

Key Program Highlights:

  • Intensive intermediate-Russian language courses every weekday.
  • Additional sessions for conversational practice and exposure to Georgian culture, history, literature, and film.
  • Opportunities to engage with city experts, writers, artists, preservationists, politicians, and NGOs.
  • Extensive travel within Georgia to gain a deeper understanding of the region and its traditions.
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Grad Program: Russian, East European, & Central Asian Studies (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Deadline: January 8, 2025

The Center for Russia, East Europe, and Central Asia at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is accepting applications for our MA Degree Program in Russian, East European, and Central Asian Studies (REECAS). The deadline to apply for matriculation in Fall 2025 is January 8, 2025.

The REECAS MA provides interdisciplinary area studies training for emerging professionals and future leaders. The curriculum is designed to promote:

  • abroad understanding of the cultural, political, economic, social, and historical factors that have shaped the development of societies in Eurasia, Russia, and Eastern and Central Europe;
  • professional-level proficiency in one or more languages of Eurasia and Eastern and Central Europe;
  • knowledge of methodological and analytical approaches of different disciplines that will contribute to a better understanding of the region and prepare students for conducting advanced research.
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Monterey Summer Symposium on Russia 2025

Deadline: February 17, 2025

Applications are now open for the Monterey Summer Symposium 2025, a multidisciplinary bilingual program organized by the Monterey Initiative in Russian Studies at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey. The Monterey Summer Symposium will take place in Armenia and Georgia from June 25 to July 13, 2025.

Applicants must demonstrate advanced proficiency in the Russian language.

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CFP: Spaces of Negotiation in Post-Imperial Orders (Bucharest, Romania)

Deadline: February 15, 2025

Spaces of Negotiation in Post-imperial Orders
5 – 6 May 2025 Bucharest (Romania)

Conveners: Wiktor Marzec, Daniela-Maria Stanciu-P?sc?ri?a

The post-Versailles arrangements sanctioned the redesign of states along the burgeoning projects of national self-assertion, or allowed existing units to significantly extend their borders. Many had hopes to make these emerging states their own. However, the reality was often far from expectations. The bygone continental empires, characterised by a high level of ethnic, language and religious diversity, had sported hybrid state designs. In contrast, the new states were much more compact and aspired to the unitary sovereignty of a centralised nation state. But in fact they were actually “empires writ small”, and in lieu of diversity management initiated nationalisation efforts, trying to reduce ethnic heterogeneity through assimilation or “voluntary expulsion”. The birth of eastern European states brought about a double transformation when far-reaching democratisation coincided with forceful nation-building. These acute challenges were further intensified in composite states, emerging on the territories shaped under different empires (or their distinct parts). Such tributary regions had undergone the vast bulk of political modernisation in different imperial states. Distinct populations had been socialised institutionally in many empires, themselves state spaces with multiple legal designs. Moreover, local national movements had promoted divergent versions of incumbent national identities and visions of statehood.

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Funding: Humane Studies Fellowship

Deadline: Rolling

The Humane Studies Fellowship provides up to $5,000 to support students completing major research projects, presenting their work at top conferences, and publishing their work in major journals. This award is intended to foster those key projects which maximize a recipient’s research impact and career prospects. These awards give you access to other IHS opportunities including job market support, in-person and online events, and much more.

Awardees are expected to submit copies of research completed, presented, submitted for review, or published during the fellowship period when and as available. Awardees will also provide updates on significant progress made during the fellowship period.

Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Applicants will be notified of their award within eight weeks of submission.

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Undergraduate and Graduate Research Symposium (NYU Jordan Center)

Deadline: December 20, 2024

NYU Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia Masters and Undergraduate Research Symposium

The NYU Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia is excited to announce a call for applications for our annual master’s and undergraduate research symposium! This March, we will host 25 undergraduates and 25 master’s students for two days of presentations, discussion, networking, and exploration. Please note that this year’s event will feature a slightly different structure than the past two iterations, as we will host both MA and Undergraduate participants for two full days.

We invite presentation proposals from undergraduates and master’s students enrolled at universities in the USA and Canada who are pursuing or have pursued research projects, internships, or other opportunities related to Russia, Ukraine, Eastern Europe, and/or Eurasia. Students from any academic field are welcome to apply. Both symposia will feature two different types of panels: 

1. Traditional research panels featuring 10-12 minute talks on executed research projects

2. Casual, discussion-based panels featuring 4-5 minute talks on experiences — internships, study abroad, volunteer opportunities, and more — related to the region 

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Three Research positions for OPUS-Weave project “Non-Ukrainians in  Revolutionary Ukraine, 1917–1921″

Deadline: December 18, 2024

  The National Science Center (NCN) and Austrian Science Fund (FWF) co-funded project “Non Ukrainians in Revolutionary Ukraine, 1917–1921” (NURU) invites prospective candidates to  join this collaborative four-years project with one research team at the Polish Academy of  Sciences and another one at the University of Vienna. The Warsaw team will consist of three  researchers and the Vienna team of four researchers. The following three positions will be filled: 

1. Germans [or] Greeks [or] Moldovans/Romanians in revolutionary Ukraine (PhD position  Vienna) 

2. Levels, degrees, and combinations of cooperation among non-Ukrainian nationalities (PostDoc or PhD position Warsaw)  

3. Belarusians, Polesians, and Tutejszi in times of a nationalising revolution (PostDoc or  PhD position Warsaw)  

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Funding Opportunities (American Research Institute of South Caucasus)

Deadline: December 20, 2024

The American Research Institute of the South Caucasus (ARISC) has extended the deadlines for several funding opportunities for 2024-25! Short descriptions below. Please check our website for full eligibility and application information, as well as additional funding opportunities.

Deadlines extended!

(Additional information below)

December 20, 2024

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Summer Language Institute (University of Pittsburgh)

Deadline: March 1, 2024

Accepting applications for SLI’s 2025 summer intensive language programs!

The Summer Language Institute ( at the University of Pittsburgh is accepting applications to summer 2025 programs in Pittsburgh and abroad, as well as to our trademark 10-week Pitt+abroad programs and language internship programs. SLI is planning a primarily in-person program in 2025, but will offer a limited number of online, synchronous opportunities. We welcome inquiries from students about the availability of their preferred instructional format.

Our priority application due date for best funding consideration is March 1. Please note that the deadline for FLAS applications from Pitt’s REEES and other international studies centers this year is February 17.

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