Only about one-third of the population of sub-Saharan Africa has access to electricity. Last June President Obama announced the Power Africa Initiative, which aims to increase access to electricity in sub-Saharan Africa, starting with six pilot countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda and Mozambique. The Electrify Africa Act passed… read more
Climate Smart Agriculture: More Rice, Less Methane
Rice is one of the most widely consumed commodities in the world. Ninety percent of global rice production takes place in Asia with over half of the world’s rice grown just in China and India. But while rice has beneficial nutritional properties and provides livelihoods for millions of farmers worldwide, this… read more
Unlocking the Potential of Coal Mine Methane in China
On Saturday an explosion killed 7 coal miners in China’s Guizhou Province; another in a long history of fatal coal mining accidents in China. Explosions like this are typically caused by the release of highly volatile, low-concentration methane. During coal extraction, Coal Mine Methane (CMM), which is trapped in the coal seam, is… read more