We are pleased to share our interview with Ransom Center member Susan Scafati, an Austin-based, American contemporary artist. She is a member of Lakes Were Rivers, an artist collective showcased in the Ransom Center’s 2013 exhibition Contemporary Photographic Practice and the Archive.
Fellows Find: Seeing “the Indian” in vaudeville
The bottom half of this postcard—one of many images in the Harry Ransom Center’s Tony Pastor collection—reveals a lot about the early days of vaudeville.
Fellows find: Letters of St. John Ervine, playwright for a tumultuous Ireland
I visited the Harry Ransom Center for two weeks to access the collection of St. John Ervine (1883–1971), an enigmatic, occasionally-forgotten figure who nonetheless casts a spell over a select band of Irish scholars and historians. His personal story fuses both the culture and politics of his Ireland.
Billy Collins’s recommended reads
Billy Collins, former Poet Laureate of the United States, was honored by The Poetry Society of America in May at their annual benefit.
A touch of illusion… and sprinkle of paprika
The Harry Ransom Center partnered with Central Market to present “Dining with Harry Houdini,” a cooking class inspired by the life of the legendary performer and stage illusionist, on Sunday, October 16, 2016.
“You talkin’ to me?”
Explore the Harry Ransom Center, search digital collections, or plan your visit. Forty years ago, Taxi Driver was released to critical and popular acclaim and its most famous line, “You talkin’ to me?” instantly became one of the most memorable lines in film history.