In conjunction with the Grolier Club Collects II, the Grolier Club, the Harry Ransom Center, and the New York Public Library will co-sponsor The Pforzheimer Symposium at the Grolier Club on January 26 from 2 to 7 p.m.
Gutenberg Bible Page Turning: Genesis, Chapter XI, Volume I:9r
Fall is here and with the turning of the leaves it is time to turn another page of the Ransom Center’s Gutenberg Bible. Our copy of the Bible is full of signs of previous readers and their interactions with the text. A rather interesting example of close reading is found… read more
The Gutenberg Bible turns a new page
The Ransom Center’s two-volume Gutenberg Bible is on permanent display in the lobby. Every three months the Center’s staff changes which page of the Bible is displayed, allowing us to share different pages with our visitors, and also protect the volumes from over exposure to light, stress on their bindings,… read more