This is the last of a three-part series of posts highlighting the influence and work of Countée Cullen, a poet and editor during the Harlem Renaissance. Cullen used the special issue of Palms as a springboard for a book-length anthology. Caroling Dusk, An Anthology of Verse by Negro Poets, was… read more
Countée Cullen and “The Negro Number” of Palms
This is the second of a three-part series of posts highlighting the influence and work of Countée Cullen, a poet and editor during the Harlem Renaissance. In the mid-1920s anthologies of African American writing found a receptive audience in the United States and abroad. The poetry magazine Palms embraced the trend… read more
Fellows Find: National identity’s influence on Elizabeth Bowen’s imagination
Eibhear Walshe, a Senior Lecturer in the School of English at University College Cork, came to the Ransom Center in 2014 to utilize the collection of Irish novelist Elizabeth Bowen. Dr. Walshe’s publications include Kate O’Brien: A Writing Life (2006), Cissie’s Abattoir (2009), Oscar’s Shadow (2011), and The Diary of… read more