“El problema es mío”, confesó García Márquez a un amigo por carta en julio de 1966, “que después de tantos años de trabajar como un animal, me siento agobiado de cansancio, sin perspectivas ciertas, salvo en el único terreno que me gusta y no me da de comer: la novela”.
Books + Manuscripts
Harry Ransom Center appoints curator of early books and manuscripts
The Harry Ransom Center at The University of Texas at Austin announces its appointment of Aaron T. Pratt as Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Curator of Early Books and Manuscripts. Pratt, who begins May 30, will provide curatorial support for the Ransom Center’s early book and manuscript holdings and participate in… read more
“My mind was blown, and so it began.” New curator of early books and manuscripts is former network and systems engineer
Aaron T. Pratt has joined the Ransom Center as our new Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Curator of Early Books and Manuscripts.