The Ransom Center presents the exhibition “Ed Ruscha: Archaeology and Romance” from Aug. 11, 2018, through Jan. 6, 2019.
Meticulous free verse: Mallarmé’s Un Coup de Dés and Ellsworth Kelly
“The literary value, if I may say it, of this span of empty space on the page, which mentally separates groups of words or words themselves, is to periodically accelerate or slow the movement, the scansion, the sequence even, given one’s simultaneous view of the entirety of the page…” (Stéphane… read more
Q&A with Celia Shaheen, undergraduate intern in Description and Access
Celia works in the Description and Access department at the Harry Ransom Center. She has previously contributed to the digitization of the Gabriel García Márquez archive as technician and assistant for a year.