The trick is to bring Houdini back. Show him to us. Let us hear him speak, watch him make his magic, feel his presence among us, let Houdini live again!
Theatre + Performing Arts
Houdini: Illusionist and collector
This Halloween marks the ninetieth anniversary of the death of the great illusionist Harry Houdini. Born Ehrich Weisz in Budapest in 1874, he got his start as a trapeze artist before turning his attention to magic. He took the name Houdini after the popular French magician Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin. When Houdini… read more
Q&A: Actor from the London stage Paul O’Mahony
Actor, writer, producer, and Shakespeare aficionado Paul O’Mahony is one of five actors traveling across the United States with Actors From The London Stage (AFTLS). This year, the acting troupe is performing