Preservation Housings Manager Apryl Voskamp spends a lot of her time at the Ransom Center making boxes. Yet, she says, “every now and then you have to think outside the box.” That’s because the preservation lab is responsible for housing every type of item in the Ransom Center’s collections: from… read more
Edmund Blunden’s souvenir World War I map: St. Julien, Belgium, July 31, 1917
Within the Ransom Center’s extensive collection of papers of British author and poet Edmund Blunden (1896–1974) is a group of printed maps. These maps came into Blunden’s possession during his service as an officer in the Royal Sussex Regiment during World War I. Most of the maps are British Ordnance… read more
Grant will allow restoration of four Jorge Prelorán films
The Ransom Center recently received a grant from the Tinker Foundation, based in New York City, to restore and make accessible four films by Jorge Prelorán. The series, “The Argentine Gaucho Today,” resides in the Edward Larocque Tinker collection at the Ransom Center. Born to an Argentine father and Irish-American… read more